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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. This, and there's a reduction in unsprung mass, because the outer tubes are larger in diameter, and made of a thicker material. The "need" for that is probably nonexistent on a VFR though... Honda was the last of the big 4 to go to inverted forks on their 600cc race replicas as well. They claimed they tested inverted forks in 2003 and saw no appreciable performance advantage. Just did in in 2005 to avoid being viewed as "behind."
  2. Why would they not keep (or go back to) the under-tail exhaust???? What kind of Engineer thinks, "let's give the bike a cool rear wheel and a single-sided swing-arm, and then put this huge and ugly stock exhaust can in front of it?" Under-tail is so much better looking, and more functional!!!
  3. Damn. I would have bought it for that!
  4. well, apparently "I'll text you Friday to make sure everything is cool" (for me to pick up the bike on Sunday) means "I'm going to sell the bike before Sunday." fucker. I get that Craigslist buyers can be unreliable, but I got in contact with this guy through the NESBA board. We have a couple mutual acquaintances. I was in regular and consistent text-message contact with him, and he knew I was planning to drive 5+ hours from Cleveland to pick up the bike in WV. The odds of me driving that far and then just taking a joyride and kicking the tires is pretty fucking low. I know cash is king and all, but I'm still a little fucking irritated here. I knew $750 for a running SV650 was too good to be true.
  5. I can't be the only one who is thinking, "eh, this isn't the dumbest thing Kanye has ever said," can I? I think Kanye West is a moron, and pretty much a turd of a human being, but I can't deny that he's talented. I won't purchase his music, but he's had more than a few songs that I won't complain about when they come on the radio. if he wants to 'own' the confederate flag, let him think he does.
  6. You guys are all missing the point... 90% of radio (and television) shows operate on the same formula: "the dork, the dick, and the darling." American Idol is the prototypical example, but it applies to virtually every radio show listed above as well. The people who annoy you are SUPPOSED TO annoy you. That is their function. Duji is supposed to be ultra liberal and Dieter is supposed to be ultra conservative, because if they weren't, then Rover couldn't be the reasonable middle-ground that the majority of the audience can find likable and side with. That's actually why I like the Alan Cox show more than the others mentioned above - they're less fake. If Dumb "rages" and cries on-air, I just change the station. It's so staged... The Alan Cox show people are all relatively reasonable. They disagree with each other enough that multiple points of view are represented, but they don't "pick sides" just for the sake of causing an on-air argument. I sometimes (strongly) disagree with their opinions, but I can always at least understand where they're coming from, because they're NOT pretending to be crazy extremists like Duji or Dieter.
  7. I only have crappy cell pics. I'll snap some this weekend when I pick it up.
  8. really appreciate all the replies. I'm getting excited about picking it up now :-) The seller is supposed to confirm his availability tomorrow, and then I'll be making the long drive Sunday.
  9. Yeah, my impression is that maintenance was done. The motor is (allegedly) "built" to 78hp at the wheel. So that makes me wonder a little about its life expectancy, but it was also apart for inspection within the last couple months, and has been ridden a few hundred miles since then. Frankly, I am skeptical of anyone who claims their SV engine was built to 78hp, and I'm more inclined to believe it's mostly stock. I guess the bottom line is that if the engine exploded tomorrow, it would be a choice between $500 to replace it, or just part the bike out and break even (maybe even profit). Not horrible options even in the worst-case scenario.
  10. redkow97

    Ft: 06 Vfr

    How short was this guy? I'm not even trying to bust your balls, but I always got the impression you weren't that tall, and clearly it hasn't stopped you from riding it...
  11. i can only hold a wheelie for 1-2 seconds, so no problem there. At Circleville, there is a little bump near pit-out (in the clockwise direction) that I would use to pull the front up on the XR100 as I entered the track for practice That's about all the wheelie action I can handle.
  12. Looking at a 2000 (first generation) SV650 with 48,000 miles on the clock. I'm sure it was ridden hard, but it runs well, and is dirt cheap. Any reason I should worry about the 48,000 miles? It is cheap enough that mechanical failure after a couple of seasons of riding wouldn't spoil the deal. What's the worst thing that could happen with a motor of that "experience?" Are SV's known to have common failures around a certain mileage? How much would a donor motor to fix or replace the original cost me? eBay has a bunch of SV motors for $500 and up, but I have to believe those prices are inflated to account for shipping costs. All input appreciated - I'm going to cruise the WERA classifieds and see if I can find any SV part-outs to get an answer to that last question on my own.
  13. Some states allow you to choose your method of execution from an approved list. In this day and age, we can certainly create a mechanical means of execution by bullet.
  14. A friend of mine has a 125 gallon saltwater tank that I helped him move when he bought it. We only lost 1 fish. It's a pretty elaborate setup. I'll have to grab some pics...
  15. Ohio is second only to Texas in the number of inmates executed each year, and we still have murders. If you want to make the argument that certain crimes should be punished by death, you're entitled to your opinion, but there is no indication whatsoever that execution (let alone manner of execution) dissuades criminals from committing the same or similar offenses. You're dealing with a segment of the population who either does not consider, or does not care about the consequences of their actions. You are trying to apply logical thinking to illogical minds. Therein lies the frustration, and (IMHO) the most compelling argument to execute: the inability to rehabilitate makes everything else moot.
  16. then you'd have to kill the executioner. Thus the saying: "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
  17. Probably fun to mess with, but too much power and weight to actually be useful off road. ...I wouldn't refuse a ride, but I also wouldn't pay for one
  18. We ditched Dish about a year ago. I miss being able to casually watch live sports. Otherwise, it's great. I have 1 Roku box, and an HD antenna (the Mohu Leaf, I think). My internet is okay, and my modem and router are old, so definitely not the quickest. We have a few buffering issues now and again, but nothing that has made me spring for a new router or modem. Bottom line is that I don't consider bandwidth to be a huge issue with them. We pay for hulu plus, Amazon Prime, and streaming Netflix, plus we do buy some shows on demand for $2/episode (Sons of Anarchy, Walking Dead, etc.) I would estimate that we spend maybe $20/month instead of well over $100/month with Dish. As previously noted, I do miss live sports. I can't just watch Cavs or Tribe games any weeknight. On the plus side, my wife does not seem to complain when I go over my buddies' houses to watch sporting events (Monday and Thursday night NFL!). On the negative side, sometimes I just want to check the score... I've lived with doing so on my phone. Regardless of how you stream TV (which device), it changes the way I watch TV. I no longer sit down just to see what's on. That has meant greater productivity for me (it certainly helped while I was studying for the bar). What I do now though, is I will sit down and watch 3 straight episodes of ________ series, and plow through a season in a few weeks. The difference is that I sit down knowing what I will watch, not hunting for something TO watch. The original programming from Netflix is also getting better. "Orange is the new black" was pretty good. Not as good as the first episode's nudity and lesbian encounters would have led me to believe, but I got hooked on the plot. Anyway, that sort of thing starts to replace the "two and a half men" drivel that network TV spews at you.
  19. I'd like to offer, but I don't want to commit and then not be able to follow through. I have some limited experience with the legal aspect of non-profits, but nothing extensive. If you have specific questions and can do some of the preliminary research before asking, I can give an advisory opinion on issues occasionally.
  20. How can any of us have intelligent opinions on this without hearing all the facts? There will be an investigation, more witnesses, video, etc. - Only then can anyone really make a judgment as to who was at fault.
  21. side-note on HighPoint firearms: The guy who does ballistics at our crime lab is a fan. "they're not pretty, but they go bang every time you pull the trigger." He's been through their manufacturing facility multiple times, and had a lot of success making recovered (read discarded in lakes, rivers, etc.) models operational (which is important when you're trying to prosecute someone for a felony that requires use of a deadly weapon).
  22. As far as the delay in filing charges and lack of charges being filed - I think there is a lack of understanding of the process. I am certainly not defending a scenario where police falsify a report to protect their own, or a scenario where the prosecution does not file charges that are appropriate given the evidence. That is 100% BS - My point is only that a delay is not necessarily a symptom that nothing will happen. I currently have a 10" stack of police reports on my desk that I have to charge. Most of the incidents occurred in mid September (so 1.5 months ago), and they have not been charged yet. In 90% of cases, no charges are filed until an investigation is completed. The exception to that general rule is when the crime is very obvious, and the offender is likely to continue committing the same crime(s). If police find a person holding a knife, standing over a dead body with multiple stab-wounds, that person will be charged within 24-48 hours, so they don't have to be released. In cases where the suspect's guilt is less certain (meaning the evidence is less overwhelming), police will continue to interview witnesses and collect other evidence. Then they'll send that completed investigation to the prosecutor's office, charges will be filed based on that evidence. The defendant is notified of the charges against them, and ordered to appear for arraignment. Depending on what they did, they will be held, or released on bond, etc. But there seems to be a huge outrage over the perceived "inactivity" that goes on between the incident, and the eventual charges. It's not fair to assume that no investigation is taking place. Furthermore, just from the time something hits my desk to the time I actually charge it, we have an office policy that allows for 2 weeks. Statutorily, we could take MUCH longer.
  23. That's not exactly true. You're mischaracterizing the application of the rule. The driver is only protected (and the employer responsible) if the driver is "in the course of his duties." So yeah, if a delivery driver at fault for an accident, the employer's insurance (and by proxy, the employer) will foot the bill. If that same delivery driver deviates 10 miles from his route to stop home for lunch and gets into an accident, he is considered on a "frolic," and he's personally liable. The company insurance will still foot the bill, but they will then turn around and sue the driver personally because he was outside the scope of his employment duties. The same basic principle applies here, but if the officer was making a personal text, and not one that has anything to do with his job, the fact that he's driving on company time is irrelevant. The victims can (and probably would) sue everyone, and then let the court decide who is liable. It's for the individual officer and the police department to fight over who has to pay. The victims aren't forced to wait for that dispute to be settled, which (I believe) is the proper way to do things.
  24. Glad it went - just out of curiosity, can a laptop fit into one of these? I need to work out a way to carry a briefcase (soft-sided leather), my lunch, and possibly a laptop and shoes on a bike... Initially, I may just bungy a milk-crate to the seat, but that's hardly a secure solution.
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