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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I just want to find a helmet with a shell size that is smaller than my current Bell. Hoping to find a scorpion I like. My old exo400 was great, but feels too snug now...
  2. I want to go and try on helmets, but I will probably have a week old baby by then...
  3. I've toyed with the idea of hitting up the Middle GA Kart track some time this winter. With the baby due in January, that seems unlikely... I may still try to sneak down in March. Anyone know if an XR100 will fit through the tailgate (or side door) of a Dodge Caravan? I would be borrowing my parents' ride.
  4. 305 at the wheel????? holy balls. Even running poorly, that thing has to haul ass!
  5. Glad it's fixed. Now what did it pull on the dyno?!?!
  6. FWIW, undercover officers are not allowed to commit felonies for the sake of preserving their cover unless it is a life & death situation. They are generally 'allowed' to commit misdemeanors to preserve their cover though. Breaking the rear window of a car is vandalism or criminal damaging. I doubt it's a felony offense. His choice not to intervene can be called into question on moral grounds, but in the moment, I understand his hesitation. As for the off-duty officers, they're idiots for associating with people who are participating in such brazen criminal activity, but I'm not convinced that makes them culpable.
  7. I can't wait for Brian to write a letter to the editor telling the author he would have learned more on a full-sized bike.
  8. search "Bark615" on youtube and look at his channel. JB will be probably be uploading video throughout the day. I know he uploaded at least one of the rear-facing videos last night. You can see Ben bump me right at the start.
  9. JB (Anderson) has the Anderson Door leathers. He wrote them off as a business expense years ago. I met him doing trackdays in 2008 or so. I have Red/white/yellow RS Taichi leathers. As our "title sponsor," I do have Anderson Door Racing stickers on my bike though. We have leather patches in the works for next year too The sponsor picked up my endurance race fees, so that was sweet. After looking more closely at the printout and figuring out when our rider changes occurred, I ended my season with a personal best of 58:79 in the endurance race. Gavin went faster than me on my own bike and knocked out a 57.1xx or something. If the kid wasn't so nice, I would have to hate him
  10. Gavin is going to be on an XR100 next year too. He put down a :57.xx during the endurance race. That's with ML75's and wobbly wheels.
  11. Yikes. You're probably going to be asked to testify in the forthcoming lawsuit from the victims' families...
  12. I definitely have some work to do if I want to hang with the top 3, but progress Is progress. New tires and straight(er) rims should help my confidence, if not my lap times. Chasing Russ, Ben, and JB can't hurt either
  13. I'm intrigued by your results, because I took an old helmet to the (outdoor) range, and my .22lr went through it no problem. It did stop buck shot, but everything else got through. Not sure if the .22 went through both sides, or got caught on its way through the second layer though. The larger rifle rounds were no question. 30-06 makes a big hole.
  14. The last round is in the books, and I managed to end the season in 3rd place for both of the classes I race. The rain held off yesterday, so I also got a chance to ride the 2 hour endurance race, and strung together a bunch of personal best lap times. It's been a really fun season. I hope more OR folks come out and play next year. I get the impression that a LOT of novices are moving up next season, so the novice championship is up for grabs!
  15. I might start off even as low as 30/30, but I'd agree that is a good "max" cold pressure for harder riding. Less pressure means more flexing, and thus more heat in the tire. hard acceleration and hard braking cause the tire to flex (weaving like an F1 driver does NOT. That shit pisses me off on the warmup lap of races...) That's the problem with street riding though - you can't escape stretches of road where you are held to a constant speed. That will always allow your tires to cool down. On a race track, you are either accelerating or braking at all times. That's what keeps the tires warm. Changes of speed and direction (often at the same time).
  16. Yeah, that occurred to me as well... It seems to be pretty convenient. Although it would have been just as easy (if not easier) for them to just plant a gun in her car. I guess the current story would be easier to orchestrate after-the-fact, and without involving the dozens of patrol officers who were responding. If you were to construct a conspiracy (and I'm not saying that's what is happening), it would be easier to do it with one doctor, rather than the dozen or so officers.
  17. because I like and respect everyone here, I'm going to assume that the article Casper linked in the first post has been updated many times since a lot of you have posted. The report is now that the female driver has a "history of mental illness" and "may have thought Obama was her stalker." Yes, I typed that correctly - she may have thought that Obama was stalking HER.
  18. Found this thread searching for katana info. Unless Tuna sells the 600 he has for sale, I will be buying it after my next paycheck. Yes, after I swore off the 600 in an earlier post. I just want a street bike for hooliganism. I'll commute on it a bit to see how it feels, and then make a decision on gearing, bars, etc. I have all winter to mess with it :-D
  19. Like I noted earlier, any for-profit trackday org is going to have an inherent conflict-of-interest when it comes to placing riders appropriately, and staying in the black. If "I" and "B" are sold out (let's assume 100% of those riders are registered in the appropriate group), then by definition, all you have left to sell are Advanced spots. What percentage of the population is qualified to ride in Advanced group, versus Beginner? Empty spots in Advanced when you have people on a waiting list for Beginner spots is leaving money on the table.
  20. I wouldn't cry myself to sleep over that, honestly... Especially if they made it more like 6 bikes. I can't stand when large groups of bikes disrupt traffic by following too closely and essentially creating one monstrous vehicle. If you're riding with 5 friends, split into 2 groups of 3, and let the law require that you leave at least 5 car lengths between each group. Make the rules clear, and have a rational reason for their implementation, and what's the problem? Are you going to argue freedom of association or freedom to peaceably assemble? Because I don't think either apply on public roads. These "rally" rides and huge groups of riders do a lot more harm for our sport/hobby than they do good. That goes for public perception, and rate of accidents.
  21. Don't get me wrong, I really like karts - but they're expensive to rent, and even more expensive to own.
  22. were these going to be spare frames if one of the AMA riders really had a bad day?
  23. Kick starter is just a way for artists to ask their friends and family for money without having to look them in the eye :-p ...I donated to a guy who wants to build a working full-sized replica AT-AT
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