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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Is the opening a different size on different years?
  2. Corey West currently disqualified. Appeal pending. I'm hearing that he may have had a different year R6 airbox. Stock, but larger opening. It would be a shitty technicality to lose out on 2nd, but I'm also being led to believe that the rules are clear...
  3. Any bets on the over/under? this third one seems like BS...
  4. BKXC interviewed one of their guys a couple of times. Seems like a great training program, but I think I'll use Zwift if I go that route. Just more fun, and that's what it's all about (for now?) I am debating how serious I can be about this whole thing... I'd like to be competitive in whatever category my natural abilities land me, but I'm also more likely to be 'happy' with second-to-last in cat 2 versus fighting for podiums in cat 3.
  5. The field is deep this year. I am looking forward to watching. I refer to the 200 as a "pro-am" these days. Lots of professional caliber riders, and fast amateurs who lack professional support. There are 10+ guys who could win, and I'd be really happy for them. I just hope the equipment isn't the deciding factor. It would be great to see the top 15 riders finish the race without mechanical issues, and not have noticeable discrepancy in top-speed from the better funded teams. I guess I do pull for the 'little guys' who put together their program out-of-pocket, and have to draft the bigger budget bikes to keep up.
  6. No 100 this year, but that is a long-term goal. Would be a fun thing to be able to say I've done it. I may never do it again, or I may gravitate toward endurance events. I want to find out what I'm good at before I commit too hard to any particular type of competition, but it's also a matter of what's available (somewhat) locally. It's also a lot about getting stir-crazy right now... I may not be so high on racing once the trails are open, and I can just go out and ride for fun. As for the Brady's Run race, I know I can pedal a fat bike for 3+ hours on the RAR course. Obviously an XC loop will take more effort, but it's also a lot more entertaining. And the fact that there's a class explicitly for fat tires levels the playing field, so I can see where I really measure up. Psychologically, I need (and enjoy) having something to train for. I did a couple of Tough Mudder events in 2013, and I got in pretty good shape as a result. They start the event in waves, separated by 20 minutes. We were in the third wave of the day, and were catching up to some people from the first wave. My friend and I had trained by doing a 1.5 mile running trail with a pull-up bar and and a push-up station at the bottom of the hill. We would do that loop up to 8 times in a row, doing pull-ups and pushups to failure after each lap. I never would have attempted that if I weren't training for something. If you're nice, I'll post sexy shirtless pics.
  7. it's just frustrating... I may end up on my ancient spin bike tonight. No computer. manual resistance adjustment. not even a timer... At least I have an iPad and multiple episodes of The Grand Tour. I do an 'interval' workout where I turn up the resistance when the show is buffering I'm looking at an endurance race in mid May right now. Brady Run or something? It's near PIRC, and there is a 3-hour fat tire division. It's really a 6-hour race. I'll do the first hour on a trails I've never seen, then try to up my pace for the second hour, and maintain for the third. We'll see how that works out...
  8. NEOCX final round in November, 2016 - an inch of snow fell during the race, and the course was a sloppy mess. The cat 4/5 course was shortened so we could complete more than 2 laps... I had fun, but it was miserably cold, and the weather reduced my 3x8 to 1x2 before I could complete a lap. Fat bike race in January, 2017 - cancelled due to lack of snow. The golf course hosting would have been destroyed. Soft ground with no snowcover. Road Apple Roubaix 3/4/17 - Cold again. Sloppy again. Fun, but still cold and wet. OMBC season opener at Mohican. 3/18/17 - rescheduled for 4/22/17, due to freezing/thawing conditions. On top of that, I have been able to ride my local trail exactly ONE time on my 'new' bike. I'm hoping to get an hour or so in tonight now that the time change puts sun-down after dinner, but damn it's cold... /rant
  9. Dustin from OMRL has done AMA supermoto races, but he also has a baby at home, a new job, and a new mortgage. Not that any of that will stop him. Good dude. And fast. Watching him race Gavin was tense. Gavin is faster, but Dustin was on a 450, and wasn't afraid to try going around the outside.
  10. There are some access roads under power lines that I may try exploring. I wouldn't hop any fences, but I just don't foresee anyone noticing, let alone caring... And if they did call the cops, the cruisers aren't making it very far onto that road in these conditions.
  11. Went out at 5 to hit the trails. Fucked. Saw a guy leaving with tons of mud on his bike. Rode the paved hill instead. Five times. Decent training, but not the fun I'd hoped for.
  12. Pryor was impressive in 2016, but I don't believe that's a trajectory he will sustain. Like I said before, there is a reason he only got a 1-year deal for $8M. Maybe he's betting on himself, but that's a bold call.
  13. Letting Pryor walk for $8M does seem strange, but if no other team was willing to offer more, there's a reason. I am hesitant to support the Browns. I have many reasons not to. That said, this offseason could still go either way.
  14. Perforated leather will be better... kevlar doesn't breathe.
  15. Keep Brock and then fleece some other team when their QB goes down in preseason. i don't want him taking snaps for the browns, but I'm fine with them buying picks.
  16. Fingers crossed here. Still closed right now, but twitter hasn't updated.
  17. 166 on the scale tonight, after dinner. i am lighter than I have been since I was 21... boss went on a diet, which means I'm going out to lunch less (meaning never).
  18. OMRL will want you in leather on a sumo, but they'll work with you on bike tech for your first weekend. A catch can and a wired drain plug/cap would be a good start. Like todd said, practice is a lot more lax.
  19. I don't think you're looking at this right. The prevailing theory is that the Browns needed Brock's salary to hit the league min, and they wanted the 2nd round pick to deal for Jimmy G. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/18865828/making-sense-unprecedented-brock-osweiler-trade-nfl
  20. My trailer needs a couple of small repairs, but the parts are in my garage waiting to be installed... Let me know if Tim's isn't a viable option for some reason. I could get it road-worthy saturday morning. It's the standard HF folding 4x8. 1100 lbs. capacity. I don't remember what size ball it uses, but you could borrow the ball too... I have one mounted to a 2" receiver and one mounted to a 1.25" receiver. The latter is a MUCH higher rise.
  21. my Aunt is white-knighting this shit! I guess my cousin's kids are spoiled little tech brats, and she has a 16GB iPhone 6 that's just sitting in a drawer. $0 upgrade. that will work, even if it's less storage than I wanted.
  22. We don't... looking on Swappa right now. 32 GB version of the same phone I have is $130. Plus I can probably sell mine for $75 later.
  23. I have an iPhone 5c that I paid $1.99 for along with my last Verizon contract. It's about 4 years old now, and does not have nearly enough storage for modern apps, operating systems, and videos of my adorable children. I want to 'upgrade' to something with more storage. That does not necessarily mean a newer phone. a 32GB iPhone 5c would be fine. I rather enjoy being able to fit my phone into my pocket, the tail bag of my bike, cup holder of my car, etc. So which site is reputable and won't price-gouge me? is eBay a viable option?
  24. Some people may disagree with me on this, but I think you will do better on the straights to stay where you're expected, and not move right, then have to move back left into other traffic trying to set up for the end of the straight in the same space you are. I would ride 4' from the left side of the track, leaving a little room for people to come around you on your left, and a LOT of room for them to pass you on the right. (which would be the courteous move, on their part) The worst-case scenario for you is two riders coming up on you, riding nose-to-tail. The front rider sees you, but the guy on his ass doesn't. If the front rider waits until the last second to go around you, the guy on his ass may not react quickly enough to avoid you. I lifted the rear wheel on my F3 when I was the guy on the other rider's ass. Lesson learned. Almost the hard way. But having a slower bike move across the track to set up for a turn is more dangerous, IMHO. Just leave room to be passed on either side. I would honestly be looking behind me if I were on a bike with a 100 mph top speed. I wouldn't advise you to do so, but I would...
  25. Sorry. I wasn't trying to be a dick. ...okay, I was a little - but it was in the name of humor, not to make you look/feel dumb.
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