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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. redkow97

    Smallest 9mm?

    I shot a few rounds through a G43 when they were brand new. For a compact 9mm, it is nice. the problem I have with it is that it's single-stack, and thus the magazines won't work with any other glock pistols. (I know it has to be single stack to be slim.) To me, that is a big plus for the 26. I can own a 26 and a 19, and only buy G19 magazines. That said, i have never tried to carry a G26. I'm getting really picky when I 'complain' about the 43, but to me it eliminates one of the best features of the other glock pistols. I'll say it again so people don't try to call me out on something I'm freely acknowledging: I am working to find a fault with the G43, and 'complaining' about something that wouldn't even be a possibility with most other 9mm pistols. It's me being hyper-analytical, not a legitimate criticism of the gun.
  2. redkow97

    Smallest 9mm?

    Diamondback DB9 is a very small 9mm. I don't think it's worth owning, but I've never shot one. I carried without a round chambered for a while. Didn't want to be putting my hand in harms way while getting used to having a firearm on me. Also didn't want a round chambered if I went to take a shit and the gun fell out of my holster. I still store my gun in the car without a round chambered.
  3. Good luck with that. My only move to get ANYTHING done is to send the wife out with her friends a couple nights a week. Then when the weekend comes, she feels like she owes me garage or riding time.
  4. This is my stance on porn. No special pass required.
  5. For those who didn't read the article, this "bike" is purely a design exercise for BMW's interns. They copied a Lego set.
  6. redkow97

    Mtb shoes

    So "support your local bike shop" for the first pair at least. Find what fits, then deal hunt on the second set.
  7. Shops seem to gouge on mounting unless you buy the tires from them.
  8. redkow97

    Mtb shoes

    I am trying to not cheap out on stuff that touches my body, which is why $180 shoes on eBay for $50 are more appealing than spending the same money on cheaper shoes. Sidi makes MTB shoes, and I own MC boots that I can (hopefully) use to compare fit.
  9. redkow97

    Mtb shoes

    I have SPD pedals already. Got 2 sets from a friend who has a bucket full...
  10. redkow97

    Mtb shoes

    As important as I'm told fit is, I am hesitant to buy from eBay ...but the deals are sooooo good. Like $30 shipped for $150 shoes with 1 season of light use. How much do I need to spend on new clipless mtb shoes?
  11. how much of the ride is "trail?" i assumed unpaved, but I figured it was all public roads.
  12. I have to hope for horrible conditions to make the fat bike a better choice.
  13. Is comedy a full time job, or just a hobby for you?
  14. Sonic springs are less expensive. Not sure their website is any better though.
  15. I may be at the zoo instead. Too nice this weekend not to be outside.
  16. Her face, but yeah. I asked if she wanted to go when the commercial came on, then played some YouTube footage of another event. She was chanting "I WANT TRUCKS!" when the wife came in.
  17. Anyone been before? I am considering taking the half-clone.
  18. I'll be running another partial season. Always up to share shade, chairs, and water.
  19. I see a lot of grandparents with custody at work. I hope he keeps you feeling young - at least most of you. Not sure he'll help the knees!
  20. Didn't realize this was the weight lifting thread. Meet me back in the cycling forum. Re:CX bike.
  21. 185 bpm is a lot... i doubt I surpass 180 for even 30 seconds at a time. I'm consistently under 170 lately. Riding 30-50 miles/week. Mostly on a spin bike though. Strava is fun. Comparing fat bike times in Feb to other people's road bike times from last summer is not.
  22. 22 road miles this afternoon. Put up hooks to hang the bike above my work bench. No more almost hitting it with the car. Ehats the entry fee for roadapple? I was just going to show up...
  23. Furthest I've ridden any bike (as an adult) is 21 miles... we'll see how the 30 miles feels and then go from there.
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