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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I know it's a long-shot that I'll place high enough for contingency to matter, but I can't find any contingency stuff on the MotoSeries website. Any guidance? I'm just looking to read up on: - if any sponsors pay out for NOVICE podiums - if any of those paying sponsors might happen to be tire manufacturers. - what other decals I need to put on my bike before racing. The RR needs new rubber in the next few weeks, and I'd like to choose 1 tire and stick with it all year (make and model. not literally 1 tire.) Q2's are super cheap. Like $180 a set if you find the right vendor with an overstock... So i'm trying to weigh my options as to what makes the most sense. Better tires may increase my odds of grabbing some contingency money, but if the rear alone costs $40 more, and the contingency payout is only $25, it's really costing me $15 more to win the contingency money. On a related topic, which would be dumber: - buying warmers, without owning a generator (find people to bum off of) - buying a generator before I own warmers (it does have other practical purposes in the event of a power outage, and I might be able to borrow warmers from a buddy for a few rounds)
  2. As a related bit of advice, I would strongly reccomend marking the shift pattern on your TANK, and not on the gauges. My gauges managed to separate themselves from the rest of my bike during their 90 mph off-road adventure. the sticker on the face of my gauges was no help to the crash truck guys. Luckily I was conscious (although in retrospect, too dazed to be any help).
  3. I grew up there. Good road, but the cops and rangers can be brutal. Plus I nearly hit a horse there once... The horse trail crosses the road, and even obeying the 30 mph limit, there is a little rise and curve that makes visibility kinda sketchy. The ride out to Nelson is quick and pretty easy. Just have some cash for the gate fee (the shittiest part of track riding IMHO) and bring lots of water. The pits at Nelson are small, and the observation deck is one of the better places to be anyway.
  4. I think I actually taped a pretty big sign to my gas tank to remind myself for the first few rides. It helped a lot at stop lights. Made sure I went up instead of down trying to grab first.
  5. I changed my street bike over and had 2 almost oh-shit moments, but never fully released he clutch going down when I meant to go up. I would strongly advise changing over on the street, where you're not forced to change gears at redline. Once you're comfortable, then hit the track. All that said, I like GP shift, but have to say I feel I am more likely to miss down shifts under braking than up shifts on acceleration. The opposite was never true with standard shift.
  6. I have a couple hollowed out book that I use to hide loose cash when I have a lot in the house. Some would fit a small pistol. Carry-sized for sure. Otherwise I just have my rifle in a case in the closet.
  7. Agreed, but as a general rule, NEVER admit to breaking a law unless you plan on pleading guilty to a charge. There is a reason you have a right to remain silent, and cannot be forced to testify against yourself.
  8. Ps- what's your height/weight? Moto series rents leathers, and my old set is still for sale.
  9. Ryan, you're right around the corner from a few of us. Bum a ride out to Nelson for the April round, and just talk to people at the track. Or stop by when/if the "fix your bodywork in my garage" party happens this weekend. a bunch of us are prepping for this season, and we jump at the opportunity to talk about riding pretty much any time we're off the bike...
  10. Admitting you were speeding is not a good move. It opens the door for a contributory negligence argument. "no, our dog shouldn't have been in the road, but of you had been doing 55, you would have stopped in time." In legal terms, their duty to control the dog does not relieve you of your duty to obey the speed limit. Never admit to breaking the law. Even of you're doing 1 mph over the speed limit, that is an admission of guilt. If the owners are pissed, they could make this miserable and expensive for you. You might also get ticketed for speeding.
  11. (i feel the need to clarify; my current mattress wil go into her old room, and we want a new one.)
  12. Pillow top or regular? How firm? I will be in the market as soon as my sister in law moves out later this month. My current mattress is too soft and kills my back.
  13. Not to go all law student on everyone, but seriously investigate the implications of a trust before creating one. If you can't live on 20 million, you're doing something wrong.
  14. Mine is, yes. I would have suggested buying and giving Pauly's some TLC, but i believe that ship has sailed. The planks on his were probably a bit heavier, and it eliminates the folding functionality, but some people may not view that as a negative. I'm betting it's definitely a lot less flexy than mine.
  15. Oh, and you can borrow mine for the weekend of 4/28 if you promise not to fuck it up, and give me enough advanced notice to have it unfolded and install the wheel chock.
  16. Matt - PM me and stop by. My trailer is currently folded and in the corner of my garage, but it's cheap, light, and has been pretty durable. Having lived with it for a couple years, there are some things I would do differently, and some I did right, but for the cost, it's only about a $300 experiment, and it would be brand new. Even with a 3/4 inch treated wooden deck, the trailer can't weigh more than 300 lbs. When it's hooked to a hitch, I can pick up the back end of the trailer and walk it laterally to make turning around easier. Not with the bike, of course, but my point is that trailer+bike = ~800 lbs. The WRX clutch should appreciate that. Hell, get the hitch, and you can take my trailer for a short test drive if you want. I just renewed the tags.
  17. ^ not a bad place to slap a "for sale" sign on it between sessions, and just add a little note to "tell your friends" and reference the for sale thread here. I actually like buying a bike that I know the owner is still riding. Proves it runs and rides straight.
  18. is Todd on this board? No hurry on my part, as I have finals the week after the first round, but I have a license question for him. I never mailed in my WERA provisional license, because I don't plan on renewing it this year, but I would like to avoid the MotoSeries race school and just buy a license.
  19. mace and a stun gun. I don't believe either are prohibited under disability. Staying with someone who owns a gun probably is though. At least on any kind of permanent or long-term basis.
  20. this shows most of it. you can see how the tail got a little squished, and where the upper needs the most work. The missing portion of the upper has some relatively significant damage to the ram air tube that will be a little tough, and kind of important for seating the tubes...
  21. I have 2 major breaks on the upper fairing, including some semi "technical" work around one of the ram-air ducts. other than that, my tail got crunched a little, and the upper "ears" are cracked in a few placed on the portion that extends up by the wind screen. My plan is to do some trial and error on the parts that only need minor repair, and then hopefully learn enough to do a decent job on the 2 major breaks. I am unavailable this weekend, but I think the following weekend is open if people want to drink beers in my garage and make a mess with resin. We just have to make a serious effort to keep the dogs away from anything sticky...
  22. ask me in a couple weeks. I literally just sent a PM to another member about this. his response will determine whether or not I buy fiberglass supplies next week, or if I'm dropping my stuff off at his place...
  23. speaking of, i'm debating a new chain as well... I just don't know how long the current one has been on the bike. At least for the couple of years I've owned it, but I don't get to ride nearly as much as some people.
  24. what kind of beer do you guys like?
  25. my buddy ryan has an older ('05?) ZX10 that is track prepped and for sale pretty cheap. he raced it in 2009(?), but then went back to his 636 full time when he got it back into reliable riding condition.
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