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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. i don't remember if i posted in this thread or not, but I was definitely skeptical.
  2. The lottery wouldn't be able to stay "in business" if they weren't selling a lot more losers than winners. Your friend is a higher-priced "Gail." She was giving away $4-$6 a week rather than $10 a day, but the result is the same. I only buy scratch-offs when i'm drunk. I figure i'm already making bad decisions with my money, so it's just going to a different place. I routinely refer to the lottery as the "idiot's 401k."
  3. I get the "you can't win if you don't play" mentality, but spending any more than a few dollars a month on tickets is just giving your moeny away. I used to work at a grocery store where we sold a lot of lottery tickets. One employee won $500 once from a scratch-off she bought on her break. I hated Gail, so I did the math and added up how much she had (probably) spent on lotto over the 2 years I worked there. She averaged 1 scratch-off ticket a day. So $730 for those 2 years. You bet your ass she was less excited about her $500 winner then. I followed it up with, "statistically, you're never going to win more than $20 ever again now." I doubt she stopped playing, but if she did, that was probably the nicest mean thing I've ever done for someone.
  4. my brother has a '94 seca II in his garage with a broken chain. He bought an SV650, and suddenly fixing the seca wasn't a priority anymore You want some dinged up "F1" cans for it? They're loud as shit, if you find a buyer who wants that.
  5. yeah, I wish I had money to blow. I'd offer the guy $700, and buy it for $850. Then sell all the plastics on ebay (figure $400 total, maybe?), and rat the hell out of it. You're not going to look cool on a lime-green '02 EX250 anyway, so why try to keep it "nice?" Streetfighter it, and ride the piss out of it until it dies. You've got a $450 bike that that's dead-nuts reliable, and you can let your friends learn on and not care if they drop it.
  6. so you don't think that violating the NCAA rules and fucking Ohio State in the ass should have any consequences whatsoever? I think it's FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC that the NFL has decided to put its foot down and say that player stupidity deserves to be punished, and you can't just run away to the NFL as if your past doesn't matter.
  7. yes. Trust me, i'd rather be charged criminally than go up in front of an ethics committee review board. As attorneys themselves, the board is VERY harsh, and VERY thorough, because any misconduct makes the entire profession look bad. There are certainly unethical attorneys out there, but percentage-wise, it's probably on par with corrupt cops.
  8. No problem. I was browsing pics of the control riders I know. Are you on the naked yellow SV? i didn't look that hard, but I didn't see any other first gen SV's out in the proofs page.
  9. Attorneys have an ethical obligation to zealously represent their clients. That's all I'm gonna say about that... "LBTS. GLWS."
  10. hahaha - fair enough. It's just one of those things that you probably wouldn't run over on a "qualifying" lap, but you will probably have to to pass into 1. It's a pretty big bump, and even though I know it's coming, it throws me off big time. My friend Brad posted some HD video from last weekend, so any reference points you see should still be current. http://vimeo.com/27753112
  11. http://www.jmeleighphotography.com/ her site isn't super intuitive. This is probably the gallery you're looking for http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/thumbpage.aspx?e=8170490 ("NESBA August")
  12. sorry to hear this. Never met Mark, but clearly he made a lasting impression on a lot of people. godspeed.
  13. i thought everyone on this site loved stereotypes as much as I do Surprised to see so many people getting bent out of shape over some bad jokes and a little ribbing. There is truth at the root of all stereotypes, or they wouldn't have become stereotypes in the first place. News flash: blinged-out 'busas with huge stretches, chrome swing-arms, and lots of neons stand out more than stock bikes being ridden responsibly. Guess which one people notice more often. Personally, I don't like the styling of Hayabusas, but I absolutely respect the R&D that has gone into them. Really awesome bikes for the purpose they were designed. Now that said, I think they definitely do attract a disproportionate amount of douchebags that generally fall into 2 categories: - white guys who add 4 times more horsepower than is practical for any human to drag race. - black guys who spend their money on chrome and fatter tires instead of the child support they probably owe (it's a joke - relax. I don't really think EVERY black guy is a dead-beat dad) I'm sure there are many 'busa riders who don't fit either category, and some that do fit one of those categories, but really aren't douchebags. Doesn't make it less funny ot me. but seriously, one of the most hysterical things i have EVER seen was a young black male parking his blinged-out 'busa and walking into "Pay Days" loans. He had gloves on, but no other gear. Living the stereotype.
  14. almost every dog humps at some point. It all depends on if/when they want to assert their dominance. Shouldn't be an ongoing problem unless the dog isn't neutered. Especially if you introduce a new dog as a puppy, it will learn its place in the pack quite quickly. We had my dog (Henry), a foster dog (Brutus), and my friend's dog (Armani) for 4 days while my buddy was out of town. Because it was our house, Henry made it pretty clear that he was running the show. With that established, Brutus started picking on (humping) Armani. Henry actively put a stop to that, and actually put himself between Armani and Brutus. Basically teh dog version of, "if you wanna get to him, you're gonna have to go through me first." There was no humping or any other issues after the first 4 hours we had them together. Dogs are pack animals by nature. It takes more work to make them a-holes than to socialize them.
  15. apparently I was confusing memphis w/ another dog that they had asked us to foster, but got adopted a lot quicker than the rescue anticipated. Memphis is allegedly boston terrier/beagle mix. No 3-way with dogs though. Think beagle/dachsund father, and boxer mother.
  16. I'm not saying it isn't possible, but I have yet to meet a pug that's dog aggressive. They seem to be one of the only small breeds that knows they're small. The pug/beagle mix we had was an a-hole though, so anything's possible.
  17. where are they filming in Parma? I haven't heard anything about that. I haven't had to deal with down town traffic for the last 3 weeks, but I start class again tonight. I get off at 22nd and only make it over to E. 18th, but I was at the Palace Theater Tursday and could see the NYPD cop car lights on 9th from 7 blocks away. Either that or there was some kind of legit standoff between 9th and 17th.
  18. Lots of friends who work down town are sending me pics. I can post some later.
  19. I love when those guys come to the track. Even with helmets on, you can see their jaws drop when the guy on the 250 two-stroke passes them.
  20. yikes. burned off the line huge. P.S. - check out the big guy on the white turbo hayabusa. Wonder how fast that bike would run with a sub 200 lbs jockey!
  21. I wasn't saying my wife's mini-SUV is better for towing than a chevy V-8; only that it pulls 2 bikes on an open trailer just fine, and uses less gas doing it. I wouldn't even attempt an enclosed though. My friend's truck has stock tires. Someone else said they were considering 33's or 35's for their suburban, and I advised against it. Wasn't bashing anyone's choices w/ the suburban, and wasn't aware of when/why the 5.7 wasn't a popular option.
  22. This must be how people feel when I tell them, "you don't need a better bike; you can do :59's at BeaveRun with the one you've got." I'm sure it's totally possible for my rifle to hit targets at 200 yds without a scope, but I can't do it
  23. you said "i'd like to get 200 out of it," or something substantially identical to that. 4 or 5 people have offered you what you said you'd like. Adding that you don't know exactly what it's worth doesn't change the amount you wanted or expected. You threw out the number. If you wanted to entertain offers, you could have said so. You have every right to change your price, but you're kidding yourself if you think people won't take issue with that. Put yourself in the buyers' shoes.
  24. I haven't; I just anticipate that being one of the mods I'd do to make it more comfortable. squirrely in what situations?
  25. ^ I wouldn't have put it quite so harshly, but yeah... ORDN isn't an auction site.
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