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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. 1800 - 3500 watt, 4-stroke only. would pick up as early as tomorrow night. Power is out and wife finally admitted she should have ok'd this purchase last time I brought it up. Would like to spend around $200, but let me knwo what you've got.
  2. I think a bad-faith in fair dealing claim would have been better for the old lady adn the gym. I am a big fan of freedom of contract, and I think it is the signer's responsibility to read things before they sign them. That said, hurrying the signer through the process is unethical at best, and arguably coercive behavior. I would think it comes down to how sympathetic the woman is in front of a jury. If she's a kind, soft-spoken woman in her 60's, then the gym wouldn't have dared take it in front of a jury. If it was the type of early 40's loud-mouth you hear screaming at the 16 yr old cashier in the grocery store because they can't ring up her booze, then of course the gym would win, simply because the jury would see how much of a shrew the plaintiff is, and assume she's making it all up. Credibility matters as much as the precedents.
  3. Again, I don't remember the case law on this, but that certainly strengthens the argument by a LOT, because it establishes that both parties in fact understood and agreed upon the change of terms. It eliminates the argument that Scruit either changed t he term after it was signed, or that there was no "meeting of the minds" to begin with, because they both wanted 2 different terms. That would also firmly legitimize your belief that the counter guy or manager was authorized to make such changes. Whether or not he is actually authorized by uHaul is still a jury question though. Depending on the circumstances, that might be really easy to prove, and it might be impossible. Is this an actual claim, or just a hypothetical?
  4. and note in Nathan's first pic how far from the ground his peg is! if yours was scraping, consider how far your bike must have been leaned over. Not a lot of tire left at that point.
  5. (p.s. - my wife is driving to DC right now. Ask me how thrilled I am about that, when after-shocks are basically inevitable.)
  6. Did we just feel a small after-shock, or is someone in my office just bouncing their knee A LOT. I definitely just felt some movement.
  7. My parents live next to a pack-rat. His sugar mamma just booted him out, and all his shit is for sale. I'm sure she would be happy to get rid of a truck load of wood for a very reasonable price. I'll have to look up where blue rock is, but I would probably end up being the delivery boy. and I can only (safely) transport 1,000 lbs of wood on my trailer. No idea how much that will work out to, but PM me if you're interested, and I can stop by Kathy's house this weekend, or ask my parents to say something to her.
  8. you want the bike to remain as vertical as possible, and lean over only as much as necessary; thus why people are worried you're scraping pegs. YOU need to transition so the bike can stay more upright. get your butt crack on the edge of the seat. One cheek on, one cheek off. Then drop your head, and try to straighten your outside arm. It's a lot more complicated than that, but if you do those 3 things, you'll be 80% of the way there. Craig (Blue03636) has a good example in his avatar pic. Knee dragging and high speeds are not required for good form, but good form is required for high speeds and knee dragging.
  9. trail braking is braking after initiating turn-in. It's good to know the basic principles behind it when starting out on track, but you will have A LOT of other things to worry about; namely: - your braking, turn-in, apex, and exit points. - which way the track turns next. - dropping into the appropriate gear under braking without having hte ass-end of the bike dance around. - doing your movement (body position changes) under acceleration, rather than under braking. You don't want to foster bad habits early on, but I believe it's safer to get your braking and down-shifting in BEFORE turn-in when you're first starting out. Then add trail-braking later. I've never heard the term "trail acceleration."
  10. you can argue anything you want, so even if you research the case law on this, there will never be a definitive answer unless you actually go to court. How are you supposed to know who has the authority to amend the contract? Start with common sense. The guy working the counter didn't draft the agreement; why would he be authorized to amend it? He's also behind the counter of a U-Haul store. Probably not your most sophisticated individual in the world. Now if you can prove that he frequently amends contracts, or has done so with regularity in the past (for you, or other customers), then you're starting to show that he has exercised such authority without issue before, and his actions should be allowable here. But absent that proof, I think you're stretching the claim that he was an agent authorized to make the change. The trailer manufacturer likely sets the safe top-speed, so that may or may not be UHaul to begin with. Commencing the rental agreement is not consenting to your modified terms because you can't time-stamp the hand-written change. Without their written consent (initials) on the change, there is no way of showing that you didn't add the amendment after they had already given you the trailer. Thus they would already have delivered on their agreement to perform before you modified the contract. I agree that it would be cleaner for them to say, "we won't accept that contract w/ your scribbles on it," and make you fill out another one, but if they haven't actively accepted the change, there is no reason for them to think it would be enforceable. again, you can argue whatever you want, I'm just providing counter-arguments, and telling you what I think the probable result would be.
  11. I'm not sure I ever saw the OP agree to this order everyone else established. I've had sellers pull worse.
  12. your change isn't binding unless a qualified agent with authority to modify their contract has initialed the change. I doubt a court would find that the counter clerk has such authority at a U-Haul facility that probably has their rental agreements printed by some central corporate office. Regardless of how it happened or what the guy at the counter actually agreed to, the only thing you can PROVE is that you wrote a change into their contract. You have no way of proving consent to that change. So even IF he had the authority to agree to the change, it doesn't sound like you can prove that he gave consent.
  14. is a provisional license enough to get me into the race group? I'll be racing Sunday for sure, and possibly Saturday.
  15. actually you want to keep your butt further back. at least a fist distance between your junk and the tank. I get too far up on the tank, and it causes me to ride REALLY crossed up. My butt hangs way off, but my upper body is still over the tank. easier to demonstrate than describe, but the bottom line is that moving too far forward causes you to rotate your body around the tank, rather than transitioning along side it.
  16. ya, sorry - was typing that from my phone in the hallway at work. I don't mean to knock either bike; just saying that Cycle Magazine(?) based a lot of their "best bike" criteria on value this year, because of the global economy. They openly question how a bike that's down 65 horsepower and up 45 lbs. to last year's winner (the BMW S1000R) can be the best bike in 2011. If you're looking to tour, the ninja could do that, but not as well; certainly not in stock form anyway. And we all know you don't like to upgrade your stuff ;-)
  17. The ninja 1000 was recently named bike of the year pretty much because it costs half of the mulitistrada.
  18. how's that? i was 2 or 3 when this was new, so I'm not familiar with it at all. I always thought of the first Kawasaki "Ninja" ZX9 (Top Gun bike) and the early to mid 90's Honda 600's as the bikes that really impacted the American market most. does look to be in awesome condition though!
  19. 5th wheel? What are you towing with? I saw teh F150 in the background of the cougar pic and assumed you were looking for a small hauler. biggest problem I've seen w/ them is that they really don't fit that many bikes, so a huge hauler and a small hauler both really only house 2 riders for the weekend.
  20. we're gonna have to ask you to leave - it appears as though you cause earthquakes.
  21. I bet there will be another Ohio earthquake before I'm in the black on scratch-off tickets!
  22. I love when stupid people overreact to this shit. My coworker (his sister lives in VA Beach) just stood up and told me that his mom got a call from his sister saying that she's evacuating because she's afraid of a tsunami. Someone needs to explain to this broad that the tsunami moves AWAY from the epicenter...
  23. felt it in Independence. But i'm in a rolling chair on the 3rd floor of a building. I thought a fat person was just walking by the cubes, but there were no footsteps, and the hanging lights were swaying a little. kinda weird, but no big deal. If i'd been standing, i probably wouldn't have noticed it.
  24. if you had a teenage daughter, I would... ah, fuck, it's just too easy... Curious what kind of power this puts to the wheels with the nitrous kit. 2.5 V6, yes? seemed to me like the Cougar was practically a 3rd gen Probe GT. Similar chassis dimensions, same engine configuration and displacement, but not the same chassis or engine... I'm not a fan of neons or crazy body kits, but the rest of it looks pretty okay ;-) but on to the important stuff: WHICH TOY HAULERS ARE YOU LOOKING AT? Like many things that are not in my budget, I love to shop toy haulers to see how much I need to hide from my wife after law school
  25. I'll take that bet against anyone who wants to make the same claim. Far safer gamble than scratch-offs!
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