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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. i stopped reading on page 1, but you're all missing the point of the internet: group is started. opinions are formed. those who agree stick around. Those who disagree are shouted down by the masses. This is how the internet works. like-minded people congregate and convince each other that they're 100% right and everyone else is wrong because of the (perceived) minority support of their opinion. It happens on this site from time to time too. We're right-leaning and mostly responsible street & track riders. Ask a stunter or highway drag racer how "receptive" we are to their points of view. We're more level-headed than some sites out there, but there is still a bit of a bias here.
  2. outraged as I am about cruelty toward animals, I tend to agree. 6 months doesn't sound like much to most of us, but think about where you were 6 months ago, and then pretend you were locked up since then. Seems longer now, doesn't it? That said, he'll be out in 60 days with good behavior.
  3. Not sure if you were directing that at Bad, or me, but I have a trailer. Before that, I had a ranger. won't need my ramp until the end of the month to load up for racing 9/3.
  4. oh, I have a ramp you can use too. that's harder to transport, but I think it will fit in my car w/ the back seat folded down. let me know on that as well.
  5. how often are you going to be transporting? canyon dancer is probably more $$ than it's worth if this is a one-time deal. I have "soft-ties" that wrap around fork tubes and a set of 10' straps you can borrow. But yes, Walmart brand straps are fine. The only 'feature" i would look for (or add) is clipping hooks so that they can't fall off if the suspension compresses and the straps go slack for a moment. I have a wheel-chock you can borrow too. You'd just need to mount it on a piece of plywood that's around 1' x the width of your truck bed. that will keep the front wheel straight, and prevent it from sliding out from under itself (unlikely, but possible.) I work at Brecksville rd. & Pleasant Valley. I can bring any and all of that stuff to work any day this week and meet you at lunch, or after work.
  6. honestly, i think i'd chalk this up to sheer stupidity rather than malice. The motorcycle-sized spots do kind of look like the "no parking" strips. I bet they never even realized that were actually individual parking spots. It's still irritating as fuck though.
  7. I thought that clip of Stoner was weeks or months old. Didn't they follow it with a more recent clip of him saying that he would reconsider? I don't fault the guy for being concerned about his wife and unborn child, but the simple solution seems to be, "leave them at home for the weekend." But I do think it's pretty irresponsible of Dorna to subject riders to unsafe conditions. This could really eff with the championship though. Say Stoner is serious, and Lorenzo shows up and wins. that's a 25 point swing in the championship.
  8. yeah, +2 on the boat thing. nautical authorities seem to be uber-douches on a lot of stuff... If they're looking for illegal drugs, then that's certainly different than hassling me about the fact that I didn't buy a fishing license, or fining my friends $1,500 because their rescue flotation device wasn't hanging properly.
  9. i'll second (or third) that it looks great. I like the suspension upgrades too, but I'll admit I am used to seeing bandits with less stuff for stupid cheap. what's the luggage market like for a bandit? I saw an FZ6 and an VFR on the road yesterday on my way back from upstate New York. Kind of gave me the itch to plan a long bike trip.
  10. this was my first thought as well. a newer 10 round Ruger mag would be my first try at a fix. They run like $15-$19, so not a big deal. the larger magazines are notorious for failing to chamber, etc. I was searching for youtube reviews of several brands, and some guys literally bought the banana mags, and then shot AT them the same day because they were such junk. My 10/22 has been fine with Federal and Remington ammo. Going to try the $15 Blazer rounds next, to see just how much of a cheap-ass I can be. using the factory mags, I've never had one fail to chamber, and only a handful of failures to eject. I chalk that up to the cheap ammo. your factory magazine is fully serviceable btw, so a $.90 spring and a good cleaning might be all you really need to buy. they make couplers for the factory magazines as well. It's not a 30 round mag, but three 10-round mags that actually work are better than one 30-round that doesn't...
  11. <sigh> one more thing I need to pay for in the off-season
  12. sliders get expensive, so don't get too hung up on dragging a knee. the teknic chicane sliders are cheap as shit here:http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/350/20283/ITEM/Teknic-Chicane-Knee-Sliders.aspx?WT.ac=SLIsearch I'm going to stock up... I've paid $25 (i think) for chicken-hawk sliders, and then the klucky pucks are sweet, but like $44 or something.
  13. shit... if i didn't have a roof going on next Wednesday, i'd pick this up tonight. I'll spread the word. LBTS. GLWS.
  14. I still don't understand where people are riding that a 600 "can't keep up" with liter bikes. Sure, a liter bike will get to highway speeds a half a second quicker (maybe) than a 600, but the cost to benefit ratio seems small to me. Maybe I just never went on any super awesome illegal street rides.
  15. I wonder how many peopel the earth can sustain sometimes... The global population grows by around 1 billion every 10 years right now, and growth is (theoretically) exponential. At the same time, medical advancements mean that we recover from more illnesses that were previously terminal, and those of us who stay healthy live longer. I heard some state on the radio that for every 12 years you live, your life expectancy goes up by 1 year, because medical technology is getting that much better. That ratio could fall considerably in our lifetime. All this means more mouths to feed, more waste produced, and more shelter needed. I'm not chicken-little with the whole "climate change" bs, but there has to be a "tipping point" for the planet. We WILL out grow our resources at our current rate of growth. I can think of at least 10 people I know personally who have died from cancer, or are being treated right now. I would love for all of them to be healthy again, but my practical side wonders if some diseases aren't meant to be cured. it would appear that we're already 100,000,000 people a year ahead of the curve.
  16. they will hand you an iPad and say, "register online." simpler for them, and no handling cash. I had hoped that my friends working registration might "forget" about the late fee as well, but the website doesn't.
  17. 28 mpg or worse w/ the 600RR, but my bike probably isn't a fair indicator given the way I use it
  18. EZ-ups are high quality. They withstand the wind better than the cheap brands, but I have a $70 "first up" brand from Walmart that simply won't die on me either... the biggest difference seems to be that the EZ up brand has side to side support that you can hit your head on, but also holds the thing together if there's a cross-wind. the cheaper ones simply bend in a stiff breeze. But like I said, my Walmart special has lasted at least 2 years now. for less than half the price of an EZ up, they're not a bad value.
  19. do you mind if i ask how much that set you back? I am in no place to pick up a project now, but an early 80's cruiser project is in my "10 year plan." The goal would be to find a 1983 model of something with good torque, and simple design; then make it my own. the bike would be as old as I am
  20. @scruit, I wasn't attempting to comment on when it is or isn't appropriate to pursue; only pointing out that the felony fleeing opens the door for felony murder charges where the riders would be legally responsible for any resulting deaths. How much moral responsibility would fall to the officers is definitely up for debate. Thankfully that wasn't a factor here. I completely agree that there's a risk/reward factor to consider, and the police have an obligation to ensure that the "cure" isn't worse than the "disease."
  21. there is probably a late fee on top of the $190. But yes, the "non member" fee is the same cost as buying a membership, and then a regular-priced trackday, so there's no reason not to do it...
  22. If they kill someone while fleeing, that's felony murder. I wouldn't say it's really on the cops. Now if the cops kill someone trying to keep up... Well, frankly I think the suspects should still be charged with felony murder, but I don't believe they would be.
  23. I was just about to comment on that as well. "why is that duck humping an armadillo?"
  24. NESBA membership is $25, and they're at BeaveRun once a month. Definitely worth it if you want to ride BeaveRun with any regularity. If you're paying $190, that's the late fee for registering less than two weeks (might even be 10 days) in advance. Moto Series charges a late fee too. I found that out last time I rode with them. What's nice about NESBA is that they pay your gate fee and camping fees. They also cover the gate fee for any of your friends who want to tag along or visit. Last time I was at Nelson w/ Moto Series, it was $10 a head to get in the gate.
  25. fun fact that I think becomes relevant when bitching about "the rich:" the estate tax was created to prevent "American Royalty." The whole principle behind it was to avoid the existence of the Paris Hiltons of the world. the Founding Father's felt that accumulating wealth to pass on to your children was fine in moderation, but the idea that your kids are not only comfortable, but inherit an EMPIRE was totally unacceptable. Too close to the British feudal system they had come to hate. Thus the estate tax was supposed to ensure that no one inherited the ability to be irresponsible and live like a moron without any consequences; and insane wealth. Glad that worked out as intended <eyerolll>
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