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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. well let's talk about the forces involved. Your 80mph wind comment is well taken. But I think that the tow vehicle being taller than the trailer is going to VASTLY reduce the amount of force actually hitting the trailer. That said, side gusts are still a real possibility. some kind of support 'frame' to keep the boards themselves from flexing is probably necessary. how robust is the question. Simple angled aluminum is probably fine, and still light. Just a matter of how much it will cost. I may mock something up with cardboard and popsicle sticks to see where the design is weak. The wind forces are going to multiply exponentially as the surface area grows, so that's something to consider for sure. Any SLIGHT flex in a scale model is going to be a huge problem at full scale. I'll see what I have time for tonight. I have to fold the trailer up and put it away for a month, but I'll try to get measurements before I do so. keep the ideas coming.
  2. I really don't anticipate having to use much wood other than the paneling; just some 1x3's as upright supports in each corner, and then a couple of 1x3's along the top to keep it rigid when I'm moving it around. that shouldn't add much weight - aluminum would be lighter, so I'll look into that (simple angle-bar will add strength), and be more compact, but I'm not sure it will be cost-effective. these are the kind of ideas I'm looking for though.
  3. I am going to price out the materials and see how much this might actually set me back. then lots of measuring so that I can have home depot make straight cuts to the plywood... I suck at using a circular saw. if I can use thinner plywood, it could end up being pretty cheap. I would paint the whole thing a solid color as well, so that it doesn't suck up water and rot. or maybe just thinner plywood on the 'ceiling' but thicker stuff on the sides, since they'll be supporting weight, and taking wind forces. The top just has to support the weight of my pedal bike. I plan on laying it on top, then strapping it down.
  4. It was only a matter of time, but I'm still quite impressed.
  5. true, but part of the appeal was the ability to drive 70 mph with a rigid structure shielding my stuff from the wind, and keeping it on the trailer. I may also run a small space heater in there on cold nights. Canvass would be better than regular tent material for sure, but I don't think it would be as good as wood.
  6. The finished product will be no more than 4' taller than the trailer deck. I really only need it to be taller than the wind-screen, which is maybe 38" at its peak. so it will DEFINITELY be shorter than the tow vehicle - that's part of the appeal of making my own; I get to decide stuff like that. @Bad - this would be removable. The HF trailers have brackets on the sides for adding a stake-bed. I would just be adding a roof, and solid walls rather than beams.
  7. This is just as much for my own "records" as anything else, but in case anyone gives a shit, this was my day. I left early on Sunday and after some time-wasting detours trying to avoid tolls, arrived at Summit Point at 2:00 on Sunday. NESBA was riding Jefferson Circuit, and WERA was racing on Main. It was a "national" event, and there were some seriously fast riders out. My friend Brad took three 4th place finishes, and a DNF (smoked his clutch on a restart in his first race, pitted in, and then laid the bike on its side to change the clutch w/o losing any oil! ha!) I didn't get to spectate as much as i would have liked, because i was busy trying to get my rear tire changed before the vendors packed up. With that accomplished, we waited for the WERA guys to finish up, and then moved our entire pit setup from Jefferson over to Main. I hadn't really unpacked anything by my bike and tools, so I just tossed my bicycle on someone else's trailer, rode my bike over behind then, and then rode my bicycle back to my car/trailer. Bring a bicycle to Summit. There are 3 tracks, plus the kart track, and it's an EXPANSIVE facility. Cool place. RIDING (Monday morning): I'd never seen this track before, and it's been a while since I've learned a new-to-me track. I've also yet to turn any laps in Advanced anywhere but BeaveRun, which I know pretty well... First session was a combination of learning where the track went, and reminding myself that i was on a fresh rear tire that had not been remotely scrubbed in, except for the ride from the JC paddock to the Main paddock. I didn't scare myself, but I went damn slow. 2nd session wasn't much better. I was dealing with some shift-point problems, and since I'd re-geared the bike when I changed the tire (from +2 rear to +0), i felt like my drive was suffering in a lot of places. It was also weird to be bogging a bit for turns I'd usually take in 3rd. Anyway, I improved. Dropped about 3 seconds (into the 1:28's), and was starting to feel like I knew where the track went. 3rd session only showed about a half a second improvement, but I was VERY consistent, and figuring out where I could cut time. Lunch was very necessary. I fell asleep. After lunch, I sucked. No idea what happened. 2nd session after lunch, I sucked worse! I got so incredibly tired after 6 laps, I had to pull in. Something was way "off" with my body. I downed a couple waters, and just sat, relaxed, and stretched in the shade. I made the decision to call it a day after the next (3:00) session, but also told myself I was going to ride the whole thing. It would be a good workout, if not good riding. VERY glad I went out. I knocked another 2 seconds off my best time, and actually passed someone. What was more satisfying is that when the faster guys lapped me (I wasn't running warmers, so they gap me by 20+ seconds in the first couple laps), I was able to hang with them for a while, and learn a few things. I know I can still drop another 4+ seconds at Summit Main, but I feel like I learned the track, and made good progress. this is the first time I've learned any track without Control Rider assistance, or any sort of "tow" from someone else, so it was humbling to say the least. I went the full 20 minutes, and felt good doing it. As I was taking off my helmet, they were announcing that there was lightning in the area, and teh track would be cold until further notice. This removed ANY doubt that I would be packing up early They did start riding again about 15 minutes later, but I had the bike on my trailer, and was about ready for a shower before the 6 hour drive home. My friend Jeff texted me from the track while I was on the road and said I got out just before a hail storm at the track! I saw lightning to the south most of my drive home, but only drove through VERY brief periods of rain. As I type this, my car is sitting in the parking lot of my office, still full of most of my riding gear, and a lot of sweaty clothes. The trailer is in my garage waiting to be unloaded. I've had much worse Mondays
  8. I don't think anyone's really trying to point fingers, but I appreciate your perspective. Beginners are unpredictable. We all make mistakes, but beginners tend to make different mistakes. In this case, it may have been several mistakes compounding into this incident. Purple rider moving off line, or moving over suddenly. The crasher could have also been looking further up track to see the same thing YOU saw coming. And although it's counterintuitive at the track, leaving more distance between bikes might have helped as well. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. The important thing is that everyone will make a full recovery. It certainly sucks (hard) when crashes are painful and expensive, but no amount of figuring out how/why it happened takes away the pain or expense. Learn from it, and ride again another day.
  9. (p.s. - the internet claims that a 4x8 sheet of plywood weighs 20-25 lbs. per 1/4 inch.) I think I could get away with 1/2 or even 3/8 inch sheets. That would be under 50 lbs per sheet, multiplied by the 4 sheets I would need. 200 lbs. Plus additional bracing lumber. figure another 250. Considering I have had a second BIKE on the trailer, an extra 250 lbs. shouldn't be a problem, even when I throw more stuff on the trailer, because I no longer have to worry about it blowing away or falling off. Reasonable?
  10. showed up at Summit this weekend, and quickly realized that I was going to have to camp on the asphalt if I wanted to be in the "Main" paddock (jefferson circuit has grass though). Anyway, I crashed in a friend's 6x12 enclosed trailer, and it was really convenient. an enclosed trailer is not in my budget, nor would I want to spend a lot of money on one that is able to be towed by my wife's small SUV. So, this got me thinking: Would it be super ghetto to build walls and a ceiling for my Harbor Freight 4x8? my biggest concern is weight, but when all is said and done, I would essentially end up with a 4x4x8 box, and I'd just make a screen door (tent style) to leave one end open for ventilation. If it rains, I toss a tarp over the end and bugie cord it down so it won't blow away. dumb idea? super ghetto? This seems like one of those things that works great in my head, but ends up heavy, cumbersome, and really shady looking when I'm done... thoughts? my build cost would likely be around $100, so it's not a terribly expensive experiment. Storing 3 sheets of 4x8 plywood is my next concern, but they should lean against the garage wall easily enough...
  11. but will he get the Republican nomination? I kind of doubt it. Frankly, I think he might have more traction as a third-party candidate, but that's probably wishful thinking... Too many old white males will blindly vote "republican" even if the nominate some hapless boob. I couldn't bring myself to vote for McCain in 2008.
  12. I see MANY problems with what happened, but that doesn't mean that the driver is entitled to damages. What has he lost? How has he suffered? Punitive damages aside, civil suits are supposed to make the victim whole again. If nothing has been taken, there is nothing to return. If everyone is so sure this guy can sue, tell me what he's going to list in his complaint.
  13. do i need to have the thread name changed to specify that any "bad" things should also be TRUE?
  14. I pitted with my friend Jeff this past Sunday, and he was control riding all day while I was out in Advanced. Jeff has ridden the last 3 weekends in a row (although normally doesn't do back-to-back weekends), and on this particular day, I would estimate he turned less than 20 laps in Advanced. He did say he turned a couple 1:05's and a couple 1:03's tracking people down in Intermediate, rather than slowing down and waiting for people to catch him instead, but the simple fact is that he did a LOT more working than playing. For those of you who coach, is the "free" track time really worth it, or is it totally offset by the cost of additional fuel, tires, and travel? The more I think about it, the more it starts to look like a complete wash.
  15. Oprah said it's okay to be afraid of young black males, so it must be okay.
  16. I've been drinking the Ron Paul kool aid lately, and really liking what i'm hearing. Before I jump the gun and start "supporting" Ron Paul for the 2012 Presidential nomination, I want to hear from his detractors. What are the (perceived) faults and flaws? So far I've only come up with: - dude's pretty old. Like 74, I think. But in good health, and mentally sharp as a tack. - I have heard he's got some wacky religious views, but I haven't seen that for myself. I question how much it would affect his politics anyway. I'm probably on the wrong site to find a lot of liberal POV, but if you're out there, please educate me. I DON'T WANT THIS TO TURN INTO A DEBATE - I'M LOOKING FOR CRITICISM OF RON PAUL. Once those are compiled and exposed, THEN this can descend into a debate; but the liberals can have the first word.
  17. but it's not even about "preventing deaths." Like I said before: 1) generating revenue is a simple necessity for law enforcement. Unless you want higher taxes, cops have to write tickets. 2) it is not the police's duty to PREVENT crimes. Their job is to investigate crimes. Traffic stops are a legitimate reason to 'randomly' question and check up on a large percentage of our society. Without traffic stops, that murder suspect the detectives are investigating might never be apprehended.
  18. in the city's place, wouldn't you try the same? No different than any other plea-bargain. Unethical, I suppose, but I don't think it's illegal. what would the guy sue for anyway? What are his damages?
  19. I'd stop that habit. I watched a real pissed-off woman in her 30's get out of her car after she was pulled over, and the highway patrolman drew his firearm and took aim. This all happened within 3-5 seconds. I was trailing both vehicles on the highway at 60mph (they both blew by me - her speeding, him pursuing shortly thereafter), and I saw her get pulled over maybe a quarter mile up the road. As i approached, she was already getting out of the car. I had time to see her get real pissed, him draw, and her get the fucking picture and lay face down on the pavement. As far as I'm concerned, the officer was 100% right in that situation. This lady was clearly pissed off, and he had no clue whether or not she was armed. To HER credit, she stopped dead in her tracks and started listening when he (I assume) yelled for her to stay where she was, and get down on the ground.
  20. I think what you're trying to say is that if you're breaking the law; no matter how minute or insignificant you feel that law is, YOU ARE a "real" criminal, yes? While i agree that the police should have higher priorities than speed traps and traffic stops, statistically it generates a lot of money to keep them on the streets (how does stopping a murder keep them employed?), and traffic stops have proven to be a VERY effective means of catching bad guys for other illegal acts. Ever watched cops? How many times do they pull over a car for having a burnt-out headlight, and end up arresting 3 people for drug/gun possession, or for other outstanding warrants?
  21. in high school, 4 of us were pulled over for riding in my friend's jeep with the top/doors off, and the wind-shield folded down. the claimed reason: "you're not wearing eye protection." Luckily we were in high school, and had chemistry goggles (seriously) to put on, and the guy let us go w/ a warning. Basically just an excuse to hassle us.
  22. flushing coolant is time-consuming, but simple. a lot depends on if your bike has a coolant drain plug, or if it's simpler to just disconnect a hose. I use the drain plug because i hate messing w/ hoses. Just open that, remove the radiator cap, and let it drain with the bike on the side-stand. Then fill the bike with antifreeze & distilled-water that you pre-mixed in another jug, and run the bike for a few minutes to get the coolant circulating. Let the bike cool, top off the coolant, and you're good. Now the switch FROM antifreeze to water wetter is a little more time consuming, because you really want to make sure you flush ALL of the glycol based coolant out of the system. In that case, I'll dump a gallon of distilled water through the system after the antifreeze has drained, then run the bike w/ JUST distilled water in it, and drain again. Repeat that until the drainage runs (and pools) clear. THEN drain out a little distilled water, add water wetter, and top off the bike with more distilled water. What makes it suck is all the waiting for the bike too sufficiently cool off so you can open the radiator and make sure it's full.
  23. puppies are defenseless. People aren't. The puppy also can't testify against the a-hole to get him convicted of a crime. Beyond that, people can be a-holes. I've never met a puppy that's an a-hole. I wouldn't suggest that this lady deserved it, but I don't know here from Adam. Right or wrong, there's an assumption that the puppy was the cutest most awesome thing ever. I really try to be level-headed and not advocate "eye for an eye" type justice (i feel it's hypocritical), but it would be difficult to resist the urge not to beat this jerkoff...
  24. At the risk of sounding like the resident a-hole that every forum has, an actual "hi, my name is..." introduction might have won over a few more people before you started 2 threads and made a total of 4 posts to pimp your event. The event might be the best thing in the world, but the appearance of showing up with an agenda (and not really giving a shit about OhioRiders.net) won't sit well with some people.
  25. or just ice. the poor-man's cool shirt is to dip a t-shirt in water, ring it out so it's not dripping, and toss it in the freezer. It won't take more than 5 or 10 minutes to solidify. Not that much water. It will thaw quickly, but it stays wet, and if you've got perforated gear, wind + water = cool.
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