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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. If my first post was ambiguous, I think students should have to KNOW the pledge. That's American history. Whether or not they recite it should be completely up to them.
  2. As far as I can tell, that only means that learning the constitution will now be a mandatory part of the school curriculum. Each teacher will be required to teach it. The TEACHERS are the ones who actually have to speak the POA. If it's part of the curriculum, then students should be tested on it. Writing out the pledge is a totally acceptable way to illustrate that you've learned it.That shouldn't require anyone to actually recite the pledge if they don't want to. Personally, I think it's kind of silly to pledge my allegiance to a piece of cloth. "To the republic, for which it stands" makes more sense to me. "one nation, under god," I'm not wild about either, but I don't think it does any harm. I went to school with a very smart and very religious family (Bad - you probably had a Bayzie in your grade. There were 6 or 7 of them). Raquel never recited the pledge. She wasn't anti-America or anything, but she was devoutly Christian, and said she had pledged her life and allegiance to God & Jesus. As she explained it to me, she would not split her allegiance to God with any flag or government. Pretty heady stuff, considering she was in 2nd or 3rd grade when she told me this.
  3. An expensive civil suit might change what's expected of small aircraft, even if it doesn't change the law. There's an old case where a bunch of ships were tied to each other in a storm. Like 8 or 10 deep off the dock. Anyway, one got loose, and destroyed a shipping dock. The shipping company (dock owner) sued the ship owner. The industry practice was NOT to use radios, and they were not required, but the court ruled that the entire industry was negligent in not using radios; so even though there was no law being broken, civil liability was still enforced. (I can't remember why, but having a radio would have prevented the property damage - probably because the deck hands would have known the storm was coming) It will take some kind of property damage that could have been avoided if the aircraft was using a radio, but the practice will change once it sets up aircraft owner/operators for liability. Radios are extremely inexpensive compared to the damage a small aircraft can cause, thus the "burden" of purchasing, installing, and using a radio is low enough that the court will likely find negligence if one is NOT used. /legal rant.
  4. if you can find a paper online, what makes you think your professor can't as well? I started undergrad almost 10 years ago, and even back then they had automated programs that would basically google search the entire text of your paper to look for plagiarized material. legitimate quotes would come up as hits, but obviously those weren't violations as long as you cited them properly. A kid I went to high school with got caught by such a system. Twice. He works for his dad now. Their shop is actually right by my house, so I'll see him every so often. real winner (Casper, not sure what your paper's about, but I actually just finished an ethics class for law school. It's geared toward passing the Multi-state Professional Responsibility Exam, but it might be a different perspective, or give you some additional ideas if you get to a point where you're just stuck. My undergrad degree is in English, so; contrary to how I may come across on the forum, I don't entirely suck at writing intelligently.)
  5. this is what I was thinking when I read Ringo's claim that they were "the best." The EBC's are a great value, and I'll probably stick with them. I have noticed some fade at the track, but they've never let me down. Monday it was 95 degrees out, and people with much more expensive master cylinder and pad combos were complaining about brake fade more than I was, so I was pretty happy with mine. Initial bite isn't too harsh for street use, and they come on STRONG when you realize, "shit; I should have been braking harder sooner..." (I tested this theory coming into T1 at Summit multiple times. momentarily locked the front once. Going 150-50 is serious braking)
  6. "the fighter jets got pretty close. They rattled a few windows." That's probably an understatement. I was on the 6th or 7th floor of my dorm on 9/11, and when fighters went supersonic leaving Wright Patterson AFB, the BUILDING moved; not just the windows. Granted, I realize they weren't supersonic above Chicago, but I bet you they shook more than just some windows in Toledo when they needed to get to Chicago in a hurry.
  7. i have a feeling I'm going to learn the first time i try to eat something I killed, but what does "gamy" mean, exactly?
  8. black as hell is probably safe. it doesn't have to taste great to keep me alive. Too bad it doesn't taste good though - probably the most plentiful "game" in my area I wonder if raccoon tastes any good. Bait them with some trash, and just pick them off as they come to eat it!
  9. I just know that squirrels are all over my neighborhood, and my dog has an innate ability to 'tree' them. The fuckers will get 20' up the utility pole in our neighbor's yard, and then just sit there taunting my dog. While this is annoying in good times; it would prove incredibly useful if I actually needed to hunt for food in my neighborhood. Deer are around, but I've only seen ONE in my yard in the last 2.5 years, and it was only a few days ago. The park nearby would be prime hunting ground though. Yet another use for my open trailer. how badass would it be to show up at the track with a blood-stained trailer btw? but basically what I'm hearing is "kill squirrel, watch youtube, cut carefully, boil squirrel, eat squirrel, (profit?)" The wife is not going to like this learning experience... Frankly, I'm a little weirded out by it too, but knowledge is knowledge.
  10. No dispute on that part - I was thinking they changed the licensing requirement. I could swear that you didn't need an "M" endorsement to operate a scooter under 50cc, but I can no longer find that section of the BMV site.
  11. it appears you are correct. That must have changed somewhat recently, because I am certain I read it on the BMV site, but I can no longer find it. No time to look very hard now. Maybe later.
  12. you're half right. I fairly certain that you don't need an endorsement for vehicles under 50cc. That might not be true if it's a 2-stroke, but a 49cc 4-stroke definitely doesn't require an "M" endorsement. Still needs to be registered and plated though.
  13. in a moment of paranoia, I decided that it would be a good idea to learn how to clean small game, like squirrels, in the event that the dollar collapses, and the country descends into anarchy. Now as unlikely as that may sound, I still think the knowledge is useful. Google has yielded several results for basic instructions on how to skin and clean a squirrel, and I even found a video (although I can't really watch that at work). My questions are: 1) am i totally nuts for thinking this is something everyone should learn? My 10/22 won't take down larger game very easily; and I think there's probably a 20% chance that the dollar will collapse in my lifetime... 2) what's the best way to learn and practice this sort of thing? I assume the answer is "learn while you can still eat at burger king if you eff up cleaning the squirrel," but how difficult is it to actually gut a squirrel without spoiling the meat? Is this going to be something I can do the first time, with written instructions, or something I'm going to screw up a few times before I get edible results?
  14. 9 posts, and already dishing out and taking some shit (gracefully). You will do well here Is that a Warhammer from the original "Mech Warrior" in your sig image?
  15. I heard that on the radio as well. The afternoon drive "sidekick" made a pretty good joke about it: "she should do it - what's her excuse? People are going to think less of her? It's going to ruin her credibility and reputation? Her kid might see it some day? ...oh, wait."
  16. I'm confused about how a magnet increases the amount of conductive material on a motorcycle. Isn't that the explanation they gave for why the bike won't trip the sensor in the first place?
  17. welcome. I'm on the west side, but i'll be nice to you anyway.
  18. she's been out of work for the last 3 years, and her only liquid asset is the little Saturn the authorities returned to her after the trial (it was evidence). Her lawyers got exactly what they wanted from her: fame. No one's going to be paying for security for this broad. She does have a body and a story to sell, but someone needs to be willing to buy before that's worth any money. I heard reports that she wants $1,000,000 for an interview. I'd ask at least that much. And someone is going to pay it.
  19. $12.99 for 525, actually Just got the ad in the mail yesterday for Fin Feather & Fur.
  20. The guy with the Buell Blast doesn't get to make fun of .22 for being a small caliber
  21. This. have your insurance coverage in line, but also start notifying the police of every little thing the suspect does as well. The police have a lot of shit on their plate, but if it's MULTIPLE people in the same neighborhood, they might actually take notice. Plus (as awful as this sounds) the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Filing complaints is a PITA for police. They don't like paperwork. If they catch and convict the guy, that's the last of the paperwork they have to fill out (at least for a while). Seeing stolen property in the guy's garage, or even a suspicious number of TV's or other electronics might be enough to give the police probable cause to search the place. But you have to get them out there for a legit reason first.
  22. write down EXACTLY what she said to you ASAP. If she admitted fault in any way, that can only help you. Seems like it should be open and shut case, but things rarely are. if you have to go to court (or have to threaten to), making a record of what was said NOW is going to lend a lot more credibility to the statement later. "how do you remember what she said to you?" I wrote it down the day of the accident. That's a lot more convincing than "I just remember - she said it to me a year ago when the accident occurred, and we're finally in court now; but I'm sure that's what she said." The police should have done the same in their police report, but getting the officer to testify isn't always possible.
  23. someone just buy it... If it actually runs, it's well worth the $500. Please, really; someone say they're going to buy this before I convince myself I can afford it.
  24. truth. And it might be the only chick i've ever banged who I'd believe when she says, "i don't want kids."
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