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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. wish I could afford it. a buddy of mine has an '07 Wrangle "unlimited" (4 door) with the 3.7 and an automatic :thumbsdown: the 8" lift and 33" tires help make it suck a little less, but not much.
  2. the conti motions are great for the price. I have had great experiences w/ my Q2's as well, and they've been used exclusively at the track. On the street, they would provide insane grip for the price. ($230/set) More tire than you should be able to safely use on public roads.
  3. what kind of car is this? Or is it an F150 in the video? I don't recognize the interior.
  4. Prove it! I want to see that Husky on a dyno! No way it puts 23hp to the wheels.
  5. no problem - i just wanted to make sure I didn't pull an idiot move and use one of our old postage stamps (we print our own, 200 at a time) that was $.02 shy of being good anymore.
  6. I would agree, and only add that the discrepancy is caused by the fact that the Rebel is air-cooled, so it can't turn the RPM the EX250 can (not w/o scorching a cylinder anyway). That little EX spins to 14,000 RPM or something silly. When they're properly tuned, on flat ground, and the rider is in a full tuck, even a first generation EX250 should be able to crack 100 mph. The rebel offers zero wind protection, and is down on power. I think TPoppa said his was good for ~75mph at best. The EX250 isn't an ideal highway machine, but it's no worse than my wife's old Neon. The top-speed was about the same, and the bike certainly accelerated better, and braked just as well.
  7. cool-ass car, but if memory serves, the 71 was the first year they started to get bigger and uglier. Automatic is a shame too. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to own it - but the '69 Mach 1 was the peak of sexy for Mustangs. LBTS - GLWS.
  8. Work paid my postage, and I am sure Baby Ben is keeping Casper busy, so I certainly don't want this to come across as bitching, but was my SASE received, or is it still sitting in the PO Box? no real hurry.
  9. the "arming of our citizens" is a bad thing? As soon as this guy said that, I knew I wasn't going to agree with much that followed. Could be media bias, and it could be that I just don't read much news, but my inclination is to believe that the occurrences of violence from people licensed to carry are far fewer than incidents with people who AREN'T licensed to carry. My mother-in-law wasn't pleased with the change allowing people to carry in bars. I informed her that the establishment was still free to put the little "no firearms" sign on the door, but also suggested that if those prevent criminals from bringing guns into the establishment, it would be much simpler to just have a "no criminals" sign instead.
  10. I'd replace it as well, unless this next TD will be your last of the year, and you intend to take it easy. GP-A's are meant to be used with warmers anyway. The GP's are even stickier... Unless you're solidly in the middle of the pack w/ Advanced group, a Q2 is going to be plenty for you. I run them, and I believe Jinu runs or has run them recently as well. I'm JUST starting to feel like i'm getting fast enough to warrant a better tire. Q2 rears should be $130 or less. You can get sets for $230.
  11. yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think 1 person needs to hold a majority ownership in the house. A "controlling stake" allows for quicker decisions, and it won't allow disputes to keep progress at a stand-still when they arise. perhaps a mortgage with 33/33/33 ownership, but then create an LLC to make decisions on behalf of the house, and all 3 owners sign over control of important decisions (maintenance, etc.) to that company. I'm not so pessimistic to assume that the friendships will degrade based on disputes over improvements and decorating, but I would worry about what happens when 1 person gets married, and their wife wants them to get rid of that "frat house" he bought with his friends. If the other 2 of you can afford to buy him out, then it's all good. If not, then the only option is to sell, whether the other 2 of you want to or not. As long as you all go in understanding that, then it should be fine. the other potential scenario I see are "comfort" improvements. What if 2/3 want a $6,000 hot tub, but 1 guy can't or doesn't want to pony up his $2k? The same could happen with any number of other luxury items (large TV, etc.). I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but build in a yearly "non-essential improvement budget," and either stick to it, or only deviate with unanimous agreement. Even then, it sets someone up to be teh bad guy. "well we WOULD have a 60 inch TV, but Chris wouldn't vote for it, so all we have is the 37 inch." That kind of shit WILL get brought up for years - every time you watch TV.
  12. i'm only "offended" by the fact that the "yes yes yes" to rehab joke is totally played-out, and wasn't really funny to begin with. otherwise i just think it's silly that people are bashing someone's music without ever listening to it.
  13. really? people are still making the "yes yes yes" rehab joke and expecting it to get a laugh? Too obvious to be funny, and about 4 days late for it to be anything less than obnoxious. Are we talking about Courney Love, or Amy Winehouse? regardless, what does how someone looks have to do with being skanky? How people portray themselves and how they actually are; especially with celebrities, are two totally different things. You think Lady Gaga sits at home in a ridiculous costume all the time? You think Amy Winehouse wasn't VERY aware she was dressing the part of a skank? Maybe she was backing it up with her behavior, and maybe she wasn't - but that still has no bearing on her talent as a singer (or lack thereof, now that everyone's heard everything she ever wrote ) I really couldn't care much less that Amy Winehouse died, and I am only vaguely familiar with her from whatever singles were on the radio, but that's explicitly WHY i'm in no position to make a judgment on whether or not she was actually talented. I would wager most others bashing her lack of talent are equally ill-equipped to do so.
  14. I hope my posts aren't coming across as negative, I just think there's a lot that could go wrong. If it works out, it will be a lot of fun. It's actually something I'd seriously consider myself, but my friends and I have different investment goals.
  15. No one ever enters a contract with the intention of disagreeing later on. There's no "if" about it. Have a contract in place. I can't think of anyone I wouldn't hold to a contract in this kind of investment situation. That includes parents and siblings.
  16. first of all, not all of them. second, what does being a skank have to do with being talented or not? (that's IF she was actually a skank) third, how much Amy Winehouse have you listened to to evaluate her talent, or lack thereof? I wasn't a fan of what I heard on the radio, but that's maybe 2 songs out of 2 albums. I can't say that I've ever really given her a listen, so I'm not going to criticize much.
  17. I don't know why they haven't adopted more of those changeable speed limit signs. If there's traffic, it may legitimately be safer for everyone to go 55 - shorter stopping distance should mean fewer rear-end collisions. But at off-peak hours, there's no reason it shouldn't be 60 or 65 (or 75, or 80...). Silly. The turnpike recently UPPED the speed limit to 70 mph. With 12" wheels on the trailer, that's about as fast as I dare go anyway.
  18. ^ yeah, Jblosser's list covers the high points, but definitely consult an attorney. Unfortunately, you really should EACH have your own attorney looking at whatever contract is drawn up, because you want someone looking out for YOUR interests. There is no such thing as an "attorney to the situation," and no single attorney can legitimately have all 4 of your best interests as his or her top priority. You can save time (and money) by agreeing on most things in advance. Like, what happens if 2 of you want to sell, and the other 2 don't? what happens if 3 of you want to sell, and the 4th doesn't? who determines the value of the house, if a percentage buy-out is agreed upon? if you do decide to sell, do all of you have to agree on the selling price? 3/4? etc. it can get VERY complicated, and the more you agree upon before such a situation arises, the more you're going to save yourself in future legal battles... Really, the simplest thing to do might be to be to set this up as a business venture, with 3 partners. 1 of you owns the house, and the other 3 buy interest IN YOUR BUSINESS renting it. Then 1 person technically has total control over the house, but all 4 of you have an interest in the business, with its core (sole?) asset being the property. Then the home owner is responsible for repairs, utilities, upkeep, etc.; but those all become business expenses which your partners will be responsible for contributing too, but can be written off when taxes are calculated.
  19. congrats Brian. Can't wait to see what Fillmore can do on the RC8 in New Jersey :-)
  20. there does seem to be something about "artist" types that keeps the really good, or really crazy ones from making it beyond 27. Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison, (I apologize for putting the rest of these in the same list as Hendrix and Morrison), Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, and now Amy Winehouse. There's a lot more too; those are just the ones I know off the top of my head. I wasn't an Amy Winehouse fan (and I kind of despise Janice Joplin), but in the spirit of "Fight Club," 'at least she was trying to hit rock-bottom.' The best artists really are in it for the art, and feel uncomfortable with the fame. I sincerely believe some of what we see from celebrities is subconscious self-sabotage to get themselves out of the spotlight and back to some sense of "normal." oh well - she was somebody's daughter and friend. Sucks for those people.
  21. they probably want/need any swelling inside your arm to go down so they can set things back to normal when they're a normal size. the 28th is coming up fast - good luck w/ surgery, and heal quickly!
  22. not without a patio. I like the missile silo idea better
  23. that's a quick time for your group. I saw you out there riding in ahead fo the crash truck. I assumed there were 2 separate incidents when you rode it in. Glad you were okay! i was busy? Must have been watching Jeff or the other Chris mess w/ the power commanders or bazzazz units on their bikes. For brand new R6's, they sure have a lot of problems...
  24. Definitely out for this one, but I know like 80% of the people control riding this event. If you end up going and want to hear fast guys make fun of me, you can tell Jeff (blue R6, #15) and Kevin (Red camo R6 #42) that you know me.
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