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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Completely valid point. I realized "domesticated" animals was simultaneously under and over-inclusive as I was typing it, but I couldn't think of anything better on the fly. Like we've been saying, some things shouldn't NEED to be legislated.
  2. Thinking that something shouldn't be illegal doesn't mean i condone it. case in point would be abortion, protesting soldiers' funerals, and so on. I don't LIKE those things, but I don't think they should be illegal. honestly, I think Scruit is onto something with some kind of "domesticated animal" classification that falls between property and a person. the pit-fall I see is that it creates a very slippery slope for tort claims. Right now, if you hit my dog with your car, and my dog dies, you owe me the $150 I spent adopting my dog. If my dog was a purebred English Bulldog or something, I might get $2,000 or whatever the going rate is. But I won't see a dime for loss of consortium, pain and suffering, or anything comparable to a wrongful death tort claim that I could make if it was my child that had been killed by your car. If you're going to start classifying animals as "more than property," the potential damages awarded for their destruction has to match the elevated status. Slippery slope, indeed.
  3. I agree, but that's not the law. With regard to your last sentence, there are laws in place that dictate animals may not be "abused" or "neglected." The problem is that the law doesn't specify as to whether or not sexual contact with the animal is "abuse" when it doesn't cause physical injury.
  4. I think we're on the same page; we both want certain things to not happen, because they're amoral and disgusting ...but that doesn't mean we should have to outlaw them. I mentioned this story to my friend Candace, who happens to be a vegetarian. Her response was, "the way you feel about someone effing a dog; that's only mildly more disgusting to me than the idea of eating a cow." I respect her eleventy billion times more now for NOT being one of those vegetarians who rolls her eyes at me and makes comments when I eat meat. Hell, she's cooked steak for me...
  5. My dog objects to being crated, taking a bath, and having his nails clipped. That doesn't make the behavior abusive.
  6. I am completely grossed out and somewhat outraged by this, but from a legal perspective, Justin playing devil's advocate is actually a strong stance. In Ohio, animals are property. If I can fuck a hole in my couch (my property), why can't I fuck my animal? As he points out, if the animal isn't being physically harmed, I think it would be exceedingly hard to argue that it's really "abuse" or "cruelty." For me it's along the same lines of computer animated child-porn. It's sick and disgusting; but it's also constitutionally protected. You can't make a sexual impulse criminal; only the act itself. I don't think animals have the mental capacity to be "harmed" by this sort of thing, so that limits the criminal act to physical abuse. I want to throw up in my mouth just from typing half of what I just wrote, but the logic seems sound...
  7. I'm gonna try to toss a ball w/ my old man and watch field of dreams. He's big into golf now, and has been helpful with making me suck a little less, but he knows it's not my thing. although I think he likes the opportunity to speak authoritatively and teach his 28 yr old (i'm the oldest) something. Brings him back to "the good ole days" when I didn't know more than him about anything the older I get, the smarter my dad gets...
  8. cool. I remember John trying to get me to join, and that had to be at least 3 years ago. I registered, but visited rarely. Now if I type "www" in any of my browsers, ".ohio-riders.net" is the computer's first guess for auto-complete
  9. 100 tracks or 100 days? the latter would be believable. I don't think there are 100 full-sized tracks in the US though. If he's counting kart tracks, then maybe. my brother has fieldsheer luggage he got on closeout from Iron Pony. He has the saddle bags and tail bag, and unless you have a high-mount exhaust, anything similar should be fine. between that and his huge tank bag, I'm betting he could hold enough gear to camp for more days than you'd want to go w/o showering.
  10. I think Canada's getting too big for its britches. If Congress can declare war before the end of business tomorrow, I think we can safely be prepared to celebrate before the weekend's over, no? All joking aside, there were a lot of comments on Canadian news sites echoing the sentiments expressed here - that the booing was for the commissioner, not the Bruins, and that the citizens of Vancouver are thoroughly disgusted with the actions of these so called "fans." How the city reacts will be quite telling. the initial reaction I have seen is: - a facebook group set up where people can post pictures and video of rioters, so they can be tracked down and prosecuted, and - hundreds of volunteers showing up to help city workers clean up the mess from the riots. That's the Canada I'm used to.
  11. I thought Canadians were all polite. what gives?
  12. If the company listed earlier doesn't work out, send me a PM and I'll ask my cousin if he knows anyone. He's a detective, but is currently on medical leave. Hell, he's bored enough he might be looking for something to do, if he's allowed.
  13. My dad's buddy just asked me if I had one he could borrow, and I definitely don't. Mike is the type of guy who would treat your stuff better than his own, and return it as soon as possible. I wouldn't stick my neck out asking for someone else if i didn't believe that. He's also got a sweet old BMW bike he and his son are restoring. Been in their family since it was new ...in the late 60's, I think. Anyway, he's doing transmission work on his grand am, so if anyone has an engine hoist they dont' mind lending out, I'd put you in touch with Mike, or facilitate pick up and drop-off myself. thanks.
  14. 1) I have never met anyone who is better at "mine sweeper" than I am. 2) my wife and I had our first "date" when she asked to go for a ride on my bike. I had a girlfriend at the time, but bought dinner anyway. 3) I have two younger brothers, spaced roughty at 2.5 year intervals after me; and a sister who is just about 11 years my junior. 4) I get sick and/or pass out at the mere thought of intravenous needles. regular shots are fine, but the idea of something inside my veins makes me sick. Tonsil surgery at 24 SUCKED ASS. 5) I have two tattoos that I don't particularly "regret," but I wouldn't get over again. I'd prefer the cash back in my pocket, and they're both pretty meaningless. 6) I have minor scoliosis and thus deal with pretty much constant back pain. 7) my right pinky finger is permanently bent. I broke it when I was 8 or 9. 8) I have known all 7 of my groomsmen since before I was 13 years old. (2 of them were my brothers though) 9) when I first started looking for bikes, I thought sport bikes were dumb, and wanted a cruiser. 10) I can play trombone, baritone, tuba, and electric bass pretty well. I majored in music for about a year before deciding I preferred it as a recreational activity rather than a career path. I would have double-majored, but one of the required music classes was at 8 AM, and I didn't want to wake up that early. truth.
  15. The real Rambo also only freaked out because of PTSD. Great movie. I have the 25th anniversary edition. :-)
  16. That is nothing like Rambo. The police attacked Rambo. Rambo just defended himself. It's actually a sad movie, and a heavy social commentary about how our soldiers were treated after returning from Vietnam. This guy is a nut.
  17. Interested, but $200 is a lot of dough for Nelson. Most riders aren't fit enough to ride more than 20 minute sessions, so unlimited time may not really equal more laps. I'll have to check my calendar. If you want more fast guys though, some NESBA control riders were talking about renting Nelson themselves. They might be in for open track.
  18. depends on the chick. I will keep this clean' date=' because we're not NWS forum, but: Salma Hayek will want to shield those beauties from gravity's evil effects. [img']http://resimler.haberler.com/haber/970/salma-hayek-anne-oldu_o.jpg kiera Knightley doesn't have as much to worry about.
  19. +1 I haven't dealt with Mike yet, but if he's half as killer as TJ, you won't be disappointed. For those shopping ridersdiscount.com, always keep in mind that they usually can't publish their best prices online, because it would undercut (and piss off) other distributors of the same products. Riders Discount typically quotes me AT LEAST 15% off the best price I could find on my own, and their customer service is amazing. TJ once called me to let me know that my knee pucks were going to arrive on Friday instead of Thursday like he said they might. (okay, it might not have actually been knee pucks, but it was some really inexpensive item where I was uber impressed that he cared enough to let me know - he definitely had customers spending a LOT more money that he could have been paying attention to) On top of all that, Riders Discount supports our sport in a huge way, at the club level, and in the AMA. They're the title sponsor for Jake Holden's Ducati 848 now, and they'er involved with Sammy Gaige's program.
  20. 4th gear at highway speeds isn't going to hurt the bike. Unless you see it overheating, there is no NEED to up-shift other than less noise and better economy. My '03 gets run between 8k and 15k all day at the track. As long as you keep wind moving through the radiator, the bike won't flinch.
  21. Unless a lot has changed since 2005 (when I lived in Dayton) Dayton's fire department is GROSSLY under funded. I'm not shocked if they don't get the cream of the crop for fire candidates.
  22. I believe that's a jurisdictional decision, but that sounds reasonable. I know certain jurisdictions will no longer issue tickets for more than 100mph, because retards were treating them like trophies. "I got clocked doing 168mph, biotch. I gots proof!" So they'll just write the ticket for 100mph, and then tack on every aggravating circumstance possible. That's when you'd get hassled about those turn signals that aren't DOT approved, the fender eliminator that also got rid of your plate illumination, etc...
  23. sooo... when you're passed by a high-speed chase, is it difficult to resist the urge to peg it to 150 in the opposite direction? You know the cops have more important things to worry about.
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