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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Actually this was a NESBA control rider who was lamenting the fact that they no longer ride there. He would come down and do MotoSeries, but an 8 hour drive isn't worth it for 1 trackday. I'm trying to convince him that racing is a good idea.
  2. I always liked the people who asked "do you have a bike?" when they saw my helmet. Every so often I would be in a snotty mood and say, "no, I just carry the helmet around to look cool."
  3. Mid O has a faster back straight but lower average speed. Nelson is definitely a simpler layout. Even in its current condition, I have friends who call Nelson their favorite track.
  4. I have to admit, I immediately assumed this was about the track being built in Philly, and I was more upset then. My grandfather was a bombardier on a B17. I vaguely recall his story about being shot down during WWII.
  5. For street use, it will be fine. For track use, wear a back protector, and it will fit perfectly.
  6. that sucks. There's nothing worse than taking all the proper precautions and still having something like this happen. I sincerely hope the parents aren't beating themselves up for letting their daughter do what she clearly enjoyed. I'm not so much the praying type, but I'll text message whatever higher power is listening and ask that (s)he send some good vibes toward that family.
  7. thanks I'm not sure I deserved it, but I guess they're thinking, "he ain't gettin' faster without someone to chase." It's kind of bittersweet. Now I have a target on my back for sure at the races this weekend!
  8. BUMP! One week away, and after riding on Sunday, I am even more pumped for this event. By the 3rd session on Sunday, I was into the 1:07's, and still felt like I had a lot of places I could improve. I really need to review the laps on my timer, but I know my best last year was a single lap in the :06's. last session of the day on Sunday, I was doing consistent :06's. Not bad for my first (full) day back on track There are at least 4 things I know I can do better, and shave more than a second: - brake later for T1. I kept having to accelerate through T1, even after passing people on the brakes... - Stay on the gas more over the hill (between 6 & 7) - Take T10 in 2nd gear for better drive out. - get my upper body off the bike more, so I'm not so crossed-up. I was getting better with this, but it's a work in progress. :05's should be very attainable next weekend with faster people to chase
  9. Pretty great day for me. Other than a dead battery, pretty much everything went great for me. Unless I missed something, everyone from OrDN kept it on 2 wheels and had a good time. Pictures of the "I" group captain's bike on the observation balcony will be posted as soon as I get them from Todd. Pictures of yank's bike in the women's shower were (sadly) not taken.
  10. redkow97

    father's day

    My brothers and sister and I are signing a baseball and giving my dad "field of dreams" on DVD. I wrote "let's have a catch" on the ball before we all signed. Total cost was under $20, and I think he'll like it a lot more than the golf stuff we usually get him
  11. My bike is under a blue canopy. Track side of the paddock
  12. so is this guy really that tall, or did they have him standing on a box next to Jungle Jack? My buddy's dad has pictures with Jack Hannah, and I don't remember Jack being that short.
  13. damn. sweet gig. wish I'd applied. I have sales experience, and would pimp their wares at every track (and forum) possible...
  14. tube? which of your bikes uses a tube tire?
  15. clearly you have never commuted to work and gotten stuck in traffic behind a cab full of drunk and bored strippers who got off work at 3 and partied until 7. ...but your commute sounds okay for a rain ride.
  16. I'm a big fan of the Charlotte Checkers, and their ownership group. http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/albany-river-rats-buy-house-biggest-fan-minor-leauge-hockey-team-disabled-young-man-us-13593202 Devoted parents too.
  17. I find it semi laughable that improved handling is even seen as a "pro" by a hayabusa rider. Clearly it wasn't a huge priority when they bought the bike. The best way to make a 'busa handle better is to lose 350cc and call it a GSX-R 1000
  18. so now that I can ask w/o derailing your FS thread, how fast do the nighthawk 250's go? I know they're no good for highway, but can they do 55?
  19. Doesn't this: fly in the face of this?
  20. The engine build and test video is pretty cool. I like how you can see the tire stand up a TON on the dyno. Okay, maybe not a ton, but enough to make a significant suspension geometry difference if it were to stay that way under braking/cornering.
  21. Stop paying a dealership or full-service shop to do tire and oil changes, and you'll save enough to cover the cost of a new rear tire every couple years. mount/balance shouldn't cost more than $20 if you bring them the rim, and if you buy the tire from the shop, mounting ought to be free.
  22. Random CA note - if you ever get a chance to ride the Ortega Highway (74) West from Lake Elsinore, it is a hell of a road. The drop-offs make it too unsafe to ride "fast," but the posted limit is between 45 and 55, which is plenty fun.
  23. Call the track to be sure, but I wouldn't expect any time before 10:00 PM On Friday nights, the NESBA directors have rolled in as late as 1:00 AM.
  24. Mid-Ohio is also $200 a day. BeaveRun is more like $170, and Nelson is $125. Putnam was $155 last year, and I want to say Gingerman was $150. The gas money to get there counts for something for sure, but so does variety. Racing fees have been less than I expected too, and they're the same at every track. I'm registered for 4 races (over 2 days), and that will get me 6 practice sessions too. Total price is $270. That's $70 less than 2 trackdays at the same track would have cost. I'd have to break it down into cost per lap, but at expensive tracks (NJMP, Mid-O, Barber), I'm betting it's closer than you'd think.
  25. my friend Dan does, or has anyway. Not sure if they have the "formula 40" at every event. http://maps.wera.com/racers/racerprofile.asp?x=1098&rid=1336279002884
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