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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. FYI - if anyone has a 1200-2400 watt generator, I will trade either of my leather suits for sale (plus some cash if it's reasonable) for the right model. I really only NEED to power 1 set of warmers...
  2. After racing this weekend, I am tempting fate by going into T1 on a cold front tire. I probably won't remedy that this season unless I borrow warmers, but I'm going to be watching for generators. Ideally, I want a 2400 peak/2000 watt continuous output. 90% of the time, I plan to just power 1 set of warmers, and then any 'stuff' I have around (like a fan and a radio). But given the opportunity to ride-share with someone, I would like to be able to power a second set of warmers (in a perfect world). So, I know I can spend $900+ and get a 2000 watt Honda inverter generator, and I am finding big ole ugly 3000 watt generators on CraigsList for $175. I need something in between. Quiet and cheap are the two major criteria, and I know it's going to be a give and take. I'm inclined to lean toward 'cheap.' So what's decently quiet for ~$200? (yes, I've seen the one in the classifieds for $250; I just don't need one that big...)
  3. wow - that's more shocking than accusations of improper benefits. Where are the headlines now??? I'm dumbfounded.
  4. My class schedule says my mini-course starts on the 17th, so I am hoping I can make this; I just don't trust the schedule to be right. Starting on a Sunday seems weird... But my intention is to be there, and ride until I'm out of tire. Can MotoSeries doe card processing at the track, or do I have to bring cash? My rear tire is mounted backward right now, so i'll probably be weather-watching this one...
  5. Nick - like I said, i had 2 bad experiences, and both times Monte personally addressed my concerns. the first time, I didn't love his answer, but I understood it. The second time, he basically agreed I was right and apologized for the mistake. I didn't expect that, but I appreciated it. with Richard taking over and running the show, I figure it's a clean-slate for STT, but I really wasn't holding a grudge to begin with. If it came across that way in some of my posts, that's regrettable. I'm not sure when STT's schedule will jive with mine next, but won't hesitate to ride with you guys if the opportunity presents itself. I need to learn Grattan so I can race there
  6. sorry to hear. you and your family are in my thoughts for sure.
  7. I haven't totally ruled that out yet, but it doesn't seem like their style... Where's the funny? if it's just publicity for Dunn's now hosting gig on that G4 show, then it's definitely totally tasteless. But yeah, there are some elements that seem fishy; mostly the fact that tehy identified him by tattoos in a car that was burnt do the size of a plastic garbage can.
  8. how loud is this one? I really only need to power warmers and some "stuff," or maybe 2 sets of warmers in a pinch, but I'm looking at $200 for used models anyway...
  9. Dad came to the track at lunch. He's never seen me ride before. I didn't have his card or gift on me, so I'm heading over after work today to give him that. Just hanging out and BSing with the old man was a good time though. He drank his Pepsi (not the caffeine free crap my mom makes him drink) and read his paper a little, then helped with race prep stuff when it was time to get serious. I may be 28, but my dad STILL makes it to more of my sporting events than anyone else's parents
  10. don't even look at the forecast. We were supposed to have thunderstorms all night on Saturday, and woke up to hazy skies, but no rain. Then we had a 40% chance of thunderstorms all afternoon. The last 2 races of the day had mild sprinkles. I was on Q2's with the rear flipped, so the sipes would actually have channeled water the wrong direction. I didn't slow down a bit; at least not due to the rain.
  11. for charity no less. Call me crazy, but I can't believe anyone from the cast of Jackass had or has any illusions of growing old and dying peacefully. Dunn may have checked-out a bit earlier than he and his friends planned, but in a weird way, it seems like this is what he would have wanted. Good party, and a blaze of glory. I'm not a big Metallica fan, but don't they have a song that says "my lifestyle determines my death-style?" He'll be missed by many, which says a lot more about him than the way he died.
  12. I'm saddened, but not shocked. The crash has been reported as "approximately 2:30 AM," and supposedly he had recently posted pictures of himself on facebook drinking. I don't know about you, but when I leave a bar at last call, I do dumb shit at 2:30 AM. Add a Porsche into the mix, and a passenger to egg me on, and they'd be identifying me by tattoos and facial hair as well.
  13. We all get "gift" positions. Don't sell yourself short. You've got some horsepower on me, but I'm betting I weigh a good bit less than you too. Call it a wash, and you're still a couple seconds a lap quicker. for now I got a few "gifts" this weekend myself - Dave crashed out of the solo ahead of me and handed me a position, and didn't Jeremy also crash out of one of the C races in turn 10? That gave me another position too. All part of racing; as are light grids.
  14. I'll probably do the solo at tracks I've never seen before just to get the seat time, and Saturday practice. Summit would be on that list of tracks. I won't know for sure whether or not I have class on the weekend of that Summit date until 7/17 at the earliest... Definitely not riding again for a while due to school though
  15. I drank a gatorade before my race instead of water. Bad idea. Around lap 15, I tried to swallow between turns 4 and 5, and basically had sugary goop in my throat. I almost threw up in my mouth on the back straight. That's about when I realized that slowing down a tad was going to be smart, and necessary...
  16. I'll check my schedule for Summit. Definitely interested. my fast laps were in the 1:05.6 range. I was consistently in the :06's throughout the Solo, until I got tired and backed off the last 3 or 4 laps. I was running alone, with no chance of catching the guy ahead of me, and had a big enough gap that only a screw-up would have allowed the guy behind me to catch me (I looked back exiting T10 and saw the next rider braking for 10) Sunday's races produced slower times, but still consistent :06's and some low :07's. I really need someone to chase though. I'll have to look again, but I think in one of my races, lap 1 was my fastest. that means adrenaline and chasing faster guys matters a LOT. Solo 20 (my best ride of the weekend) C Superbike (decent, but not great) C Superstock (worst performance. Experts were in the first wave and as a result, they lapped me on the final turn of THEIR last lap. I never got the white flag, and I WOULD have hunted down the Duc 848 ahead of me on that final lap, or crashed trying. "Determined" does not begin to describe it, but I didn't want to effect the Expert leaders, and backed off to avoid hitting one of them when they kind of stuffed me going into T10. Had I known they were there, I would have taken a different line) B SuperStock (best result of the weekend, but I'm still prouder of the Solo times)
  17. nice buy. big twin street bike FTW.
  18. Okay, now that I'm not trying to craft a response on an iPhone "keyboard," a few more details. First, I have to thank my pit buddies Dan and Ryan. They lurk more than they post, but my weekend was far less stressful and more fun because of them. Second, Ben (Foster) got effing fast over the last couple years. Great job to him this weekend, holding his own against some bigger bikes, and mostly experts on his grids. Dude is rolling 2-3 seconds a lap faster than me, and it has ZERO to do with the extra 150cc's. Pretty sure he got a podium spot in the B Superstock race that ended the day on Sunday. I finished 1 place behind him, but that doesn't reflect the distance he had on me. Great riding from Ben. Besides all the procedural stuff, I learned a laundry list of things to help me next round: - my closeout EXO 400 was 3 years old when I bought it, and will now FAIL wera tech... - grid position means a LOT, because the start of the race means everything. The shorter the race, the more important the start. The fast guys WILL be out front by the end of the first lap, and even if you can match their pace, without them to "chase," it's very very difficult to keep up. There's a reason my best lap times were run when I was in 3rd place, chasing the first two guys. Once 2 riders came by me and left me for dead, I was on my own, and slowed down unintentionally. - the solo 20 is freakin exhausting!! by lap 12, you just want it to be over. Seeing the white flag is like coming down stairs Christmas morning when you're 6 years old. - racing is totally different than trackdays in MANY respects. To name a few, I use less gas, but more tire. I paid $270 in entry fees instead of $315 in trackday fees, but rode a lot less often. There is MUCH more "hanging out" at a race day, but that's actually kind of nice. The days end earlier at a race day as well, so you get home sooner on Sunday. At a race day, practice is practice, and racing is serious business. At a trackday, it's all practice. I definitely see the appeal of both. - I think I have to invest in tire warmers. the last thing I need is a turn 1 cold tire crash, and even if the warmers did nothing and only added peace of mind, they'd be worth it... My Q2's performed amazingly this weekend. I just made sure to be as aggressive as I dared on the warm-up lap, and they never slid or did anything crazy into turn 1, or any time on the first lap. Frankly, I may have a hard time rationalizing race rubber when I buy my next set of tires. We'll see...
  19. 5th, 9th, and 4th today. Didn't improve my best time, but rode consistently and brought it home on 2 wheels. I think the biggest difference was that I had a great grid position yesterday, and got my best start as well. Today was harder, but also more motivating. More passes to make, etc. Grids were still pretty light, but a lot of people showed up Saturday afternoon, and 3 people from the saturday race school were in the C races. They all had good pace, so there were quite a few orange shirts on the lead lap.
  20. 5th today in the middleweight solo. Goals were to finish, stay on the lead lap, and hopefully be top half. Very pleased with my results this far
  21. that's not an acronym, it's an abbreviation. An acronym spells a word, like NASA, or SNAFU. "LBTS" isn't an acronym either, actually.
  22. when do I bag on STT? I have had 2 bad experiences with STT that I can think of, and I disagree with allowing anyone and their brother to sign up in Advanced group, but I don't believe I've ever (seriously) insulted STT as an organization. I've certainly joked about it, but I have also posted "NESBA sucks" before. I have never had anything but positive experiences with STT's staff, and i routinely recommend their Novice program for first-time track riders, and talked about the negative experience I had as a first-time rider in NESBA's "B" group.
  23. holy crap. that wasn't brave, that was stupid. this is at the 11 second mark:
  24. Friday bump before racing tomorrow. If anyone rides up to spectate, I'll have shade for you to 'borrow.' I can't promise gatorade, because I just don't have that much cooler space, but I'll toss you the keys to my tow vehicle and there's a gas station like a mile away.
  25. I don't think I'd be fooling anyone if I showed up with race bodywork and an "A" sticker on my bike, but this is a killer deal for people who don't want to shell out the cash for gear and such to do a trackday.
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