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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. what a shame? Eff that. If he was drunk out of his mind, he went looking for trouble. Not shocking that he found it. I feel worse for the poor woman he ran into. Now she's got leg injuries, and has to deal with the fact that she played a part in killing someone. THAT'S a damn shame. I'm tempted to do some compilations in the "fallen riders" threads, but it seems to me that 95% of these wrecks occur after dark. Wise up, people - if you're staying out late, leave the bike at home and take the car. I stopped riding at night long before I stopped street riding all together. And I had added a fair bit of reflective white tape to my bike for added visibility. I still have a 4" roll if anyone wants some.
  2. I'm confused... How can they deny access to a specific type of vehicle? If it's registered, street legal, and insured, I don't understand how they can prevent anyone from riding/driving without a valid safety reason. If tractor trailers are allowed through Deal's Gap, how can they claim Motorcycles are unsafe on a given road?
  3. I didn't see you. they probably edited out your piece of shit bike to prevent people from vomiting on their keyboards when he passed you (and this is from the guy w/ the same bike, and rattle-can orange paint!)
  4. ^ so this is the decision-making competency of a 7+ year veteran; and Dayton is lowering their testing standards? Yep, that sounds like government thinking.
  5. well, it's either lower standards or increase pay; and the latter isn't an option for Dayton. I lived in Dayton from 2001-2005, and voted there for the 2008 Presidential election. The city was running a HUGE campaign to find financial support for their fire staff. the statistics they had were ridiculous. They had to request help from neighboring fire departments something like 150 times in a single year. By contrast, the neighboring suburbs requested help from the Dayton Fire Department a total of 12 times. My numbers are surely off, but it was at least that skewed.
  6. What's the adjuster knob on the left clip-on? I'm guessing (in this order) - remote adjuster for the brake lever (as they fade) so the pull/feel can stay consistent. - remote adjuster for the bazzaz(?) traction control - or relocated idle adjustment?
  7. yeah, I think someone actually posted this hear, and Jinu(?) or someone else was on track with him at Grattan. Still pretty badass. Can I get sponsorship dollars if I paint my bike RidersDiscount colors? I'm at least as fast as Frenchie!
  8. while I tend to agree that the affirmative action stuff posted is complete horse shit, are we sure that these officers are 1) new, and 2) minorities?
  9. The officers and the city would have to have a lot to take. The city of Dayton is a shit-hole. Their police force is under-funded, under-staffed, and I can assure you it's no one's first choice out of the academy. They're getting a lot of bottom-of-the-barrel officers. ASSUMING THIS STORY IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE, then the family is entitled to pretty much everything they're asking for. The intentional infliction of emotional distress complaint will be the one that's hard to make stick, but the rest should be pretty open and shut. WTF is wrong with people? I'd love to hear what the police union has to say about this.
  10. I am about the same. 6' and 170-180, depending on how much I get to work out. without a chest/back protector, it would be a bit loose on you in the chest and torso, but you'd pass tech at any trackday, and that would actually make it more comfortable for street use. I'm trying to think of the next time I'll be down toward Marysville. You're welcome to try it on.
  11. BUMP - need this gone to pay for the warmers I just agreed to buy from someone. $100 + actual cost of shipping. (shouldn't be more than $20 tops)
  12. pretty much exactly what I was going to post. KY is about as "local" as you're going to get. The only negative I've ever heard about Bill is that "Bill is a pattern follower. Alexa is a pattern MAKER." The criticism being that Bill makes suits by the measurements. I don't think Alexa makes suits, but she does the best alterations in the business. So a BB custom suit will get you 90% perfect fit, and then Alexa will take it the next 10% of the way. Both of their cleaning and repair work have gotten nothing but raves though.
  13. the law of humidity? I don't think i'd ever want to live in Florida. My buddy's fiance lived in the Keys, and she keeps trying to convince me it's not all old people, hispanics, and humidity. I call bullshit. oh, PS, I recently found out that her "beachfront house" she always raves about was basically a double-wide trailer. It was on the beach, but I was lead to believe it was nice. saw pictures, and not so nice...
  14. valid point. My mom SAT on my bike once and immediately burned her calf on the pipes. I'm hesitant to even move bikes around w/o pants on anymore... i've seen guys burn themselves at the track, loading up their bike after a day of riding. come close myself.
  15. I dangled my leg as a goof into turn 1 at the WERA races a couple weeks ago. I felt this would be humorous for a handful of reasons, namely: - The Experts in the first wave had just lapped me and taken the checkered. They rolled off after start/finish, but I re-passed them and did the leg dangle in front of them as a joke. - I was wearing my provisional novice shirt, so hopefully people knew I wasn't serious - it really feels pretty darn good to straighten out your leg after 8-10 laps of hard riding... I've read all the "balance" explanations and such, and I think it's basically BS. It feels comfortable for some guys to do the dangle, so they try it. Personally, I would be scared shitless of touching my foot down, and/or not being able to find the peg again before turning in.
  16. a friend of mine has an '04 ZX10 for sale. I think he's asking $4300 maybe? it's got a bunch of track parts on it, and track bodywork right now, but the wiring harness is intact, and the title is clear. http://tracktalk.nesba.com/showthread.php?t=19222 not sure what he's really looking to get out of it. I've been encouraging him to post the bike here as well.
  17. compute the horsepower per liter, or better yet, horsepower per dollar. (actually I'm legitimately intrigued by what the result of both of those might be. If i get some free time at work, I may throw some rough figures at it)
  18. so you don't think a 13% difference in price is significant? I kinda like Ducatis for their "character," but from a purely performance standpoint, they're not the best value. What they might be is the most convenient. You can buy a Duc with brembo brake components and Ohlins suspension bits directly from the factory. Those are things you'd have to upgrade on most Japanese bikes. That's a point to consider when you look at the price difference, but I don't think it QUITE adds up.
  19. if you send me anything but white, I am going to shit on them and then light the pile on fire! ...or I'll make it work
  20. The '04 model GSX R 600 and 750 were huge improvements over the '03 models. They got a lot lighter, changed to inverted forks, and changed to radial mounted calipers. Even in the previous generation, the engines were strong, but the '01-'03 chassis was a pig, so they were a lot of work to ride fast. I have no experience with the 750 per se, but I have been around Grapesmuggler's '04 600 quite a bit before he owned it. This is how I know that the starter/ignition module is one of the few parts NOT shared between the 600 and 750. I bump-started one many times anyway, they are good bikes. The only thing I would check on is to pull a microfiche or service manual online, and see if there are any minor changes between 04/05. That would indicate that the factory acknowledged a design flaw in the first-year model run of that particular generation. If they felt the need to change something, that probably means it was causing people headaches... I don't know whether or not $4500 is a decent price, but if you offer $3500 in cash, and end up splitting the difference, that sounds about right to me.
  21. work that "several thousand" out as a percentage of the total vehicle purchase price. When two $80,000 sports cars are a couple grand apart, that's a 2.5% difference in price. When two $15,000 bikes are a couple grand apart, that's 13.4% difference in price.
  22. FYI, I was browsing the WERA classifieds for something else yesterday, and he might want to rethink his price...
  23. They won't enforce it too much in the camping area, but that is correct. Definitely can't ride it into the infield. Within the camp area, the pit bikes are left alone during the day, but once they want to disburse crowds, impounding a pit bike in front of a bunch of people gets rid of everyone on pit bikes pretty quickly. Most of the time they will just tell you to park it, but I saw them taken from people last year.
  24. It's a funny parallel, but most Ducs can handle pretty damn well, and they have a long standing race program that has produced real results fairly consistently. Pulling out of WSBK at the factory level wasn't a great move for them, but Checa hasn't seemed to notice. The GP11 is a beast, but stoner was world champion on it not that long ago. When was the last time a Harley was world champ at anything? Probably dirt track? But that's practically a spec class...
  25. Ben - mailing my SASE today, so check again in a few days. the goal is to have them on before the MotoSeries day at Nelson on 7/16.
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