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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. if we can find a place with power and low light (pavilion?) I have a projector that makes old video games extra fun. Just need to plug in cheap computer speakers for audio. My sister and I were playing Mario Tennis a few weeks ago, and even on multi-player, we each got a 50" screen...
  2. i have a $50 credit to burn w/ NESBA, and lots of friends who ride there, so I'm kinda sold on this, but I figured I'd at least ask. practicing for the WERA round the following weekend. I heard the winter wasn't super kind to the surface
  3. why couldn't they just change the pulley carrier sizes and get the same effect of changing sprockets? Per your explanation of the pulleys, the slack adjuster would just need to take up a bit more with a smaller rear sprocket, and a bit less with a larger one.
  4. there's some kind of mechanical advantage with chains, or the Buell race bikes would run belts.
  5. HD and (if what this guy says is true) Victory don't give a shit about advancing motorcycle development; they care about making a profit. Why spend millions in R & D on a race bike and new technology when they can do what they've done for years and rake in the profits on R & D from 30 years ago? I'd like to see more American made sport bikes too, but if it was easy to make a profit doing so, people would be on top of that. there is something to be said for sticking with what you're good at, and there is a duty to the stockholders to make smart financial/business decisions. Should Victory make generators and lawn mowers too? Honda does. Should victory make heavy construction equipment? Kawasaki does. Should Victory start making guitars and trumpets? Yamaha does. Should victory start making cars and SUV's? Suzuki does.
  6. actually, really leaning toward Sunday now... May book today.
  7. I have been away from the track way too long. I'll be at BeaveRun either Saturday OR Sunday, but not (riding) both. if anyone else wants to go, I have no real preference about which day I ride, but want to book it soon. Sunday is usually less crowded if anyone's interested. Have EZ-ups and chairs to share
  8. I will be there donning my orange shirt. Probably pitting with my friends Ryan & Dan who will both race "C" classes. Pretty sure Steve and Nathan are coming as well, so that's: redkow97 (Chris) #524 natedogg (Nathan) #425 SJC1000 (Steve) #305 Foster (Ben) #535 non ORDN members who I will likely pit near if I can find them. (Dan) #342 (blue/orange R6, but was wrecked recently, so maybe primer?) (Ryan) #171 (green/black 636) others?
  9. damn - i know we can't schedule around every MC related event, but several of us are going to be at the WERA round at BeaveRun that weekend.
  10. that PIB ride will be a shit-show. Tons of traffic, and in a location that's known for drinking. No thanks... I predict several hours of waiting for a ferry, then a ton of arrests for drunk driving and fighting once people are on the island, then even longer waiting for a ferry to get OFF the island on Sunday.
  11. I'm with Pauly on this... I think the neons are pretty douchey. On an EX250, it might be kind of funny though. a few guys in high school bought a POS civic for like $600 and then used to take it to the local drag strip to make fun of the fart-can civic 'racers.' They put neons on the car, had an ACTUAL coffee-can exhaust tip, a REAL towel-rack spoiler, and painted a "racing strip" with a roller. This was right after the original Fast & the Furious came out. Needless to say, the joke went over much better with the V8 crowd than the kids who thought their civics were fast - not that the lights make a vehicle any faster anyway.
  12. do we have to be present to win? I'm in Los Angeles that weekend...
  13. bump. Make me a decent offer - I've got 3 sets of leathers in my closet right now, and not even getting to wear my new one that much lately!
  14. I have a 44 for sale for cheap. Gotta bump up my thread... I'm 6' and ~175, so it might be a little short on your friend, but anything off the rack is going to be; at least mine will be inexpensive too. please note that the price in the subject line is NOT the asking price any longer. I didn't really research fair market value until after I posted the title, and you can't edit that once it's posted. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=75468
  15. seems like they must build example bikes to show what the products they sell can do in action. I just know the founder of RD was riding his personal S1000RR at Grattan a few weeks ago. there is video of it on Youtube.
  16. are they definitely adding weight to the Ducs? I know they were putting them on the dyno, but I don't expect huge hp numbers from them. They seemed to be catching/passing people on the brakes, not the straights. the article also hinted that Holden will be on a BMW S1000RR in some Superbike races. that is the only "Riders Discount in-house prepped" race bike.
  17. redkow97


    not much of an "introduction," but welcome
  18. define "cheap." I consider cheap to be less than $3k, but others will suggest bikes in the $5-6k range for "cheap." "enough power" really isn't all that specific either. an old Maxim 650 will do highway speeds and has a fair amount of torque, but I wouldn't call that "enough" for routine 2-up rides or long trips.
  19. my friends live in Carmel, and they're buying a parking pass. Realistically, we'll be lucky to get there by 11:00. Traffic is expected, as is sun-burn, and general ridiculousness.
  20. was the rider the guy in the helmet with only a t-shirt on? in full leathers and with gauntlet gloves on, I might have remained composed enough to grab and throw the snake off the bike. Might have. more likely though, "i'm looking for Ray Finkle ...and a clean pair of shorts."
  21. I'll be in town Saturday afternoon for a friend's graduation party, and then the plan is for 8-10 of us to get drunk in the sunshine on Sunday at the race. Never been to a car race bigger than the Cleveland Gran Prix, so this should be interesting. anyone else going?
  22. And the smaller the object, the harder it is to judge. Like Scruit is saying, I'm not in a position to make a claim about who was at fault in this particular instance, because I don't have enough information to make that assertion with any reasonable degree of certainty. But to simply assume the driver was at fault is just blind support of other riders. I think it's quite clear that the riders were both accelerating pretty quickly if one of them was pulling even a small power wheelie.
  23. couldn't agree more. Allowing people to choose their own group has a lot more down-sides than advantages. - any idiot can and will register in "your" group whether they are qualified or not. (Translation - Intermediate riders WILL have novices in their group being unsafe and generally slowing the overall pace. Advanced riders WILL have Intermediate riders in their group doing the same.) - as noted, you can register for the next fastest group and be way over your head. When you get moved up with NESBA, you are very well prepared for that group's pace. - having someone else dictate when you move up forces you to learn rather than just make the easy passes. As it relates to NESBA, beginner passing rules force you to get really good at passing on the brake rather than just throwing a pass up the inside because the other Novice rider has a shitty line. - when you can register in whatever group you want, sold-out groups actually encourage people to register in the wrong place; they just assume they'll be moved down. That's totally unfair to everyone who registered in the right group.
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