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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'd be more worried about falling asleep on the way home than carrying enough stuff or being too sore. You've gotta remember, between getting up early to be at the track by 7:00, and then riding all day, you're up at least 12 hours, and on your feet pretty much the whole time. it can absolutely be done, but it will be a lot more fun with creature comforts like shade, a lawn chair, etc. cold beer at the end of the day is also one of my favorite parts of a trackday. That's not so much an option if you've gotta ride home.
  2. Your understanding sounds correct as far as I can tell. When I was looking into this, I found the same information. Ohio only titles trailers that are over a certain weight, because they are trying to keep track of mobile homes. What that exact weight is, I do not know, but 4,000 lbs. sounds quite reasonable. If the trailer you have is actually "titled" for some reason, then I don't see why transferring it would be a bad idea. But I walked into the BMV with my certificate of origin for my HF trailer (has the shipping weight, so I didn't need a weight slip) and it does not have a true title. I have the original Chinese "title," but that's not a legal document except in the absolute loosest sense of the word. The previous owner's registration (or a copy of it) should prevent you from even needing to get the trailer weighed (which can cost a few bucks). Go to the DMV and see what they say. The worst they can tell you is, "go get it weighed."
  3. and yet the M3 still costs over 4 times as much for some reason The track conditions give the car a distinct advantage too, I might add.
  4. i subscribed to this thread to keep myself informed of what's going on, but I think I'm probably closest.
  5. Can we grid up on hot pit and have someone throw a flag?
  6. I wear that as a badge of honor though. there's a greater sense of accomplishment in riding well than driving well.
  7. Are we all going to be there on the 14th? I get the impression that Steve is taking this racing thing kinda serious and might be at Grattan. I'll probably register late, so I don't know group will still have room, but the 3 of us have to go out and find out who is fast where...
  8. trade for street tires plus cash? I have Qualifier take-offs in my garage that have 90% of the meat on the center, and probably 10% tread on the sides (where you'd never really get to on the street, but they'd be fine if you wanted to get aggressive every so often)
  9. -1/+2 it's entirely possible that I'm just doing it all wrong. Like I said, I need to chase someone faster to prove it can be done. that's why I need to go racing.
  10. probably Nelson with MotoSeries. I wouldn't mind Grattan with WERA, but it's so damn cheap to ride at Nelson, and I'm still knocking off the rust. Plus the riders' school really doesn't get you much seat time, so I feel like I've got loads of unfinished business at Nelson. Like you said, there are so many spots where i KNOW i can cut time by chasing someone faster.
  11. I think I was in the :18-20 range too, and I know where I can cut time as well. We'll have to get together and talk brake markers for the back straight. I am getting into 6th gear waaay sooner on the 600RR than I ever did on my F2, so I'm actually braking before the kink, then getting back on the gas... The pavement changes colors a few times around there, and I kept using the wrong one (too early) as my brake marker. According to the guy in the race school riding his SV, I can shave 3 seconds there alone...
  12. Steve - I didn't get to talk to you guys after the mock race, but I made it back rubber side up. Did you see the start? I was told a couple of guys wheelied and there was some drama behind me. Did the guy with the "Corona" bike and leathers finish??
  13. what part of Cleveland? with a few days notice, I can set my trailer up for a second bike and pick you up after work on Friday, or Saturday morning if you're a glutton for punishment...
  14. unless the weather is total crap, I am for sure in on Saturday. Waiting ot see about racing on Sunday. my wife made plans with friends of ours, so if the race is early enough, I'm in - if not, I'm out. I can probably hang out at the track Saturday night regardless though.
  15. I agree that moto GP is quite boring lately. I watch for Spies, Hayden, and Edwards, and hope Rossi will suck on the ducati Moto2 is the shut though.
  16. It should also say "in his official capacity as president," or something similar; meaning that if a new president were sworn in tomorrow, their name would replace his on the court documents regardless of any prior involvement, or lack thereof.
  17. Pretty sure I saw steve get a second in C superbike. Hard to say for sure, because it was combined with heavyweight twins, and the experts caught up to most of the novice 600 field. I "won" the mock race but pussed out in the rain today. Didn't want to spend registration money just to putt around on my non rave tires when the rest of the field had rain rubber mounted. No idea on lap times. I did run my transponder for the mock race, but they never documented my transponder number when I registered for race school, so who knows if that was recorded.
  18. I am straigh ahead when you come through the main gate if anyone cares. Nathan and steve got much better pit spots. It's not super crowded, but a lot of the main paddock is a mud pit.
  19. unless my wife takes 40 minutes to get back with dinner, I will be on the road by 8 and in the paddock by 9:00 ground conditions will dictate whether i'm tenting it, or sleeping in the car... The car sounds easier, but it's never comfortable. 440-336-7764 if anyone can't find my orange bike...
  20. so is it work going to? work monitors my internet use, but not on my iPhone...
  21. the most common answer given by a real lawyer is, "it depends..."
  22. Where's the resident (real) lawyer? I wonder if they have to publish the locations as a "legal notice" so people can't claim that the mandatory stop is a violation of due process. i'm too lazy to look it up.
  23. As much as i hate to say it, if you want to keep jobs in America, you're going to have to implement some SERIOUS tariffs on imported items we make here. that's the only way America is going to compete with Chinese (virtual) slave-labor. Then businesses will set about getting around the tariffs any way they can. I will admit up-front that I don't know the specifics of the "chicken tax," but the basic idea is to protect the American truck/van market by taxing "work vehicles" that are imported. To get around this, Ford's Transit Connect (Made in Turkey?) is shipped here with seats so that it is classified as a "passenger vehicle." Once here, the seats are removed and it's sold as a utility vehicle. You're buying American, but 95% of the assembly and parts production isn't even happening here...
  24. If i can get my shit together tonight, I might come up tonight instead of waiting til morning... that's a bit "if" though. I am not packed at all. I MIGHT be on the raod by 8:00. Gates open until 10? Or can i come across the bridge any time of night?
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