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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Moto Series is by far the best value I've ever encountered for "regular price" Trackdays... Mid-Ohio is a great track, but I can't eat $400 a weekend more than a couple of times a summer. If we work out some more $100 days with STT, that is a killer deal too for Gingerman or Grattan. My wallet is deciding where I ride this summer.
  2. Sunday weather looks like shit, so who knows if I'll actually race. spending $160 to go 70% in the rain sounds like no fun, and rain tires are NOT an option right now I'm hoping to get an accurate enough forecast that I can at least get in one of the C class races on a dry track. You know what bike to look for, but if I'm on track, look for expert plate #213. I'm supposed to meet up with my buddy Brad, and hopefully some others from ORDN.
  3. that's sweet. mission #1 for May 15 is to pick off a liter bike (then rub it in his face that i am faster, AND my tires cost less. hahahahahahha)
  4. like i said, anyone who protests would be a huge dick-4 Looking at MyLaps.com, it's clear that MotoSeries runs 600's and 1000's at the same time. Are those liter twins, or is it a 2-wave start and they do liter inline 4's ahead of the 600s? or is it just a mad dash to turn 1 with that many bikes?
  5. are they really going to protest the new guy on his first weekend? no offense Grape, but I don't foresee you grabbing any podiums. your bike is too nicely set up to put it back to stock just to fit a race class! I put a stock triple clamp on my bike, but that took all of 10 minutes. just race up a class; and like i said, anyone who protests your bike on your first weekend is a huge dick-4.
  6. already had a similar offer from another member, but thanks. I think i'll be okay. the service manual for 03/04 says 22 ft-lbs and for 05/06 says 33. Not sure how 15 lbs wrecked the bolt, but given that these are safety wired anyway, I'm not even going to use the torque wrench on them anymore... decently tight with the 3/8 ratchet is plenty. probably 15-17 ft-lbs if I really try.
  7. oh shit. i'm going to have to use sick days
  8. what kind of maneuvers are you practicing in a parking lot? I'm just curious what types of stuff the MSF recommends. I'd bring a broom with me to any of the local parking lots I can think of!
  9. yet. besides, I don't know that they can punish Cam Newton for something that's not a specific incident. I haven't given a shit about that, but just from watching ESPN casually, I thought he admitted to "using marijuana in the past," or something equally as ambiguous. there's no specific instance cited, no proof that he's being truthful, and no indication that any incidence occurred while he was an NCAA athlete. Technicalities for sure, but the NCAA won't want to go after someone and then be made to look like fools. it would be like me saying, "i killed a man once." But I can't be charged with killing someone; I would have to be charged with a specific person's murder. The NCAA runs a quasi-judicial system, so they follow substantially similar 'rules.'
  10. bump for having both rears and the front ready to sell. new rubber went on this weekend, so these tires are just taking up space in my garage.
  11. that site is amazing. definitely going to stock up on some stuff. half my bodywork is held on by home depot hardware!
  12. Diggin' the white-walls on the cruiser. that's kind of badass in its own way, and I'm really not into cruisers. welcome.
  13. what's the new news here? the fact that there were more emails than previously reported?
  14. if anyone is thinking about those HF stands, I would really advise you to not get their front stand. They don't make a true front-stand; only fork adapters for their (kinda shitty) rear stand. The steering-head style front stands are MUCH more stable, and they allow you to remove the forks if you need to. To put that in perspective, I would have been totally fucked this past week and would not be racing this weekend if I didn't have a steering-head style front stand. My rear stand is the cheap $50 one from iron pony, and the front is a T-Rex model. I actually really like the T-Rex stuff. Pit-Bull is the best, but T-Rex is the cheapest I've found to be pretty well made. You can find good deals on them through eBay.
  15. ^ shit, I re-read that, and I apologize if I'm slipping further into my law student mentality. This is the type of shit that starts contract disputes all the time though. There's no clause directly addressing what happens when the front straight floods, so you're left to argue where the responsibilities lie.
  16. I'm looking at it more from a "what can Moto Series (as a business) realistically afford to do without folding?" yes, Moto Series sold the track time, and NL rented to Moto Series, but I believe the defect was the lack of drainage; not the weather itself. I guess I'm fuzzy on the facts of what actually happened though. I thought I remembered reading that a drain was clogged. If that's the case, then I still believe track maintenance is NL's responsibility. If there was never any drain there, and the flooding that occurred was (or should have been) a known risk, then it's more reasonable to assert that Moto Series took on that risk when they rented the track. Like a few people have pointed out, each of you 'contracted' with Moto Series, and any compensation should come from Moto Series - I just hope Moto Series can turn around and recoup some funds from NL if it was actually their negligence (lack of maintenance) that caused the lost riding time.
  17. Truth. And know that I know how close to me he works, he'll be getting all my tire-change business.
  18. Sills Honda can get them for me by Thursday, which gives me that evening to drill them and put them on the bike In the mean time, I am going to grab "backup" bolts at home depot so I can test-ride the bike, and not have the caliper sitting on a cinder-block (so it doesn't hang by the brake line) Otherwise, I literally just need to re-wire my oil plug, and throw on the lower fairing (which I won't both with until after tech at the track). thanks guys.
  19. yeah, I'm not opposed to paying for my mistake (especially when it's an $8 mistake); it's the shipping I'm worried about. Bike Bandit wants $3.80 per bolt and $7 to ship, but they may not arrive until 5/3. I'm racing 5/1.
  20. He shorted me my $.02 in change. What a dick He also got me my forks and wheels 2 days earlier than promised, cleaned up my forks so they look better than they ever have since I've owned this bike, and did the work I needed for at least $100 less than the other shop I was considering would have charged. All my parts went back on the bike Saturday night, and thus far (other than my own idiot mistakes in the over-torquing thread) all is generally perfect with the bike. I even have the upper-fairing mounted for the first time since last September.
  21. Either the internet lied to me, or my OEM honda bolts are pieces of shit. I was torquing my caliper bolts to the spec 22 ft.-lbs., and one of them snapped off in the fucking caliper. I should have known the bolt was twisting when the wrench wouldn't read beyond 15 ft.-lbs for multiple turns... Anyway, I now have 1 caliper bolt that's in 2 pieces, and another that is literally thinner in the middle than it is on either end - the metal stretched from twisting. Luckily only the calipers are threaded (not the forks), so it wasn't a huge pain in the ass to remove the bolt that broke. I found a full replacement set on eBay for a reasonable price, but it won't ship in time for my race weekend. Calling local dealerships now... expecting to pay at least $4 per bolt, unless I can find them at home-depot!
  22. the internet is polarizing. It allows every idiot in the world to find like-minded individuals; enough that they think they're right. when someone comes in disagreeing, they all jump on the person and argue them down until they get fed up and leave. We're all "open minded" with each other because we substantially agree on most things around here. I would characterize Ohio-Riders.net as a right-leaning mix of sportbike loud-mouths and slightly less boisterous cruiser riders. so even when we disagree on riding style, we (mostly) agree on politics, values, firearms, morals, etc. It allows for our debates to be more focused within our interests; i.e. what type of firearm, rather than whether or not guns are bad. Even when we flatly disagree, there's a lot more common ground than most sites.
  23. why not? I guarantee the bike she sold you is in better shape than the EX500 I did my first 5 trackdays on. Mine was 11 years old and had ~10,000 miles on it before its first trackday. The only modifications were stiffer fork springs, shorter dogbones to raise the rear, and an in-line fuel filter. My tires were even a couple years old by then. Bridgestone BT-45's.
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