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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. TPoppa and Jbot both own(ed) them. Possibly others.
  2. redkow97

    2002 r6

    plus he used the imaginary word "alot" in his ad. I know it's craigslist, but I still chuckle at, "nice fast starter bike." seems like that should be an oxymoron.
  3. Remember when mini vans were invented? And they only had a sliding door on the passenger side? And SUV's were built on truck chassis?
  4. now you have to be mentally handicapped to have that job.
  5. None of those bikes are going to be very comfortable for anything but "aggressive" riding. Cross the R6 off the list right away. It's a bad street bike to begin with, and your size will make it worse. Strangely enough, of those you listed the least terrible choices for your stated purpose are probably the older R1 and ZX10.
  6. Being on the Browns is like being cursed, so they should cancel out. It's like subtracting a negative number or something.
  7. The suit is fully perforated on the front if anyone is considering this for street use. I have literally been riding at paddock speeds in 1st gear and thought it was un-zipped. That's how much air gets through.
  8. It has foam armor in the forearms, shoulders, and around the knee puck area. You could have armor added or buy the type built into a spandex suit. I rode in it as it is (with chest and back protector) for the last 3 years. It's just an older model suit. Good shape, but not all the features of a newer one.
  9. *PRICES MODIFIED TO BE MORE REALISTIC AFTER I CHECKED A COMPARABLE SUIT ON EBAY (it sold for $155 + $34 shipping http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&rt=nc&nma=true&item=110674789742&si=rqtlihyMnB29b6XbCH%252FjvoBf5L4%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT) Good condition fieldsheer race suit Never hit the pavement, but did get a little dirty when I pussed out in the grass and bailed. Original liner is missing, but I never misses it; just wore an under-suit to make getting it off and on easier. All zippers work flawlessly. I am 6' and about 175 and it's a bit big on me, but perfect with a back and chest protector. the only "damage" is on the inside of the knees from rubbing on stomp-grip on my tank. was: $210/offer NOW: $140 (plus a few bucks for shipping) UPDATED PRICE 6/30/11 - SEE LAST POST FOR NEW PRICE.
  10. Thanks Joe, but I already ordered some tape from Jegs. I'm going to try to get it on the bike this week for 4/30. If it's thinner, or this stuff sticks like shit, I may take you up on that offer though.
  11. I don't mind when people make mistakes - I mind when they don't bother correcting them "because you knew what i meant."
  12. I was trying to avoid wrapping my headers, but if i'm going to do it, now is the time (forks are off the bike). they're Arata Titanium headers, and they wrap tighter than stock - at least I think they do, because oil filters that people said would fit with stock headers do NOT fit with mine... the tape from Jegs sounds like it would work.
  13. if we're grammar ranting... "alot" is not a word. If it were, it would be pronounced as if it were spelled al-ut "a lot" means multiple or many of something; or to a high degree. There are a lot of squids out riding today. allot means to set aside. "allot some extra emergency room beds for all the squids who are going to crash today." And one that pisses me off in classified ads: "good" versus "well." You do things well. You are good at them. "runs good" is incorrect. The bike runs well. It is a good bike because it runs well. The bike handles well. It does a good job of handling.
  14. I almost always camp at every track I go to. Hotels are for rich folk. W/ nelson, I only live 40 mins from the track though, so I might not show up until Saturday morning. the actual paddock area at Nelson is crowded, but if you go out into the infield area (where all the abandoned RV's used to be - possibly still are), you can get a more secluded area to set up your tent. I'd be more concerned with finding high ground though, in case it's wet, or has been in the last few days.
  15. haha - already have one of those. Plus this one isn't melted through yet, so it's still fine; I just want to keep it from gtting any worse. The last one had quarter-sized holes in it before I noticed. i was considering relocating the bottle someplace else with one of the aftermarket kits, but they're like $35, and I have no fucking clue where else I could fit it. They say the AMA pros put them behind the fairing stay. Okay, I have wiring and gauges there...
  16. my headers are melting my coolant overflow reservoir. it has a foil-like material on a portion of the container to prevent this, but it's melting next to it as well. any suggestions? I'm tempted to just use dryer tape or something. There are commercial adhesive 'mats' for this (like you'd use on the bottom of a car hood), but it's expensive and way too thick. I probably need less than 4 square inches...
  17. damnit. I would have sold you my take-offs (thousands of street miles left in them) for $80...
  18. at the rehearsal dinner for my friend's wedding, his dad got up and made a toast "to the 3 rings of marriage - the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering." his reputation for amazingly awful jokes saved it from being awkward.
  19. Shit, I might just start putting it together for a few bike models and then upload it. I'm thinking each manufacturer gets its own "sheet" within the excel doc, and then each model bike; and generation therein gets its own column. I could get common stuff on the 600RR done in a few hours, and move on to the 1000RR, then backward to the F4, F3, etc. the other big 4 couldn't be that hard to track down either. While I'm at it, may as well do hot and cold tire pressure recommendations for various tires too...
  20. ya know, i read the warnings that say "55 mph top speed" on all my trailer documentation, and I actually worried about it the first couple of times I pulled it - but then I was tired, and wanted to get home from Putnam. 70mph it is. Falling asleep at the wheel is more dangerous than having one of the trailer tires come apart at 70mph, IMHO. to date, i haven't observed any problems w/ the trailer tires. I always stop after the first 25 miles or so and make sure the hubs aren't getting hot, and the tires have never chunked or anything crazy like that.
  21. I found them all online - it's just hard to search for some of them by the right name. when i search for "600rr triple torque spec" I get results for the steering stem nut, and the bike's engine torque. Took a lot of digging to get the upper and lower torque numbers for the actual bolts that hold the forks in place. if anyone cares, for the 600RR (03-06) the following numbers were found multiple times online (because I don't trust 600rr.net) Rear axle: 85 ft-lbs. front axle: 43 ft-lbs. front axle pinch bolts: 16 ft-lbs. upper triple clamp: 17 ft-lbs. lower triple clamp: 20 ft-lbs. brake caliper bracket bolts: 22/33 ft-lbs (03-04/05-06 - I assume these are different because the forks are inverted on the 05) I would still consider creating a web site, or at least a damn spread sheet of all this info for our collective trackday use...
  22. Who wants to help me create this? I don't own a service manual, but even when I did, it was a huge pain in my ass to look up the torque specs for all 5 or 10 or 20 bolts I was putting back onto the bike. I really wish there was just a simple site where you could pull up a list of torque specs (by make, model & year) and be done with it... $1 charge for lifetime access, or just sell ad space. Yeah, it's all stuff that you can find for free online, but it's all in one place, and it would be accurate. (on a side note, if anyone knows the torque numbers for the front/rear axle, axle pinch bolts, and upper and lower triple trees for a 600RR, I could use them)
  23. do they literally light a giant fire and make you find it? that would be way cooler...
  24. you don't need to be married to have a support system. Find a "hetero life partner" to split rent/mortgage and bail each other out of jail. I'm not going to bag on marriage, but shit happens. Statistically, I'll have 2-3 divorced friends. If my marriage takes a turn for the worse, I've got my bases covered. With Obama in office, we might even be able to share benefits in the not too distant future
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