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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. there's a knob that adjusts the idle, just like on a carb'd bike. no need to re-map for that. some FI bikes do have a "faux" choke though. Many will idle a bit high in neutral, but drop down to a normal range when you click them into gear. RIDE the bike a bit (in more than 40 degree temps) before making major adjustments.
  2. it's not different. Failing to value your health is pretty much the same whether you're eating yourself into oblivion, smoking yourself retarded, or riding without a helmet. It's your "right" to do whatever the fuck you want with your body, and my right to judge you and make fun of you when you die because of a stupid decision. I expect people to do the same to me if I die from some habitual idiotic tendency.
  3. I love this place. I would have taken some serious shit for that kind of comment in other forums.
  4. I'm just happy this jerkoff died before Obamacare has a chance to take effect.
  5. the problem is that (as I understand it) they don't reward diligence. You can show up 20 minutes early, and the person who shows up 1 minute early has an equal shot at grabbing any empty seats. They just pull names out of a hat. At least that is how it worked for my wife. She tried to show up and take a seat early twice. No luck. I was 2 minutes late, and my seat got taken. I told the lady (and 2 Tri-C cops) to fuck off and went and passed the test the next day.
  6. I don't even feel bad saying this: the guy deserved it. No respect for himself, so why should I show any respect for him?
  7. there used to be an empty lot at the end of my parents' street, and i wasn't allowed to own a sling-shot, so we would fling rocks at each other with those long dairy queen spoons. we were gathering rocks in the empty lot, and flinging them at cars. Well apparently we actually hit one, because some guy in a (then) new civic LOCKED the brakes, threw it in reverse, and scared the living shit out of us. I remember him saying, "do you know how much a car costs? it's more than 10 bikes!" I was probably 8 or 9 at the time, so a stranger yelling at me worse than my father ever had was pretty unnerving. in retrospect, I'd be pretty pissed if some kid was flinging rocks at my car as I drove by...
  8. approval ratings are meaningless. The 2012 election is the only "approval rating" that matters, and even then, Obama doesn't have to be doing a good job; people just have to perceive him as less incompetent than whoever the republicans nominate. Frankly, I don't think the President should be encouraged, or (if possible) even allowed to see his approval ratings. If he's just going to do what makes him popular, then why make campaign promise? Why elect a president at all; we could just run a true democracy and have weekly votes on various issues. Maybe that's a great idea - I've advocated having the presidential election determined by phone voting. It works for American Idol. Sure, you get a Ruben Studardt every 5 or 6 election cycles, but we're getting worse results more often with the current 2-party system.
  9. I got chills at 1:30 (blue angels) and again at 3:00. I don't know what it is about the water that makes it more spectacular, but that was badass. Clearly there were quite a few of those filmed in the middle of the desert, and people speaking, uh, not English filming. Can someone who knows their aircraft make an educated assertion as to which of those were American aircraft (and pilots)?
  10. My friend Dave has 2 dogs and 2 kids. the smaller dog will run away from the smaller child. Brandi (dog) just knows that Addy (daughter) is going to be more trouble than she's worth!
  11. McDonalds? Half of America is in their cult; it's called being obese.
  12. I can rattle off a couple similar to the OP. I once chased a bird while I was at the bus stop (elementary school). It flew away, and (swear to god) flew directly into the wheel-arch of a passing car. Flattened. Probably around the same age, I stole a girl in my class's lunch money. she kept it in a film container in her desk, and I wanted that $1.25, so I took it. I felt like a TOTAL turd when she went up to our teacher, crying. I realized why when I opened the film case and realized her house key was in with her lunch money. I lied and said I had found the film case in the hall. Kept the money. I still know the girl. should probably apologize for that...
  13. probably already covered, but will there be someone there to mount/balance tires? And how much do they usually charge? $10/wheel?
  14. you're totally right that NO Xplode, etc. contain tons of caffeine, but considering those are mass-building supplements, I doubt it has anything to do with weight-loss benefits. The caffeine just jacks you up to help your endurance and make you feel like it's the best workout of your life. Maybe it's a real effect, and maybe it's all in my head, but it works. I know for a fact that the crap in NO Xplode (really any creatine) will damage your liver if you take too much, or take it and then don't work out. With that in mind, I always rationalize another set (or 3) by thinking to myself, "damn... I don't want to destroy my liver, and this shit did cost like $60..." Supplements are not the be all and end all, but they have their purpose.
  15. That is a killer deal. I had mine listed at $3500(?) on the STT board and was getting interest, and I (technically) don't have the clean title or street plastics to go along with it. $3350 is a really reasonable price; especially considering it sounds like your suspension is a little more high-end than mine, and you've got little extras like the RC quick-turn, vortex fairing stay, etc.
  16. I'm a gun newb myself, but I think the distinction is pretty significant, if I understand it correctly. A magazine houses rounds for an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. A clip simply holds several rounds together so that they can be fed through a bolt-action weapon. A magazine feed rounds into the firearm, whereas the clip actually moves through the firearm. At least that's how I understand it... Never seen a high capacity "clip."
  17. or could you just draw on the ground with chalk?
  18. looking forward to more details. I'm intrigued. how many push-brooms and dust-pans do you have? John and I kicked around an idea like this a couple years ago on another forum and were talking about using Solo cups instead of cones. cheap alternative. Just have to find a way to weight them down with something that won't be a bitch to clean up. I would just say sand or water, but both tend to cause loss of traction...
  19. personally, I'd love to meet him, but right now i'm sitting in class posting, adn my wife is home with our dog and foster dog. Any new additions are ultimately her call
  20. bump - this guy got adopted, and then returned 3 days later by a totally flaky "owner." The woman claimed her 2 yr old was allergic to the dog, but having met her (even briefly) I think she just had no idea how much attention a 6 month old pup would require, and made up the allergies. Mouse has been back with us for a couple of weeks, and is better than ever with his house training. He does bark when he hears noises, but he's still young. He is MUCH better about "staying" when we put food down for him, and will wait to be told when he can eat (rather than jumping up and smacking me in the face with his head when I bend over to put down his bowl). Mouse is kind of a jerk with cats and won't leave them alone. He wouldn't hurt one, but he tries to play with them like they're dogs, and they tend to not appreciate that. Like any puppy, he is better behaved when he's well exercised. He'd be a great only-dog, but gets along fine with other dogs too - they just have to be willing to tolerate the fact that he doesn't know when to stop "playing." Again, he's a puppy, and still learning his manners, but he's turning into a great dog.
  21. Owner surrenders make me so mad sometimes, but I have to respect when people do what's best for the dog. I emailed my friend that picture. He's got a pit sharpei mix that looks similar to Ricco. We'll see what he says. I'd offer a temporary home if we didn't already have a foster dog. Plus we'll be out of town in a couple weeks. Neutering isn't that expensive - if that's all that's preventing someone from adopting him, I'll throw some cash at that cause. He'd be clipped before he was allowed at any rescue I know of anyway...
  22. pit/shar pei mix of some kind? My spelling sucks, but you get the idea, right? my friend Brian might be interested.
  23. I'm with Casper on this one - i want to see how that thing shoots. It might be the (really) poor man's Uzi for all we know this thread inspired me to look at 25 round mags for my rifle; you know, in case the dollar collapses and I have to defend my home ...from all the squirrels and rabbits that will inevitably be looting. god damn do I need to convince the wife that a shotgun is necessary.
  24. don't get hung up on the cruiser/sportbike thing. I think the sportbike riders definitely post more, but we don't really outnumber the cruiser riders by THAT much. My old "sport" bike shared an engine with a Kawasaki Vulcan, so I didn't have much room to bag on anyone. I just view my bike as my poor man's corvette. Cruisers are more like a T-bird convertible - also cool; I'd just have to go with the vette if I could only afford one or the other:D cruise on up to Nelson for the Ohio-Riders discount day and meet some of us. It seems like there's always a handful of cruiser riders who stop by the track and tell us how crazy we are (ironically, it's always the guy with a sleeveless and no helmet who tells me I'M nuts!)
  25. Mine just came in the mail. I haven't had time to look at it much yet, but the cover alone shows that there are articles for virtually every aspect of doing your first trackday. Anyone new to TD's or thinking of getting into them should definitely pick up a copy. I think you can buy an online subscription for VERY cheap, and it's great stuff. Not found on news stands.
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