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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. me too... Given that they're still casting the next movie, I was suspicious right away.
  2. I'l talk to Todd on Saturday and see what he says. Either way, I'm cool with his decision, but if he has any concerns, I'll give him the chance to watch me on track or have me take their written test, or whatever. What's he riding these days?
  3. **edit - sorry, I was wrong about HF having 13" tires; they just have 12" in 4 and 5 bolt patterns. $66 for a 13" rim/tire combo on this site though http://www.easternmarine.com/12-and-13-Trailer-Tire-Rim/
  4. Todd/Moto Series is a paying customer to Nelson Ledges (rented the track for the weekend). Why should he eat the cost for their negligence in maintenance? I agree that those who showed up and dealt with unacceptable track conditions and unnecessary delays should get some money back from Moto Series, but not until Moto Series gets some compensation from the track itself.
  5. hahahaha - I need to figure out how to get banned from that forum. I rarely visit, and it seems like there are half as many people, and no new questions or discussions... Totally boring. KS and Stormcat are the only people I really recognize, and even they seem bored with it. I thought Bellboy's bike looked familiar. You still have that old ZX6 sitting around? $120 track time at Nelson Ledges with a bunch of us there pretty much every month. Or the Triumph certainly wouldn't be a slouch either. I bet it could do 140 on the back straight
  6. yes, i'm being lazy and not looking this up because I know Craig and/or Jinu know the answer: - what do races cost with Moto Series (sprints)? - I know they honor a WERA license for $25 "guest" fee, but will they be cool with a provisional novice license? I have no problem wearing an orange shirt or something, I just don't want to pay for another race school.
  7. just based on the number of bikes Ryan has gone through in the last couple of years, I'm going to guess he gets bored quickly, and enjoys having a project. Wouldn't shock me if one or both of his bikes are replaced before the end of summer. Plus now that he's taken a leave of absence from the track, it probably feels like he's got tons of extra cash around to buy multiple baggers
  8. hahahah - and I wasn't, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. I'm not trying to insult anyone by disagreeing, I just file this trackday into, "this is why OR members got the discount to begin with - because there was a distinct chance of shitty weather, and shittier attendance." standing water on the track is kind of a big deal. If it's going to sit some place, the straight isn't the worst place it could end up, but you can't be plowing through 2-4" of water at 100mph, or even 30 mph. I've seen Mid Ohio shut down the track for a lot less when the track had water running across it at the end of the back straight.
  9. And you're pissed off that Moto Series erred on the side of safety? Do you honestly think there wouldn't have been someone dumb enough to hit that water at an unsafe speed and careen into the bridge?
  10. The NEO peeps might remember this: United Skates of America anyone? Skate-o-saurus? I went to a billion birthday parties there. I remember thinking the rich kids with roller-blades were weird hahahaha
  11. "Saved by the Bell" killed cartoons. That's a cold hard fact. I'm not so old that we didn't have gaming systems or a billion TV channels available, my parents just refused to pay for them. I didn't own a gaming system until my friend gave me his Xbox after he got an Xbox 360. My brothers bought an original 8 bit Nintendo at a garage sale for $5 when I was in 8th or 9th grade... We got cable in 1998 for the World cup, then canceled it after it was over. I played baseball all day every day in the summer; except on weekends when I would do stuff with my family. I was the TV remote. My brothers and I were the lawn service. We were also the snow-blower. I rode my bike to the convenient store and bought packs of baseball cards and sunflower seeds with my friends. I got in fights in my friends' back yards, and no one got sued; in fact, 3 of those guys were in my wedding. 5 if you count my brothers.
  12. http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/feature/madden2012cover Vote online. I'm sure most everyone is familiar with the Madden Curse, but I still voted for Hillis. It would just be such a huge snub to Vick, I'd laugh about it for days.
  13. all those pictures, and not one with his wife on the bike. fail.
  14. I don't want to sound like a dick, but why would Todd give anyone a refund or credit unless the track itself is refunding money to Moto Series? I am not privy to the specifics of their business relationship, but I am 100% sure Todd doesn't control the weather, and it would surprise me if Todd has any control over the condition of the track (or it's drainage). While I understand people's frustration that they couldn't make it and didn't get to ride 7 sessions; unless Moto Series is somehow responsible for maintaining the drainage at the track, blaming them (or Todd specifically) seems rather misplaced. Weather is a risk everyone takes every trackday. If you want rain insurance, ride with an org that offers it. There are a handful that do, but they charge a lot more up-front for a membership compared to Moto Series' $0 membership fee.
  15. is the Moto Series "curriculum" super top-secret? I'm curious how they break it down now. I did their "track rider" class in '08 (my 5th trackday ever) and it was similar to STT's program, but more tailored to what the group knew. I got to use 2 gears on the 1 gear drill so I didnt' blow up the EX on the back straight
  16. I thought it was good racing this weekend. Impressed with Toseland in the booth too. The comment he made about Sykes needed to be said. "if I was a second and a half off my qualifying pace, that would be a problem on my team." (for those not aware, Sykes qualified on the front row, then proceeded to race over a second off the leaders' pace, and finish around 12th...)
  17. Looks great, but I don't get the cruiser manufacturers... over 700 lbs DRY, and a single front disc?
  18. bump - still for sale, and I'm seeing these on eBay for $120-$150, so $60 seems pretty reasonable...
  19. sounds like Tony. I had him as my coach. in 2008.
  20. Random coaching story: I read this on the NESBA board, but apparently Nick Ienatsch can negotiate a turn at a decent "advanced" pace while pointing to the apex with his right hand, and manipulating the throttle with his LEFT hand. He was riding an FZ1 with the standard 'clubman' style bars; thus why the trick was necessary. I would buy a picture of that though. Jinu & Craig, call me when you can do that
  21. Sucks that you felt that way - just remember: coaching is HARD. first of all, take it as a compliment that a coach wasn't tracking you down in the pits to talk to you. If they're "ignoring" you, it probably means you weren't being dangerous, and they had other people who needed help first. That sucks when it comes to getting feedback and improving, but it's also usually a sign that you're doing something right; or better than most. The coaches' first job is to keep everyone safe - then they worry about making people faster. Second, sometimes it's hard for even a coach to know what to say to you. I've followed friends of mine at other trackdays, and faster friends have followed me. nearly 100% of the time, the feedback I get is, "you look pretty good." Okay, great - then how you are turning laps 4 seconds faster than me if I "look pretty good?" Especially in adverse track conditions, coaches are walking a fine line between advising you on how to go faster, and giving you advice that inadvertently causes you to crash and blame them. Plus a lot of riding is between the ears. The vast majority of feedback I get; even from the best and most experienced coaches is, "just go faster." Basically, their advice is "you're doing everything right - now grow some balls."
  22. I agree with what has already been said, and add that this is especially common when the bike is first started. Unless you're riding a Duc with a dry clutch, the clutch shares its oil with the engine. If the bike's been sitting, all the oil is sitting in the oil pan. It's not going to circulate until the clutch is actually rotating, and has been engaged for a few seconds. Kawsakis seem to "clunk" into 1st more than other bikes I've ridden, but that may just be because mine was 15 years old
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