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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. only until the dollar collapses and the country descends into anarchy. patience my friend, patience.
  2. No offense to DTM, but do the math on how much gas you need to save to recoup the cost of the tune itself. Break that down into miles traveled, and see if it's really worth it.
  3. using premium is a huge waste of money unless it's a high compression engine. As far as I know, the Chevy 5.3 is not. 87 octane should do BETTER than 93
  4. is that really from the gas, or is it because summer heat sucks power away from an engine, thus (accidentally) making it slightly less thirsty? I always thought of it as the opposite of an intercooler or cold-air intake. those add power, but suck economy. Winter weather would produce teh same effect, no?
  5. easy enough to find ammo for it? What's the total length of the rifle? (may have to hide this one from the wife)
  6. (totally realize I am resurrecting a zombie thread) I got all excited about the cheapness of this rifle last night, and now this thread is kind of talking me out of it... M1 Garand on Top-Shot got me looking into older high-powered rifles. Speedy - you still got yours? Every time you call me to go to the range, I'm either at school, or out of town!
  7. i started on page 1 this morning and can't believe this covers 5 years! Looks like it will be worth the wait.
  8. even if I win? :-p Maybe i'll just stick with "OH FUCK!" decals on the bottom of my belly pan and run without sponsors
  9. ah the beauty of motorcycles - virtually anyone can afford one. and the curse of motorcycles - virtually anyone can afford one And we wonder why riders have a tarnished reputation...
  10. I'm not looking to race you, man! I just want to get a front-row seat for what the ZX14 can do in a straight line I'd purposely stay behind you until the keyhole, and then see how big of a gap you pull out before I reel you in on the brakes. Even if I can get around you (and that's a big if - i'm not that quick), it would be fun to play around for a few laps and see how much of a difference the horsepower really makes. And there's nothing magical about having a CCS or WERA license that makes someone fast. Being fast is definitely not a requirement to pass the race school... I watched a mock race once where it was 3 riders, and the fastest one was turning mid-pack beginner times... the other two riders could have been timed with a damn sun dial.
  11. Let me know when you're taking the 14 to the track. I want to see just how much one of those will walk away from a race-prepped 600 on a straightaway. seems like spending a couple of sessions losing you on the back straight and trying to real you back in through the corners could be a fun time welcome.
  12. I'm not looking for contingency money from OR.net, but growing the community is never a bad thing. ...unless you'er handing out contingency money; in that case, I'll take it.
  13. I'd l;ike to think that the seller is completely aware of the ridiculous claims he's making. Think about the typical CL bike buyer... A lot of them know nothing about bikes and will believe everything this ad says. Hell, when I was selling my EX500 one of the guys who came to look at it told me he thought it would be just as fast as the ZX6 he wrecked the year prior. He also wanted time to GET A LOAN for the $1800 asking price. The kid was nice and all, but he understood next to nothing about motorcycles, financing, etc.
  14. yeah, this is all totally irrelevant unless I place highly enough, so i'm really not worried about it just yet, but my racer profile is up, and I sent the link to my wife. the first thing she says back is, "why don't you have any sponsors listed?" My witty retort of, "because the only one I listed was 'understanding wife,'" drew a sympathy laugh at best. I'm thinking my friends will buy ad space to make fun of me though. "I TAKE IT IN THE BUTT" should cost them about $100 for a 4"x10" sticker...
  15. WERA's contingency guidelines are simple enough, but I've got a few questions: - can i just get the decals made up myself? Dunlop requires an 11" decal, vortex wants one on my swing-arm, etc. - where are the forms I need to fill out? - Is anyone running Ohioriders.net as a "sponsor?" I don't have a decal, but I know there are instructions to get those...
  16. Can we coordinate a "bidding war" to really eff with this person?
  17. Friday was my birthday. My dad texted me, "let's not repeat the hospital incident from college. make yourself puke every 5 hours, and you'll be good." I still got drunk enough to "zombie dance" with random chicks while my wife filmed and laughed at me.
  18. Stunting in a nutshell - 9 or 10 tricks, done over and over again. Crashing bad, but exciting. "scoring" is subjective. Road racing in a nutshell - maybe 15 or 16 turns, done over and over again. Crashing bad, but exciting. Scoring completely objective (except penalties). If I wasn't into track riding, I wouldn't watch racing. I'd still rather ride than watch a race, hands-down. I don't stunt ride, so it doesn't really flip my switch. I admire stunters' ability to control and balance their bikes, and their clutch control is pretty amazing, but it's just "tricks" to me. I'm not going to bag on stunters any more than I am willing to bag on the hardcore touring guys. Like what you like, and ride how you want.
  19. I don't have spec sheets (or price tags) in front of me, but you don't need that to evaluate the cars' attitudes. the mustang is definitely the least expensive, and to me the "youngest" feeling. The mustang could have an interior every bit as nice as the BMW and the Caddy, and it wouldn't change the perception that the Mustang is a pony car, and the BMW is a luxury/sport machine. The M3 and Caddy are luxury cars that haul ass. the Boss 302 is a car that hauls ass, and has a surprisingly nice interior. There's just different expectations of either brand before you ever actually drive them. Do I love the Mustang? hell yeah, but if I were going to buy one, it wouldn't be to come across as classy and sophisticated to coworkers and clients - it would be a toy for making loud noises and leaving smokey patches of rubber on the ground behind me. The comparison begs for analogies, but I think of the mustang as the tatted up punk-rock lead singer chick, who you're shocked to find out has a Masters degree in vocal performance, with a concentration in opera; whereas the M3 is every bit as good, but it LOOKS the part of the opera singer. No tats, conservative dress, hair only dyed one color, etc. She's still hot, but in a different way.
  20. I read that article last night my parents brought my issue to dinner. Damn impressive what they've done with a live rear axle and a $42,000 price tag. Hell, the 'regular' GT was within a couple seconds of the M3 for under $30k.
  21. so addiction is a trump-all excuse? That attitude is what allows people to not try. "I can't help myself," so why bother?
  22. Ya, Sean's a crank on the internet, but he's all for accountability. In one-on-one emails, he was down right "nice" to me I believe he also posted up relatively recently (or I read an old thread recently) about the "myth" that crashing with an orange shirt on is some kind of black mark on your record. T-boning someone else is way different than lowsiding by yourself pushing too hard. You're allowed to make mistakes as a new racer; just not mistakes that put others at unreasonable risk of harm. Anyone could have been collected by that rider. the fact that they were wearing orange shirts is just a bad coincidence.
  23. i couldn't disagree more. He wasn't being force-fed, and he didn't just suddenly become 600 lbs. There were millions of choices this guy made along the way. The girlfriend "enabling" him made it easier for him to make bad choices, but they were still his to make. the bar tender isn't "enabling" me by serving me more drinks. I'm CHOOSING to order them. I ate way too fucking much last night. Ended dinner with a huge piece of cheese cake - bad choice, but I also make the choice to go to the gym at least 4 times a week to make up for it.
  24. I ate dinner the night of my surgery. I chewed carefully, but it wasn't that bad. Man up! ;-) I remember listening to the CCR version of "heard it through the grape-vine" while the oral surgeon pushed on my face with his left hand, and pulled on a tooth with pliers in his right. I was gassed, but not nearly enough... I just rocked out. the worst was right afterward in the waiting room. I was in some pretty good pain, and half in the bag from the gas, but some hot little 15 yr old (i was 16 - relax) was about to go in to get her wisdom teeth pulled, and the doctor asked me to put on a brave face, because apparently she was pretty scared. I pulled it off pretty convincingly, and then promptly fell down the stairs on my way out of the building, right as I told my mother, "i don't understand why they made you come along to drive me home."
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