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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I will see where my lap times will be competitive, but my bike is now superstock compliant for WERA Wanna buy a vortex triple?
  2. I know, right? I was pissed off when we were 19 because it was still fucking daylight and we had barely cracked into our 2nd case (between 10 of us). We were getting arrested for drinking beer out of solo cups (i.e. not flaunting it, and definitely not being a-holes yet) while the family at the site next to us was drinking wine in plain view. They fucked with us because we were a group of 19 yr old males. The second time was in October. It was literally our group of 12 people, and ONE other occupied camp site about 200 yards away. The rangers stopped by "to let us know the power was out." We were camping - why the fuck would we care? It was probably about 10:00 by then, and we were absolutely piss drunk. They threatened to fine us PER CONTAINER. Thankfully they just confiscated what was out and said "we better not have to come back." The tense part was that 2 of us had our wallets (with ID) in the trunk of one of the cars. Problem was, we also had about 15 cases of beer in the same trunk, so we couldn't open it in front of the rangers!
  3. aerodynamics start to really matter around 80mph or so, yes? so get the 250 into 6th gear, pin the throttle, and immediately get into superman position? seems like it could possibly add a few MPH to top speed, so that parts probably covered. Where I foresee the problem is moving back into a normal riding position at ~100mph in time to not miss your braking marker for turn 1. done perfectly, I think it would shave a tenth of a second or two.
  4. Their camp ground is very clean and the sites are a decent size. the roads in the park are GREAT, but they are Nazis about the 30mph speed limit. I would honestly stop one of the rangers and ask where some better riding roads would be, "because we don't want to disturb the campers or have to worry about kids running around." No alcohol is allowed at Salt Fork, but unless you're under-age, they're not going to be dicks unless you're being loud or obnoxious. The short version of that story is that I've got 2 citations from the Guernsey County Sheriff's department... 1 for underage consumption when I was 19 (they made us pour out 300 cans of beer... not cool) and 1 for drunk and disorderly conduct (or something similar) when i was 22. One of my friends actually got taken to the Guernsey County Jail that second time for being a smart ass with one of the rangers.
  5. I definitely don't hate Brian, and I absolutely value his riding knowledge, but the fact is this wasn't just an "off day." Brian's got a history of this sort of thing; here, on the STT board, and on the WERA board. On a personal level, I am certain i could dig up at least 2 or 3 threads where Brian and I have butted heads. hard. I'm stubborn, but he tends to elevate it beyond the level of a debate and into an argument. That's where he loses me, and why I didn't bother reading this thread for 2 days, only to come back and find things in their current state. Brian and I kissed and made up after our last blow-out months ago and haven't really had any incidents recently, but I think this qualifies as a pattern of behavior. While some people seem to be willing to just say, "that's Brian - he takes things too far sometimes," I'm in the camp that thinks repeated incidents without changing his behavior aggravates the offense rather than making it somehow more tolerable, just because it's less unexpected each time. I said my peace way back on page 3 or 4... No way this incident needed to escalated to where it is now.
  6. ...well damn ...I ignore a thread for 2 days, and Brian's banned?
  7. Might the ACLU actually serve a purpose for once?
  8. hahaha - I'm actually kind of jealous of the $99 marlin deal, but I have had a total of 2 FTE's in ~900 rounds of bulk Federal and Winchester hp's. I'm really just anxious to see what their competition is, and then try to replicate it (at half the distance) next time I get a chance to hillbilly shoot in someone's back yard
  9. that's hot, and just about ideal. No way I'll afford it until after track season, but it's on the list for sure. .22lr/anything big enough to be a decent carry weapon is what I'm looking for. Plinking cheapness with bad-guy killing power
  10. Double sucks, because he'll likely be disbarred. At the VERY least, he's not going to be allowed to practice law for multiple years, and he'll never escape the reputation. 47 is pretty young for an attorney. I'll be lucky to pass the bar before I'm 31. This will go one of two ways, depending on how much the legal community thinks of the guy: 1) they'll let him off pretty easy and try to rationalize it by saying "he got the average sentence for a first-time offender with a clean record." or 2) they'll make an example of him to maintain some semblance of integrity in the legal system. there will be no middle-ground. Frankly, he deserves the second option. Hypocrisy annoys me in every facet of life, but more in law and government than anywhere else. A sobbing apology, acknowledgment of his hypocrisy, and a guilty plea is the only way for him to go if he has any integrity left to preserve.
  11. Can someone enlighten me as to what "MSO" stands for, because i always thought bikes purchased from the factory had a Manufacturers Certificate of Origin.
  12. on a hugely long straight, the theory is sound. It's just a matter of whether or not the change in position wastes more time than the aerodynamics and additional speed allow you to gain.
  13. the trick shots are pretty cool. I won't spoil it for you
  14. WERA wants $415 for them new. That's about as reasonable as I've found, but the WERA used market is totally dry. I've seen them for $280-$350 used before, and would shell that out in a heartbeat at this point. Does anyone know what OTHER race orgs use AMB transponders? I'm just looking to find other classifieds to hit up, because there are about 10 "WTB: transponder" threads on the WERA board already... thanks in advance.
  15. As you may recall, my wife was adamantly against having multiple firearms in our home. I'm starting to convince her that it would be nice to have a concealable and/or carry weapon; or even just something easier to lock up when we're away or have kids. The 10/22 got my foot in the door. I'm working toward wedging a handgun in with me Anyway, just as before, I'm looking to be cost conscious with regard to the firearm itself, as well as ammo, and I'd like for it to be versatile. I happened to be looking at the specs on my uncle's Ruger single-six, and saw that they sell a model with swappable cylinders that will fire a .22lr or a 22mag round. The same is true of the larger blackhawk, which offers 357mag/9mm luger or .45 colt/.45 auto. And i'm sure there are many many more. Any good budget combos out there that I'm not considering? Ideally the perfect firearm would offer 1 round that's capable of home/personal defense, and another that's relatively cheap to shoot. The 10/22 will still be my plinker.
  16. I'm not an avid Top Shot watcher, but I check it out when I can. Saw the end of last night's "trick shot" episode, and saw that next week's episode has them using the exact Ruger 10/22 Carbine rifle I picked up a few months back and have close to 1,000 rounds through I'm anxious to see what a truly skilled shooter can do with it compared to the hillbilly's I've seen shoot on YouTube
  17. i could swear that there are regulations to keep toy guns from looking too real, but like BiggO said, there probably ought to be some kind of regulation that prevents a real firearm from looking too much like a toy. The original post is too over-the-top to be a real pistol ...isn't it? my little cousins (5 and 7) shoot a Ruger bearcat. It's definitely not pink (or blue, or any other abnormal color...)
  18. You can time a 250 down that straight with a damn calendar. If it actually yielded faster laps, I don't see how the officials could argue.
  19. I'm 90% sure I'll do the WERA race school 4/30 and 5/1 at Nelson, so I'm more likely to be in for 5/15. Still debating on April though. Weather is a factor. having fresh tires for my first race weekend is also a factor. Then again, getting back on the bike before going racing would probably be a good idea!
  20. for whom? Casper/Ohio Riders? they're not presenting themselves as attorneys, so I think they're probably in the clear. If you want legit "legal advice," contact an actual attorney, who is bound by professional conduct rules (including competency) and can be sued for malpratice. As far as those giving advice, I don't think a simple forum post could possibly be construed as "practicing law," so the individuals posting their opinions are just offering advice (good or bad). That shouldn't be any different than someone recommending running 50psi in a trackday tire. Bad advice isn't illegal, just stupid. if we have any actual attorneys, (and I am NOT an attorney yet) they shouldn't be giving away free "legal advice" anyway. It's a violation of the rules of ethics. Devalues the profession Besides, it's on them (the attorney) to know if they're exposing themselves to liability, and the attorney of all people should know. Call it a professional hazard. This is a good point as it pertains to confidentiality and attorney/client privilege. If Casper starts blabbing to us about some legal problem he's having, and his opposition's attorney finds out, any of us could be subpoenaed to testify. The thread might also be used as evidence (although I would be shocked if it wasn't thrown out as hearsay). If Casper's OWN attorney were to find out that he's talking about a given topic online, he would be obligated to disclose (if the case makes it to discovery) that the members of this forum are persons with knowledge of this case, and thus lead the opposing attorney directly to us. A client waives attorney/client privilege if they're actively telling others about (previously) privileged information. "legal Q&A" is a safe name for the forum as far as I can tell - but I'm not an attorney, so consult one before believing me
  21. I thought Tesla was having a bigger problem with fried clutches, but I didn't really pay attention to the electronics talk. am I back to square 1 with finding a use for this motor?
  22. I give people shit for speeding excessively too, so no hypocrisy here I'm all for choices, but choices have consequences. It's difficult to judge a situation without knowing all the facts, and the news rarely gives the full story. With that in mind, I'll STFU about this particular rider in this particular incident. But I don't feel badly about generalizing. If you're not wearing a helmet, you're accepting the risk of more serious injury. If you're doubling the speed limit, you're doing the same. In either case, I don't think it's fair for emergency personal to race to your rescue and potentially neglect other injured individuals who were taking reasonable steps to protect themselves and obey traffic laws. Where's the justice in that? The same rationalization is why the Japanese earthquake/tsunami victims have gotten a donation from me, but the people looting TV's after hurricane Katrina can suck it. Yeah, a few people ruined it for everyone; just like a few riders give all of us a terrible reputation.
  23. that's what i'm unsure of - what does "some engineering" involve? If they can make a device that allows you to run 120v appliances on a car's cigarette lighter, this should work on teh same principle, no?
  24. hmmm... what kind of battery would I need, and how much would they cost? that would be kind of killer. It might be easier to just take a bicycle and mount the motor and battery...
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