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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I would strongly advise against typing "giant ass" anything into google. in a total "i'm a retard" moment, I did a google search for "cleveland gay games" when that was news (I was curious about how they actually verify competitors are gay:rolleyes:) that got me some interesting search results at work...
  2. eh, if i had a bike worth upgrading, I'd probably do it. I do think the gold looks cool. As it stands, my street bike is (casually) up for sale. I'd post it here, but frankly i want more than anyone on this site is going to offer
  3. No, you didn't mis-type it. I looked at her pictures again. She writes HOPA several times, and CHANGES it to HPOA when she writes out what it stands for.
  4. why is it HOPA instead of HPOA?
  5. because he's awesome like that.
  6. maybe you should modify the rider instead of the bike first then
  7. how much horsepower does it add?
  8. I don't understand how people rationalize the gas-saving logic. The cost of the bike itself makes this totally impractical. even when gas was $4.80/gallon, my bike got roughly 2.5 times the gas mileage of my truck. I'll round to triple the mileage to make the math easier. (assume 20 for the truck, which is optimistic, and 60 for the bike, which is also optimistic) The more you ride, the more you save, and according to Chevy's data on the Volt, the vast majority of Americans drive less than 40 miles a day. so, on a typical 40-mile day, my truck would burn 2 gallons of gas. The bike would burn 2/3 of one gallon. truck cost: $9.60/day. bike cost: $3.20 savings per day: $6.40 Cost of bike: ~$1500. Cost of insurance: ~$100 (mine is more like triple that, but I'm basing this on an ideal scenario) $1600 in expenses, divided by $6.40 means you have to commute 240 days before you BREAK EVEN on the bike. If it takes you more than a year to get to those 240 days, then add on another $100, and another 15 days to break even. I don't know about you, but I definitely don't ride often enough or far enough to break even, let alone save money. And I used the highest gas prices Ohio has ever seen, and probably the cheapest cost possible for a bike. this is an IDEAL situation for saving money. In reality, it will take multiple years of consistently riding the bike and parking the cage to even break-even.
  9. I haven't been to church with any regularity in the last 8 years or so, but I grew up in a relatively strict Catholic household. Strictly speaking, I don't think the strippers are sinning... It's the patrons who are 'enabling' the sin, no? I mean, is dancing around naked inherently sinful? I don't think it is; even by whack-job ultraconservative standards. so why are they trying to "save" the strippers? They ought to be "saving" the patrons, if anyone. Then, as a patron, I can tell them to fuck off for harassing me
  10. PM me if you want to hang out on the 28th. it's about a 3 hour drive from Delaware, OH to BeaveRun. I'll be there Friday evening, camping that night, and then riding all day Saturday. I believe Jbot will also be there, and is riding Saturday, and racing on Sunday.
  11. ^it's not a bad idea to hang out for a day without having to worry about riding. just watching tech, seeing how registration works, attending the beginner group riders' meeting, etc. is really helpful. Then once the day starts, you're just getting a sun tan. mid-ohio is definitely closer for you than BeaveRun.
  12. here is my take: - on a track you don't know very well, an SED is that much more worth the extra money. Great way to learn a layout. - if you're at the lower end of your riding group, an SED is that much more worth it. Lots of instruction, and lots of faster guys to study. Would I do it again: yes, but it will likely be a once-a-season thing, and only at tracks I'm not too familiar with. you do get a TON of track time for your money, but i'm in good shape, and I still couldn't use all the time available. I left with more gas that I would have in a regular 20 minutes an hour format over the course of 2 days ...but not by much. I worked with at least 6 control riders, and found their feedback very consistent; i'm just at a point where I feel like i've plateaued a little. that's my fault, not theirs. At the very end of the day, one of the CR's was pretty blunt with me, which rubbed me the wrong way at the time. In retrospect, he's totally right, and I needed to hear it. i felt like I was out there killing it, and he bluntly told me there were 2 or 3 things I need to work on in general, and that I can't lead a fast lap (i.e. I would following him for 2 laps and we'd be in the :21's, and then he'd wave me by and we'd slow down to :23's and :24's) I got a little butt-hurt about that, but after stewing on it for a 6 hour drive and reviewing the laps in my timer, he's right... But on the positive side, I had a couple control riders say things like, "you're going to get passed there in 'A' group," and "you're almost there - just work on X,Y and Z." It's just easier to focus on what i'm doing wrong and overlook what i'm doing right. So the SED gets a thumbs-up, especially for a track that's further away, and keeps you from taking a day off work to travel. The biggest draw back is that if the weather sucks, there is no tomorrow to rely on.
  13. I'll be at BeaveRun on 8/28. I have no idea where Ostrander is though, so that may or may not be too far for you.
  14. you know, our neighbor has one of those sitting on their side yard. They live in florida 90% of the year, so I might have to "borrow" theirs...
  15. there is no such thing as getting rid of a wild animal without killing it unless you're willing to cross an ocean.
  16. how much is the race school? I'm registered to ride 8/28 at BeaveRun, and I'd entertain the notion of racing on Sunday if it's relatively inexpensive. Do they have transponder rental? I haven't looked at the MotoSeries rule book in a long time, but I'd want to prep my bike to WERA spec anyway.
  17. would that have been good or bad though? The officer involved ought to be taking the heat he's getting. I'm trying to have a little faith in the courts to make the right decision. the precedent this would set is insane, so i think common sense will prevail.
  18. ^ yeah, a 22 caliber solution is tempting, but if I'm going to purchase a .22, I'd rather it be a rifle. I'm thinking http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?i=416224&pdesc=Savage_Model_64_package_with_Scope_22_LR&aID=510B2&merchID=4006, or the mossberg model. The Mossberg doesn't come with a scope though... Of course, the one on that savage is probably junk, so...
  19. Normal Henry: Henry in doggy jail, after being rinsed with peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap.
  20. My dog (Henry) had a nasty encounter with a skunk last October. It involved a serious direct-hit in the face, and then a follow-up misting when he charged a second time (retard). Last night he learned that baby skunks pack less of a punch, but are also too stupid to run away. I was moving my bike into the garage when I heard him barking, and went out back to see a little black/white puff-ball baby skunk just standing there while my dog barked at him... This go 'round wasn't nearly as bad as the first, but it's an experience I'd like to avoid repeating. Obviously we have a family of skunks near our house. Any advice on getting rid of them? I'm considering all legal, and most less-than-legal means. Trapping and drowning seems to be the popular choice, but I'm concerned that might just lead to 1) my dog eating whatever we use to bate the trap, or 2) my dog (or me) getting sprayed by a captive skunk. I'd love an excuse to purchase an inexpensive .22 rifle, but a pellet gun is going to be much easier to discharge without drawing scrutiny from the neighbors. Any other suggestions? the cute little baby fuckers would be almost too adorable to drown. almost.
  21. although it should be a moot point, what I really dislike about this is that the rider had no intention of filming the police... He was filming, and the police intervened. That's a little different than following a cop car around waiting for them to do something stupid. (which i've also heard of people doing) Either way, it's a public service job, conducted 99% IN PUBLIC. without video evidence, we're left with the classic "who will guard the guards?" problem.
  22. bring me back one of those shirts that says "I rode my bike to trailer week."
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