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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. ^ true enough. the New York fans can't be thrilled with LeBron for giving several indications he was headed their way, and then telling them on TV that he wasn't.
  2. the suspect quotes the judge as saying, "i can't see where you broke any wiretapping laws" and releases him. I guess I stopped reading after that. It won't go anywhere anyway.
  3. the long back straight at Mid-Ohio gives you more time to rest. I haven't ridden barber, but I believe the straight(s) there is also considerably longer than Putnam's. I'll be at Putnam Sunday soaking up every bit of knowledge I can. If anyone is going to be there Saturday, I'm hoping to get there early enough to drop off and set up before the gate closes; maybe even catch the last hour of riding, if I can. from what I am told, SED's are worth every penny of the $305 you spend on it. Makes sense though. a Typical 2-day event is $300 at Putnam, but i'm getting more like 6 hours of track time instead of 2.5 per day. A bargain, if you're in good enough shape to stay out. I'm hoping I am!
  4. free speech is free speech, the degree is completely irrelevant. I said earlier that I was conflicted on the issue - on the one hand, Heat fans have every right to express themselves and not be harassed, but on the other hand, when someone is asking for trouble, I don't think it should be some big indignant shocking experience when they find it. two wrongs don't make a right, but the moron in the heat jersey took the first poke.
  5. I still think the video shows that they were egging the crowd on and provoking fans into unsafe behavior. I understand that the logic is backward; you shouldn't censor someone's free speech just because those who disagree will react violently, but I think Progressive field is better off defending a suit from the Jersey wearer for kickign him out than defending a suit for "letting" him get his ass beat while their security failed to control the fans.
  6. Progressive field is privately owned. If he wasn't breaking a single rule, they can still "kick him out" and all he's entitled to is a refund for his ticket. Besides, as I said in my initial post, for practical purposes, they had to escort the guy out. There were 100+ people pissed off at one of them. What's more practical; controlling the angry masses, or removing the 2 people who are pissing everyone off? Progressive field can easily rationalize it as a necessary precaution to protect the safety of everyone in the general area.
  7. so I can walk into an R&B club wearing a Klan hood and that would be fine? I'm just wearing a silly hat. would the black patrons be a-holes for reacting, or would I be the a-hole for provoking them?
  8. here: http://carlosmiller.com/2010/04/16/maryland-motorcyclist-spends-26-hours-in-jail-on-wiretapping-charge-for-filming-cop-with-gun/ couldn't find the thread on the WERA board, but this 'article' makes it clear that he was released.
  9. it'll be louder. That's pretty much what any aftermarket exhaust gets you...
  10. isn't this old news? I swear I saw this on the WERA board and the judge threw out the case months ago. Yes, the guy got hassled, spent a night or two in jail, and had his house turned upside-down when they served the search warrant, but the judge agreed with everyone here, said it was bullshit, and dismissed the case.
  11. the more I think about it, the more conflicted I am on the issue. from a legal standpoint, it's a free speech issue. Progressive field can ask him to leave the property for pretty much any reason, but practically speaking, the Jersey isn't inherently offensive - it just creates a situation in which their "security" staff cannot possibly control the crowd and maintain a safe environment. The guy wanted attention, and people gave it to him. Who really "won" here?
  12. I don't think he was ignorant, I think he knew damn well people would react in that manner. He was asking for it. If i wore a shirt that said "fuck you cleveland cavs fans," I'd know what to expect. a LeBron Heat jersey is essentially the same thing.
  13. morons do that. said it before, and i'll say it again: some forms of stupidity should be punishable by death. They did him a favor by "escorting" him out.
  14. what makes you think he needs to "learn" anything, and why do you think being attacked would stop him? We all know the risks involved in riding a motorcycle, and I for one wouldn't stop riding just because I crashed one...
  15. damn... a newb who doesn't come on with a liter sportbike and some running from the cops story; or a cruiser that weighs more than my car? I can't think of a single insult. uh, welcome?
  16. the cub "charged?" that's not what I was expecting to read. Usually the cub gets curious and momma bear steps in to take away the new toy (you). I've never heard a report of a cub actually being the aggressor - but the extent of my bear knowledge is limited to watching that stupid "grizzly man" documentary on (wacko) Tim Treadwell.
  17. if you're comfortable taking a highway exit ramp at the posted speed, you're experienced enough to go to the track. I can think of no better way to improve your riding skills in such a short period of time.
  18. i haven't had any problems with PNC, but I haven't done much actual "banking" since National City folded... I deposited $113.50 in change not too long ago, and they didn't groan or bitch when I did it, so that was nice... No line either.
  19. "i don't want to be a nuisance or a distraction." I'll believe it when I see it; or rather, when I DON'T see it.
  20. no. I've always been annoyed by ignorance and stupidity. now "do forums provide a large audience of people that are ignorant of things I consider common knowledge?" Possibly. I'm nicer to forum peeps who I have met, or might someday meet.
  21. likely true, but is it reasonable to see a headlight a thousand yards away and initiate your left turn assuming that the driver behind the headlight is going (at most) 10 over the speed limit? I think it is. Or rather, what's more wrong; assuming the rider is traveling reasonably close to the speed limit, or breaking it excessively? A lot of people seem to be glossing over the fact that the rider could have prevented this collision a lot more easily than the driver. The fact that the driver shouldn't have been on the road to begin with, while irritating, is irrelevant. Could just as easily have been a legal driver. Why he's not being charged with and tried for DUI and DUS separately is beyond me though.
  22. the article doesn't say what they charged the driver with as far as the rider's death. It could have been anything from reckless endangerment to vehicular homicide, to voluntary manslaughter. If the prosecution went for a heavy charge that they couldn't back up, it's very possible that the jury made the RIGHT decision. You're not going to get an argument from me that it's wrong to be driving under suspension and while drunk, but say I'm wasted and driving under suspension and stopped at a red light, and a rider plows into the back of my car; am I responsible? it sounds like that's essentially what happened here. The driver made a legal left-hand turn. The collision wouldn't have occurred if the rider hadn't been speeding excessively. say he wasn't drunk and had a license, but he hadn't been wearing his seat belt. Is the driver still responsible then? He's still breaking the law. Oh, and the civil suit is what's going to get the victim's family $$ anyway.
  23. Alienpi wins the award for "most honest trackday rider." I wish I'd had a lap timer from the beginning, just to see how far i've come. I remember getting excited about getting down to 1:10 at BeaveRun. Now I turn those times when I'm warming my tires... Breaking 2:00 at Mid-Ohio was a big deal when it happened. Now if I saw that on my lap timer, I'd only be happy if it were raining
  24. x 1000 get used to the landing gear and you can show us all how it works at the next OR trackday.
  25. redkow97


    14 pages, and the only conclusion to be reached is that ohio-riders.net is not a democracy. It is not a fair universe. OR is a benevolent dictatorship where the rules change at the whim of those in power. ...but no one's forcing anyone to stick around. it is what it is. I don't always like it, but I keep logging back in.
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