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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. i have very little comic-book knowledge - am I still going to be able to appreciate and understand who the villains are? What about wife/girlfriend opinions? My wife liked the first transformers movie, but not the second. (first was a good movie - second was just action without a story)
  2. I think Fasttrax is the only group i've ever ridden with that required water/water wetter. some tracks don't allow antifreeze though. honestly, there's a high probability that most of our bikes could use a coolant flush anyway... Refilling with distilled water costs you like $1. between the low effort, and cheap cost, there's no reason to be "that guy" who pukes antifreeze onto the track and makes the rest of us miss track time while it's cleaned up.
  3. 3 should be easy, and 4 should be possible. It all depends on how you secure them though. I saw 5 bikes in a 6x12 this past weekend, because they were all set up using this: the lack of straps makes it a TON easier to fit more bikes. You can even mount the plate in front of the rear wheel if you want to save some space length-wise. in the 6x12 I saw this past weekend, they had THREE plates across the rear of the trailer (the plates are about 2' wide), and then 2 more in front of those three bikes, offset to the side, so they could access the man-door. 4 bikes would be no problem at all.
  4. it might make sense. they may have some kind of deal with helmet manufacturers where they get a discount on your new helmet by turning in the old one for analysis or something. Real-world data is expensive. ...or they might just not want some idiot wearing a crashed helmet.
  5. I don't really have anything against the beastie boys, but it has always made me laugh that all they really do is have all three guys yell each time a word rhymes.
  6. their cost-savings in the maintenance pitch is pretty compelling stuff. wonder how many they'll actually sell.
  7. +1 i got mine for $100 on closeout. Saw the same pair (in yellow only) for $79 a few months later. Last time I was at Gingerman, I pitted next to 3 guys who had yellow bikes, yellow leathers, yellow boots, etc. I asked them why, and their response was "yellow gear is always on clearance." why make this sport more expensive than it already is?
  8. Let's back the bus up, and cite this with a proper link.
  9. my brother's bike plate is ## NRA by accident. I thought that was pretty sweet.
  10. "I think all bumper stickers really say the same thing: 'let's not be friends.'" - Mitch Hedberg.
  11. I figure I'll be in bed by 11 (we do have to wake up by 7), so any drinking that goes down will be between 5 and 11. One beer an hour means 6 beers total. the charts i found online say that puts me at about .12 BAC, and your liver removes .015 per hour. I'll be sober well before 7AM, with 2 more hours before we ride. 2 gatorades before bed prevent a hangover, not that 6 beers would produce one anyway...
  12. yeah, you should be. I forget that i'm getting old . the mindset of a 18-22 yr old is a wonderful thing and should be enjoyed to its fullest. hide and lock up that bike though. a black cover and strategic placement made my bike easily mistakable for a grill when I visited friends on campus. I never had a bike during college.
  13. I think buying can still be financially viable in some markets. the Cleveland area is one of them. Renting a decent 2-bedroom place was costing me around $550/month. that's cheap compared to a comparable place in other cities. My mortgage is only like $940/month. Friends of mine have also noticed that their rent has gone up considerably in the year since I've purchased my house. Why? because all those people defaulting on their mortgage have to live somewhere. There's greater demand for rental property right now. the place my old roommate and I rented for $525/month 2.5 years ago is now $600/month. that adds up. (that's not even mentioning the fact that the woman who lived above us in the duplex we rented was a total bitch. she would SCREAM at her daughters every morning at 6AM. worst parent ever.) If i make minimum payments, then I probably pay more IN INTEREST than it would have cost me to rent a comparable place though. So of course buying seems stupid when you're really just paying the bank 'rent' and putting a couple hundred bucks toward actually purchasing your house. my $940 mortgage payment also gets me more than $940 in rent would. I have 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and a 2.5 car garage that comfortably fits 2 cars, my trailer, 3 bikes, and I added shelves that take up 3' at the back. The house across the street from us is smaller, and rents for $1200/month. I think we pay $150/month over our premium, which takes something silly like 12 years off our 30 year mortgage, and saves us tens of thousands of dollars. Yes, I have to mow my lawn, replace the AC when it breaks, and pay property taxes, but it's MY house. I like that. I can paint, break shit, remodel, and do anything else I want to it. I have 2 bikes in the garage that I know are reasonably secure, and I can take any steps I want to improve their security. I think the bottom line is that a home isn't an investment unless you own it. Financing a home is just renting from the bank, but with more freedom to paint shit.
  14. reminds me of the Ron White line: "I like MY dog - i don't give a shit about yours." pretty much how i feel about penises.
  15. actually i think you'll find the best parties are the ones you never see coming. Halloween at OU is an event for sure, but most of my friends who went to OU resented all the visitors pretty quickly. No parking. Lots of cops. Lots of property damage. It's all cool when you're a freshman, but eventually it's YOUR car being flipped over on the street.
  16. good write-up. emulators made a world of difference in my old F2 as well. The only shitty thing is having to remove the emulators to make adjustments. With a $6 parts grabber, I got pretty good/fast at it. Once they're set up to your liking, you can pretty much forget about them, but for anyone who buys emulators, this should be purchased along with them:
  17. So now that we know a decent number of people are coming, who wants to split a keg for Saturday afternoon/evening?
  18. I hadn't met you or Ron prior to Saturday, but I've followed the race write-ups for a while now. Are you still the "slow guy on the team" when you beat Ron?
  19. Yeah, NESBA has or had quite a few female control riders. On the one hand, it's hot when a woman can ride. On the other hand, it kind of pisses me off when there are girls (<cough> katie & nichole <cough>) who are 2-4 years younger than me, and faster than I'll ever be...
  20. ^ I would have been happy to trade if I could be sure I wouldn't be out of place in "A" group... the only place I really know my lap times from are BeaveRun, and to a lesser extent, Nelson Ledges and Calabogie. Never ran a timer at Gingerman though, so even if Brian or Monte were to say, "below 1:xx, and you should be fine in 'A'" I wouldn't really have a frame of reference...
  21. whores are in-season. every time it's over 60 degrees, girls wear tiny shorts and tanktops. I heart spring. It's like the hot chicks come out of hibernation. CSU's gym is suddenly MUCH more scenic.
  22. there was a pink bike this past weekend at Putnam with a "C" sticker on it. I saw it and assumed there was a female control rider who was going to embarrass me on a pink bike. (i've been schooled by at least 3 female control riders) turns out it belonged to a "B" group rider, but one of the Control Riders had borrowed her bike when his was out of gas at the end of the day. I assume she's either dating or married to the guy, but not necessarily.
  23. damn! really? If I'd been to Gingerman more than once before, I might have considered registering in advanced and making more room in "I." it's kind of a lose-lose though... if you're the fastest guy in "I," you're a dick for not registering in "A," but if you're the slowest guy in "A," you're a dick for not registering in "I."
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