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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. what kind of riding do you plan to do on this bike? if memory serves, the 600RR was your first sportbike, right? I'd honestly say "buy an F4i." But your desire for something newer, and even MORE sport-biased than you'll ever be able to use leads me to suggest Ducati 848.
  2. I wasn't going to bring it up, but that's not what the staff was saying. While I was in line to get my "I" sticker, Mike came into the tech shed and told Dennis that he needed to move "at least 7 or 8" riders from "I" group to "A" group. I walked out with an "A" sticker because my bike is prepped for "A" rules.
  3. redkow97

    Are you LOST?

    the polar bear had also been used to turn the 'magic' island-moving wheel in the past. Ben and Locke are both transported to the Tunisian desert when they turn the wheel. In one of her origin flashbacks, we see Charlotte at an excavation site digging up the skeleton of a polar bear with a Dharma collar on it. she's in the same desert.
  4. I ride 10-12 trackdays a year, which nets to about 1 front and 2 rear tires. I also count on burning through a $75 set of brake pads each season. an car's tire bill is a LOT more expensive, PLUS it uses more gas, PLUS you have to store it, etc. I think the choice is obvious.
  5. who are you riding with? Not all intermediate groups are created equal.
  6. to the OP: If the ZX7 gets head-shake and leaks coolant, as a fellow track rider, I wouldn't want it anywhere near me, or the track on which i'm riding. Your personal safety is one issue. I'd encourage you to make smart choices there, but leaking fluids on the track or riding a bike that you aren't sure is safe (sounds like you might have tweaked forks) is unsafe for those around you as well. If that's what it comes down to, ride the ZX10, or drop some cash and make sure the ZX7 is in proper working order. And yeah, crashing is always a possibility, but I wouldn't call it "common." On a bad day at the track, you'll see 10 crashes. Consider that you've probably got 100+ people riding, and you're looking at a 90% chance that you WON'T crash. Ultimately, you control your pace. Ride within your limits, and your odds of crashing drop drastically.
  7. on a somewhat humorous note, I just looked at the pics again, and my first thought was, "the R6 looks kinda shitty actually..." Then i realized the monitor on my laptop was covered with dust
  8. redkow97

    Miss USA 2010

    if the story hadn't been about her national origins, I wouldn't have even noticed she was of Arab descent. now where are the bikini pics?
  9. this is too funny. he made "RRR" decals... "Since I follow automotive industry news, it is common that the faster version of a vehicle comes out with an extra letter R at the end. On some motorcycles manufactories use RR; Since i always want to be the first and only the first I decided to create the RRR version! " I couldn't make that up if I tried.
  10. i still think drowning would be the worst way to die. you know it's happening, but can't do anything about it.
  11. that made my brain hurt. once again: Some forms of stupidity should be punishable by death.
  12. I entered, sent it to my wife and brothers to enter, then read the rules and realized none of us are eligible to win because my dad works for Progressive. Lame.
  13. you sure you're not confusing that with the weld failures the GSXR's experienced? I believe it was 2005/2006 that had the recall.
  14. redkow97

    Are you LOST?

    www.sethislost.com good insight from a smart guy with too much time on his hands
  15. a guy once asked me if my EX500 was a thousand. I assume he thought anything with 2 pipes was a liter bike.
  16. who is on the black 600RR with red flames? Your "N" group pics like pretty good. Getting off the bike more than most. didn't know you were with OR, or i would have said hello.
  17. Maybe I just watch too much racing, but I tend to 'group' sport bikes by what class they'd be eligible for... I think it's silly to put "1000" on the side of a 954, but they'd both have to race in the "A" division for WERA, or "superbike" for AMA (I think).
  18. Suspension is always the best investment to make on a track bike. I sometimes wish I'd gotten an SV, and I'll tell you why: this past weekend, I was trying to re-learn Gingerman and get up to "A" pace. I didn't run a lap timer until the 2nd session after lunch, but I was turning 1:46's and 1:47's. I felt like I had nothing more to give it. Third session, I fell in behind a rider who I recognized from previous trackdays. She is definitely way faster than me, but she was going slow on the straights. I wasn't even clicking into 4th gear. I made a point to stay behind her for the rest of the session. She was taking VERY conservative braking points, and her lines were perfect. When I came in and looked at the timer, we were doing consistent 1:44's without using 4th gear. The point is, an SV takes some of the ridiculous speed out of the equation and allows you (forces you?) to ride WELL instead of just twisting the throttle hard. It also keeps you from doing 140 in the straights, and then panic-braking and blowing your line. (guilty) A bike like an SV demands what most of us are too stubborn to do on our own. That makes it a great learning tool. i ended up dropping a lot more time when I brought the speed back into the equation, but if I hadn't slowed down, I would have continued to work backward, and I doubt I would have done nearly as well.
  19. buy spare rims and rain tires. it'll never rain again.
  20. hahahaha - a liter bike is a status symbol? who knew? I think this is way funnier. (note the model badge, then look at the nose of the bike)
  21. how much do those cost? I know the intro class is cheap, but if the others are any more expensive, one trackday will teach you 10 times what those classes will...
  22. where did it say he loved running into trucks?
  23. now that's funny. The fact that his idiot friend died a week later just proves that you can't stop people from being morons. I hope the rider's insurance covered the damage to the back of the truck.
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