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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. agree. I've got a BA in English btw. Good luck in school. disagree. I think everyone else has been pretty civil. Argumentative? Maybe, but at least they're defending their points without resorting to personal insults. so about the bike - is it going to be at any tracks in the near future? I might honestly know some people interested in taking a look at it.
  2. "go fuck yourself" is on the first page of the thread. a couple times. CattaniAFJ appears to be responsible for 99.5% of the douche-baggery, but I admit i'm only on page 11 of 39.
  3. i don't recall if joining this site involved an agreement to terms of use, but "go fuck yourself" doesn't sit well with me. Less coarse language certainly could have gotten the message across. Personal attacks and insults made in a humorous manner are one thing. "go fuck yourself" isn't even creative. where's the effort? Whether they realize it or not, I rode with a few of the junkies (on track) last season. Tyler is the one I remember in particular. Epic beard. SV650. Nice enough guy. Pretty sure i've been at several of the same events as Gixxie; many before I ever knew he was the junkie prez. Again, seems like a friendly enough guy. here's where things get dicey: we all have or have had that friend with the big mouth. There are several times I can think of where friends of mine have said shit that I, 1) thought was way out of line, and 2) realized invited an ass-kicking. Whether or not I step in and share in said ass-kicking (and let them hear it later), or let them get their ass beat depends solely on how good of friends we are. I honestly don't know how tight-knit the assfault junkies are, but especially in a forum, where the potential for physical violence is very low, I understand why they're defending their own, albeit in a manner that I may disagree with. If people are really logging in or creating usernames just to cause problems, then ban 'em; but I don't think it's necessary or appropriate to ban the entire group, no matter what group it is.
  4. has to be a troll. I can't believe no one called him out on this post: his bike is leaking coolant and oil, and he's running/revving the engine, and clicking it through the gears? Somehow i doubt a guy who has owned a bike for 3 hours has a rear stand, so that means he was RIDING a crashed bike that's pissing antifreeze and oil right in the path of his rear tire!? As I see it, the OP has 2 options: 1) post a picture of the damaged bike with a note in the shot that says, "Redkow is a skeptical asshole," and we'll call you a retard for, well, for being a retard, but we'll have a lot more helpful information. 2) refuse to post the pic proving this is legitimate, and be exposed as a (pretty uncreative) troll.
  5. the fastest guys get paid, but none of them actually MAKE money. they MIGHT hope to break even. 99% of winnings are in contingency dollars. You register with a vendor to be your "sponsor," then you use their product, and put their stickers on your bike. If you podium, the race org will note your sponsors during post-race tech inspection, and they'll mail you a check, or, more likely, a coupon for $200 off your next purchase from them (helps a TON with tires). there are a TON of vendors who will be your sponsor, with varying requirements. A "big" race weekend is when it's a manufacturer paying weekend. Robert Jensen smoked my ass on a ZX6 at BeaveRun last year. I was doing a race school. He was practicing for the WERA round the next day where Kawasaki was paying contingency. Your bike has to be less than 2 years old to qualify for factory contingency though, that's why there are so many 2 year old race bikes on the WERA board.
  6. ...not the type of notary who will notarize someone else's signature after the fact.
  7. Well that sucks... MotoGP (with only 17 bikes) can get slightly dull as it is. I wonder who (if anyone) they're going to put on the second Fiat Yamaha. Maybe Spies will get an early shot at being Lorenzo's teammate. what really sucks though is that no matter who wins the championship this year (and I think it will be Lorenzo), someone will always say, "yeah, but he didn't have to compete against Rossi."
  8. I think his assessment is likely half-accurate. Leaving someone at a gas station is an a-hole move, but it's not adequate provocation for her to hit him. She could have been charged, but... he responded with greater force, not like-force. That makes him the "aggressor," and he could probably be charged as well. It doesn't matter in this situation, but IF the woman had continued to fight back, the fact that the guy became the aggressor would mean should could then start claiming self-defense. If he had replied with equal force, she would have remained the aggressor. does your phone take video? I'd have tried that, then called the cops from the wife's phone.
  9. if you're really in a pinch, I can set up my trailer for 2 bikes, but you'd have to get your bike to Cleveland... I'm also leaving Friday and coming back on Sunday after the end of the day, but PM me if you're really in a bind.
  10. you mean their Arai frame-slider?
  11. really? I have never heard the word "sidecar" (or "porch," for that matter) inserted in that sentence.
  12. didn't a bunch of people in this thread just conclude that it was ok to be cruel to Billy Joe Gregg because of his acts towards animals? abuse is abuse. torture is torture. What someone has done to 'deserve' it only makes people feel better about their actions; it doesn't make their actions any better.
  13. you're black? Ok, I have a question for you: say I'm watching a side-car race at the vintage days at Mid-Ohio, and the guy providing ballast in the side-car is black. How do I refer to him without getting my ass beat?
  14. set DVR to record all new events. My DVR catches crap at 4AM, 8AM, etc. that I'd never know to record otherwise. the LeMans GP races were really messed up schedules. Great racing though. I kept all 3 for the off season
  15. The articles seem to suggest otherwise, but when I heard about this on the radio this morning, they said the landing was un-planned. Or perhaps maybe their original landing location wasn't suitable for some reason? Because you're right; the pilots and organizers of this sort of thing are normally VERY aware of this type of hazard. It's not like the Marines don't do air shows. We had a life-flight chopper land at my elementary school when I was a kid, and the pilot made us all go inside. The entire school was standing around the parking lot, probably still 200' away, and the pilot refused to land until we were all in the building for fear that he'd kick up dust, gravel, etc, on the parking lot and pepper us. Even then, he landed on the soccer field instead. I remember, because I was pissed off that we couldn't see it land.
  16. I think the most common view of the Confederate flag is as a symbol of redneck racists. More accurately, the Confederate flag is a symbol of states' rights. Remember, the US was born out of the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution was written basically as an act of treason. The framers were tasked with amending the existing Articles of Confederation, scrapped them, and started over. I'm not saying they didn't have good reason to do so, but the fact is, the US constitution was essentially a non-violent coup. When the Confederacy attempted to secede from the Union, there really was a lot more to it than just slavery - that happened to be the most visible example of the Fed trying to tell the states what to do, but it was more the principal of the thing. You know how we tell American whiners, "if you hate the USA so much, go live in Canada!"? The Confederacy wanted to be able to say, "if you hate Texas law so much, move up North (you liberal pussy)."
  17. I have no reason to bad-mouth the BMW, but Keith Code's endorsement means very little to me. I'm sure there's some form of sponsorship agreement that has a lot to do with why he's changing from Kawasakis to BMW's. STT used to toot Buell's horn pretty hard. NESBA pimps out R6's and R1's like cheap whores. There's nothing wrong with supporting your sponsors, but I'm sure that's what it is; sponsorship.
  18. The nice thing about "West, but not too West," is that there's just tons of room. The Denver airport is 45 miles from anything. They have the space to do that. I would bet working there would involve a longish commute, but no significant traffic. Kind of the opposite of NYC or DC.
  19. so what happened to the guy? I only read the first post, looked at the date, and skipped to "last page." I found it funny though that he was looking at the DC/VA area. I have about 8 friends who live just outside DC, and all but two of them are desperate to move away from the traffic and high cost of living. (the first two move back next month!) the two who want to stay produce TV news, so a large metro market is essential for their livelihood.
  20. i'm skeptical of the details. Good story, and I believe he went off the 'cliff,' but that would have to be some steep-ass driveway for the rear to lock and lift the front end rather than just having the rear wheel skid. Perhaps the guy hit his head harder than he remembers.
  21. and how do the stat sheets compare? subjective categories aside (let's not argue styling), which bike is superior? when it comes to economy and acceleration, are they still comparable bikes? 2005 Goldwing: 118hp @ 5,500 RPM 123 ft-lbs. @ 4,000 RPM 792 lbs. (dry) 2005 ElectraGlide: hp not listed. 80 ft-lbs. @ 3400 RPM 731 lbs. (dry) http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/honda_gl_1800_gold_wing_2005.php and http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/harley-davidson_flhti_electra_glide_standard_2005.php no quarter mile times or economy on that site though
  22. if you read his "bio," he actually seems like a nice guy. http://www.bikepics.com/members/shervin/ I really kind of feel bad that he's so ridiculous.
  23. the WERA board was laughing their asses off at this guy too. The best stuff is in his Flickr albums. I couldn't make this up if I tried, but he captioned one of this pics with something like, "I follow the automotive industry, and fast cars often have an R added to their name. Fast bikes have RR added. I want to be the first and best bike possible, so I made the first RRR" he masked off "RRR" and spray painted his rear seat cowl. His lower also says "SHERVIN RRR." not kidding.
  24. The harley holds its value because accountants and stock brokers are the ones buying new, and they only put 600 miles a year on them! (i kid, i kid...) plus compare the spec sheet on a 2010 HD and a 2010 Metric cruiser. I'd like to see which is more impressive.
  25. I honestly don't think there's that much hate for HD and cruisers on this board, but if the jokes and stereotypes are funny, people repeat them (myself included). I'm totally indifferent to HD. If I were shopping cruisers, I wouldn't give them a second look, not because I particularly dislike them, I just know they're over-priced compared to the comparable Japanese models. I have no problem with the "old" technology HD employs. the same criticisms are lobbed at the Corvette's push-rod V8. "It's not old, it's time-tested and proven" isn't a completely moronic statement, but the price tag should reflect that lack of continued R & D on the bike. "proven" technology should be cheaper to produce and lower in price. my EX500 was produced up until 2009. It was a 1987 design with relatively minor modifications in 1994. I'm hardly in a position to 'throw stones' at HD for old designs, but my bike was also selling for $4900 MSRP by the end of it's production run, not $40,000...
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