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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I think Brian is spot-on with all his advice, if you plan to be competitive. Gixxie's estimates are more reasonable though for those of us who just want to go out there an get our feet wet. $1k a weekend is necessary if you want to give yourself the best chance of winning against the other really fast guys out there. The "serious" racers will have fresh tires and completely tricked-out bikes that are less than 2 years old (and thus available for factory contingency). ...but there's still quite a few people like you and me (and it sounds like Gixxie750) who will start the vast majority of races on well-used tires, 3-9 year old bikes, and be happy with the occasional race win (hell, even top 5) against other riders with similar budget restrictions. Trackdays have changed racing a ton over the last 10 years. Talk to the old-timers, and you won't believe how things used to be. The "novice" grid used to be street-bikes with number plates. Tire warmers were rarely seen on a bike with a yellow plate. Now you've got "A" group trackday guys who show up with race tires, warmers, full Ohlins suspension, quick shifters, GPS lap timers, etc. for their FIRST race. They're "novices?" Only in name. I didn't race last year because my wife found (and read) our life insurance policy. Gotta be 2 years in before they stop asking questions about my 'risky' habits I hope to make it onto a grid toward the end of this year. I'll be on Dunlop Qualifiers. If I have warmers, they'll be borrowed. I'll get my ass handed to me by at least half the field ...but somebody's gotta be last. It won't always be me.
  2. are these cool harley guys, or douchey harley guys? I wouldn't mind showing up on my $1400 EX500 (that's currently making funny noises from the counter-shaft area...) and click off a 13.5 to piss off some douchey harley guys.
  3. so, stupid comment/question; given that "everyone went faster than you except the Harleys," this was bracket racing, yes? I wish I'd shown up just to get a better understanding of how that works... Might have to come out some time and practice launches on the track bike. Should it ever become a race bike, that stuff matters
  4. for $20, I'd give it a try. I just can't stomach the "$99.95 fitness system" products that are just a simple workout and a common-sense diet... I have pretty good success with 'traditional' workout methods like free weights and jogging, but everyone's different. If following the DVDs makes you do things you'd otherwise skip, then they start to have some tangible value.
  5. how much does it cost? My bet is that it's a glorified circuit workout. Lots of super-sets and very little rest. I'm pretty in shape, and I wouldnt' count on making it more than 25 minutes my first attempt.
  6. still at work, but i'm like 10 minutes or less from McDondon's, so no big deal. Hopefully i approach the right guys and not just some randoms, lol.
  7. Like Brian said, a 900ss is going to be weird as far as classes... I'm certainly no savant with the WERA rule book, but something more common will be legal for more races. LW twins (SV650) is certainly a great way to go. The EX250 class is probably even cheaper though. Slower, but those guys seem to have a blast. You'll use even fewer tires too. And don't write-off the Vintage classes. V7 allows 90's 600's like the F2/F3, ZX6, and so on. And if you want to, you're still legal for the C superstock ("meat grinder") races. you'll likely get your ass handed to you by bikes with 25 more hp and 40 fewer lbs. of mass, but a good enough rider could still finish in the top 50% of the pack. the absolute best thing you can do though is attend a full race weekend as a spectator and just observe and learn. I assume you've been to track days. I took my best lap time at a given track, added 2 seconds to it, and watched how I would have done if I averaged that pace throughout the middleweight solo 20 and C superstock races. The top 5 riders would have lapped me, but I would have finished above the bottom 25%. make a budget, and then assume you're going to spend twice that much.
  8. looks like 7:00, if not a little earlier. I'm going to check on this thread at 5:30 and see who is still planning to meet at McDonDon's at rockside & 21. If there are a few people, I'll meet up with them. If it's just going to be me, I'll just head to bike night at 6:00 or so.
  9. reminds me a little of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV2rdGX4JYc If you're going to break traffic rules, at least CHECK YOUR BLIND SPOT!
  10. I'm pretty sure OH law only requires one mirror for bikes, so it shouldn't be an issue unless someone's concerned about the cosmetic lack of symmetry. Personally, I don't need to be able to see BOTH my elbows. One is enough
  11. Gingerman is one of those tracks where you have to tolerate it before you can love it. i went through the same thing with Nelson Ledges. It's scary to go fast there, but once you get past the fear and just ride, it's enjoyable. That said, Putnam is a whole different level of awesome. I will definitely go back at Putnam later this summer. It's another 50 miles or so further than Gingerman to get there, but the lack of tolls makes the time and $$ difference worth it. If Gingerman were 15 minutes away though; well, let's just I wouldn't give up on it just yet.
  12. well I was the slow guy in the fast pond, so it didn't hurt my day. It was just surprising to see 40 guys lined up on hot pit for an "A" session. I talked to a few people who were pissed off, but all of them were pretty level-headed about realizing Mike and Dennis had little to do with booking and were 'making lemonade,' so-to-speak.
  13. all that technology, and they still use basic red garbage cans to catch their brass? I would have expected some sort of magnetic catch, or at least a vacuum robot...
  14. if he can wait a few weeks, I will have a Dunlop Qualifier rear with totally shagged edges but a ton of center meat on it...
  15. heat. propane torch works fastest.
  16. am I misunderstanding, or are you saying you plan to use a crash cage and do wheelies at a trackday? I'd talk to someone at the trackday orgs you plan to ride with if that's the case. Some orgs don't allow crash cages. too easy for the rider to get tangled up in. and personally, I prefer to avoid orgs that allow riders to clutch-up wheelies during a trackday. Incidental power wheelies are one thing, but holding it for no reason is just unsafe.
  17. It looks like my coworker and I will be there as well. We work on Pleasant Valley, so that's right down the road from us. he's on a black FZ6R and I'm on a red EX500. (i have a tan jacket and blue helmet if that matters) - chris
  18. i want this. badly. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/cto/1748026571.html and it's cheap enough that it could actually happen. Problem is, I would love it too much to sell it, and not ride it enough to keep it. Ultimately, I know I need a VFR, but I so want something this sexy (and cheap!!)
  19. redkow97

    Are you LOST?

    Ben brought Anthony Cooper to the island for Locke to kill. Sawyer actually ends up killing him. After that, Smokey can take his form.
  20. I think Ducati's get a bad rap because when they DO break, they can be expensive to fix. From my limited experience with them (i.e. I know people who own them), it's all about having a good shop or dealership near by. That said, I think they're "quirky," but not unreliable. A dry-clutch V-twin is just going to have different problems than a wet-clutch I-4. I wouldn't shy away from them due to reliability issues; especially not one as new as you're looking for.
  21. damn, that's a sweet deal. How fast ya gotta be to make that happen? Did you pimp their product like a good little sponsored racer?
  22. my bikes are worth less than $5k combined, so I haven't exactly priced out 848's, but I would have thought they were available around $7500 via private party sale. if not, I'd look at older Ducs. Just cool bikes, if you want something unique and have the cash.
  23. redkow97

    Are you LOST?

    I think that quote has it all wrong. They never said everyone was ON the island when they died. Christian Shepherd implies the exact opposite. "some of them died before you, and some long after." Furthermore, he says, "there isn't really a 'where' and 'when.'" or something like that. The point (as I perceived it) was that the individual perception of (Jack's) death was that he finally got to leave the flash-sideways (where he was happy) and meet up with everyone else who he had loved. I can't call the flash-sideways "purgatory," but it's definitely some kind of 'waiting room' for when you're ready to "let go." I got the impression that time is 100% relative. What seemed like a few years to Jack could haev been decades for other people in his life.
  24. I might be able to swing this for once. Classes are T/Th this summer. what kind of ride are you looking to do after? Valley View, Independence, and even Brecksville keep a tight eye on the area after bike night.
  25. I must have been thinking of a different member. I'll let the "katana is a sportbike" comment slide But I stand by the Ducati recommendation. 848's are sexy bikes, but have no business even pretending a passenger would want to be on one.
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