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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. redkow97

    Phone Sex

    www.thehun.net is a giant directory of anything you'd ever want to see, and almost as much that you wouldn't. somebody's older brother found that site while we were in high school - keep in mind, video was basically an impossibility on a dial-up connection.
  2. redkow97

    WTB: Tent

    the tents at Dick's look uber expensive, and 4-6 is pretty big. I guess it depends on how many people you actually plan to sleep in it, and what your specific needs are though. I prefer a tent to pack well. you don't 'live' in it, you just sleep in it. Realistically, I never want to sleep in a tent with more than 1 other person, so smaller is usually better. I have a 5x7 "2 man" tent that I use when I'm alone. It's higher quality, and was priced appropriately - but i've had it for going on 10 years now. It can fit 2 people in a pinch, but your gear is staying outside in the little alcove (covered by the rain fly only) I also picked up a cheaper 9x8 for when I bring the wife and dog with me. for light-duty camping, something like this is all you need http://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-9-x-8-Dome-Tent/14089865 $32 Just be sure to have extra tent stakes, a tarp, and bungy cords. the cheaper the tent, the shittier the rain fly. spending hundreds on a tent that only gets used 10 days a year seems like kind of a waste to me when the $8 tarp makes a $32 tent just as weather-resistant.
  3. as much as I'm sure everyone here wants to help, the best feedback is going to come from people who interview and hire for their own business. I think it's hard to distinguish a good resume, but easy to spot a bad one. if you can stay out of the circular filing cabinet for that second round of consideration, you've done something right.
  4. i actually think the commercial is pretty funny, but i believe it's been on the air for several weeks now. haven't had the sandwich. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF86Rb-uFNE
  5. I considered trucking my bike up to Chicago for the one at Mooseheart Orphanage just because the kids seem to think it's so cool. How often do orphans have a really great day? I could give a shit about having my bike 'blessed.' I wouldn't call myself an atheist, but I don't think you need to get 500 bikes together and have a priest present to get god's attention. assuming my overly ambitious plan comes to fruition, I'll trailer the RR to Illinois on friday night, and crash at some place TBD. Then roll into the orphanage by 9 AM. hang out and let kids play on my bike til noon. then roll back to one of the NESBA CR's house for BBQ before getting my sweet ass to Gingerman for the trackday meet up. blessing of the bikes or not, doing something nice for orphans the day before hurtling myself around a race track is probably good karma
  6. I think you're making it sounds more sinister than it is. first of all, all the students' parents signed an agreement when they accepted the laptop. I'm certain that notified them that there was a web cam on it. Second, if i'm remembering the story right, the web cams were accidentally activated, and were only there in the first place as a security measure to catch anyoen who stole one of the computers (and was too dumb to tape over the camera lens) Regarding the original post, I'm with ChevySoldier on this one. Parents need to do more parenting, and stop expecting teachers to do it for them. And if we ARE going to expect teachers to parent, we need to let them DISCIPLINE kids like a parent. that's right, i'm advocating corporal punishment in schools. Re: teasing because johnny has off-brand crayons? Get the fuck over it. It's a cruel world. I'd make fun of someone riding a Hyosung. I GET made fun of for riding an EX500. That's life. better learn to get over that kind of shit or stand up for yourself when you're a kid. It doesn't get any easier with age.
  7. I want to do a(nother) track day with NESBA yes. "I" I'll be calling in sick for either, so it doesn't really matter...
  8. they're only retarded when YOU want to break the rules. when someone else is breaking the rules, then they're totally awesome.
  9. explain further - my only experience with this is from posts on the NESBA board for an event by the same name, but at an orphanage in IL. There are usually 200+ cruisers, and maybe 5 or 6 sportbikes. Last year they had LINES of kids waiting to get their pictures taken on the race bikes while the cruiser guys polished their chrome:rolleyes:
  10. save yourself the trouble. If you bought it stock from the dealer, I can promise you the rearsets aren't adjustable at all. either the guy meant that you can adjust the shift-lever itself (raise or lower it, to change your REACH to it), or he was lying to you. The clutch and brake levers are adjustable, but that's about all that's adjustable on the EX. it doesn't even have preload adjustment for the forks. and the only difference between your 2009 and my 1997 is the letter "R," and the available colors.
  11. expect awesome. prepare to be broke. If you can get to the track to just WATCH another trackday at Mid-Ohio between now and June 7, do it. Ideally, you'd want to be there early enough to witness tech inspection and hear the riders' meeting. If you go to the NESBA day(s), which are some Monday and Tuesday in May, there won't be a gate fee.
  12. already registered - see one of you there Brian - will you actually be at this event? I've never ridden a 'MidWest' event, so Nicole(?) is the only CR I've met from the MW crew. She came out to Nelson once when Mid-Atlantic was short-staffed.
  13. redkow97

    Phone Sex

    sorry - i don't actually have a membership to any porn sites. I'm confident in your abilities to find 'ex girlfriend' porn on your own
  14. USA: 123 request for Google to remove information (4th overall), but over 3500 requests for data (2nd overall). So the USA doesn't really care that much what's published, but they seem to have a habit of checking up on users... I wish it noted how many of those requests for data were regarding US citizens. If they're asking for data on suspected terrorists posting in Afghanistan, that's a little different than if they're checking up on Joe conspiracy theory in Wilmington.
  15. redkow97

    Phone Sex

    right - and as his long-distance GF, it is her obligation to email him hot nude pics of herself. If that doesn't happen, how is he supposed to post them on "exgirlfriends.com" for my personal enjoyment after they break up? stop fucking with my world.
  16. redkow97

    Phone Sex

    phone sex? really? you do realize that the internet; the same media by which you're able to post on this forum, provides millions of free pornographic images and videos, right? If you really miss your girlfriend, there are also devices known as "web cams" that introduce another dimension to the 'phone' sex.
  17. +1 the important point is that the BANK owns the bike, and thus THEY must actually sign over the title to the new owner, not you as the seller. The buyer is going to have to come to the 'owner' of the bike - you can't take anything to them.
  18. sorry - should have given the "no homo" disclaimer first.
  19. so register in "A" and get bumped down I'm kidding, but some people seriously think that's ok. Ruins it for everyone...
  20. makes me sick to my stomach... The fact that her car was found with a flat tire, keys in the ignition makes this rather ominous, and I'm usually really skeptical about these things. anyone remember the 'missing' girl (from Parma) a couple of years ago. There was a state-wide manhunt for her. Turns out she was camping and getting high with some friends, and didn't tell her roommates. Sadly this looks a bit more news-worthy.
  21. ^ there's nothing homo about a bunch of dudes in tight leather playing with their 'crotch rockets' all weekend.
  22. call me paranoid, but when it's my bike (thus my money) being handled, I insist on doing and/or checking everything myself... Thankfully I learned the "make absolutely sure that the ball is fully on the hitch" lesson helping someone else load his bike at the track. Lucky for me, it was the owner's fault. Lucky for him, I was there to catch his trailer and prevent the tongue from landing on the trunk of his really nice Maxima 3.5
  23. so I'll be seeing Schmuckgirl and Standout (and Dale) in June? I'm already registered for both those days
  24. or the 4100 members we've rapidly accumulated are 90% government agents.
  25. Brecksville metroparks would work. still lots of rangers, but there are some damn fun roads through there, even if you're only doing 35mph. Main problem is that it's really only one fun road, and doesn't go anywhere.
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