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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. at one point, yeah. I think that's how he wins the race. I remember jumping off my friend's front porch, trying to imitate the jumps
  2. I will be seriously disappointed in the legal system if they don't.
  3. If it's serious, that might be the most entertaining ad I've read that's actually legit. I expected the car to look a LOT worse too ...and i'm somewhat ashamed to admit that between my old car, and my current truck, I have dealt with about 2/3 of the problems listed.
  4. The victim has a mental illness that affects her ability to interact with others socially. She had also just been raped, and was probably somewhat hysterical, crying, makeup smeared, etc. If some woman came up to me looking the way she did, I'd probably assume she was high, homeless, crazy, or some combination of all three and keep walking too. I'm not proud of that, but it's an honest answer... or are you in the habit of lending your phone out to any random who asks? It's a sad situation - i just don't think we should all be so quick to judge without all the facts. and let's not misdirect our anger at the bystanders. the suspect is ultimately to blame.
  5. I think you'd have to be very transparent about it, if it were to be viewed as a legitimate punishment. Sodomy with a dildo or whatever. Public audience (the sick fucks) pay $100/ticket, and you can order it on pay-per-view for $25. (have to replicate the victim's shame and humiliation in addition to simply replicating the physical trauma - otherwise it's not really an eye-for-an-eye). I don't know why i bothered devoting the last 15 seconds of my life considering the most fair way to facilitate such a punishment. It will never happen (in the US).
  6. this is a question of morality verses legality. If you're on a beach, and someone is drowning, are you required to rescue them? Nope. that's the life guard's job. are you obligated to TELL the life guard - maybe. I think it's just as awful as you do that no one intervened, but if they have any obligation, it's to report it, not rescue. Rape is one of the few crimes where I'd support 'an eye for an eye' though.
  7. so what about situations like the camaro above? or ANY project vehicle? What if I were being deployed in February, and my wife didn't have an M endorsement? Why should I renew the registration on my bike if it's going to sit for a full year? The state just found a way to charge you for doing nothing, and I think that IS bs. now if there were a RANGE, that might actually serve a purpose. If you're between 7 days and 90 days late, $20 charge. Beyond the 90 days, the lapse is viewed as intentional, and the fee is waived. I could almost get on-board with that, because it at least addresses some conflicting scenarios - but it's still a charge for failing to do something that's not required. perhaps if they called it a "reinstatement fee" instead of a "late" fee, they'd avoid similar objections.
  8. No joke. My brother keeps his bike in my garage over the winter. Last year he rode home from Columbus in snow at Thanksgiving, but it was in the mid 50's when we went for a ride on December 27th. We wanted to go skiing/snowboarding, and take the bikes (never figured out exactly how the packing would work), but Boston Mills/Brandywine was closed. We still rode up that way anyway. the roads in that area are pretty fun, even at a, "there might be salt on the road" pace.
  9. "devil's backbone" sounds pretty cartoonish. This is the first thing I thought of: For those who haven't seen this gem, they race down "the devil's backbone" somewhere in CA. Seth Green was hilarious in this movie ...when I was 11
  10. Fasttrax is at BeaveRun on July 4th and August 28th. It's a fun track. I'd encourage you to check it out. No membership, and it's like $135/day. Hell of a deal. Saturday only though. They race on Sunday. www.ridefasttrax.com
  11. that's cool - but last I checked, they didn't have any dates scheduled at BeaveRun.
  12. i think most TD orgs would JUMP at the chance to be able to advertise that they train LEO's. Even if they didn't, how much would it really cost? $1,000 should buy 3 weekends at the track. Are police departments hurting THAT badly?
  13. I know NESBA has higher membership fees than most trackday orgs, and that keeps some people away. just got an email from them for their 'membership drive' (they do this almost every year). When you buy your membership for $75, they give you a $25 credit. so you ARE still paying $75, but you get $25 off your first trackday purchase. Presumably you wouldn't be buying the membership if you weren't going to ride with them. NESBA has quite a few weekends at BeaveRun for $165/day, or $320 for the weekend, and I believe Putnam is $155/day or $300 for the weekend. Your $50 membership primarily gets you: - Rain insurance (if they call the day, you get a full credit. if they call the day at lunch, you get a 50% credit) - Crash insurance (if you crash in the morning, they'll credit you for the afternoon. If you crash Saturday morning, as long as you stick around for Sunday, and your bike can't pass tech, they'll give you a full credit for Sunday) there are some restrictions on crash insurance. If your bike can be fixed with a $15 clip-on bar, they will suggest you do so, rather than taking the credit. - No gate fees (for you, or for your friends, girlfriend, etc.) there are other benefits, but those are the big ones, IMHO. Offer expires 2/15/10 (and if you already renewed after Jan 1, as I did, you should have a $25 credit in your account)
  14. ^ I wasn't comparing their intellect or the merits of their opinions; merely their potential for douche-a-bility.
  15. I agree that their training is immensely difficult, but isn't most of it low-speed maneuverability drills? if training is the same regardless of the bike (as someone else claimed), then it stands to reason that they don't expect the sportbike to perform high-speed handling maneuvers that the cruisers are incapable of completing. Personally, i think the $ spent for a cop to get to a few trackdays on a 750 or 1000, and then build a POSITIVE relationship with locals at various bike nights would go a long way. 1) "look, cops don't hate sportbikes." 2) "look, the cops can ride just as fast as I can... shit..." the BICYCLE cops in Broadview Heights used to ride around handing out coupons for free ice cream to anyone wearing a bike helmet. If motorcycle cops rode around handing out coupons for $50 off a trackday to anyone with full gear, i'd wear riding pants a hell of a lot more often... (or maybe you can claim a coupon for every year of riding you complete w/o receiving a moving violation, or something...)
  16. What? you thought only conservatives were douches? yin and yang peace and war ford and chevy rush and olberman there's always a sense of balance to the universe.
  17. I hope you can grab this thing up for $2200. Depending on what kind of damage the bike took (hard to tell after it's been 'repaired'), the forks could be fine. if the front fender or front wheel were replaced, then I'd be more concerned. Ultimately laser measurement is the only sure-fire way to know. The ghetto test is to just put a straight-edge up against the fork leg, and slide it around the fork tube. if it stays flush the whole way 'round, obviously the tube itself is straight. That's not to say that the frame isn't bet at the steering head though... Earlier you said the SV1000 and FZ1 were at the top of your list. I wouldn't really consider them competitors though. Not sure if the insurance on the FZ1 would be worse. I'm certain it's got at least 20hp on the SV, but in the sport-tourer class, that may not mean much. trackdays on a SV1000 should be a blast. You can probably just change between 3rd and 4th gear good luck.
  18. I love the BT-45's on my 500. they kept me upright for 5 trackdays, and the rear has lasted at least 8,000 miles now. The front still looks new (except for the boogers from those 5 trackdays). great street tire.
  19. I believe the dyno, but I'm not sure there's any benefit to having more than 450 hp on a drag bike. Some guy on "Pass Time" had a hugely powerful ZX-14. they had something like 27 lbs of boost, and it made well over 400hp. By the owner's admission it was "UN-rideable" in that setup. He made a 9 second pass, and weighed over 200 lbs. Their normal rider is more like 150, and has to run the bike at half that boost to keep it under control.
  20. Buy Tpappa's F4i. It's in awesome condition, and a much better street bike than the RR. The only 'weakness' the F4i has compared to the RR is its lack of inverted forks (which the RR didn't get until 2005 anyway). Unless you're spending more than 51% of your time on a racetrack, the F4i is a better choice. That's not to say the F4i is a slouch at trackdays or even in races. IIRC, there was a guy with a 2001 F4i who finished on the podium more than once, ahead of brand new 2005 models... If i could only own 1 bike for the rest of my life, the F4i would be on my short list. My RR is only good at one thing, and probably wouldn't make the cut.
  21. I hpoe you're right, but that would be news to me. I have DishNetwork as well. 1 hd receiver, and 1 'regular' for the old TV's up stairs.
  22. The electronics might be the weak link, but LG makes the LCD's for pretty much every manufacturer other than Sony, Samsung, and Visio (they make their own). I have a Polaroid LCD made by LG. The Magnavox I compared it to literally has an identical LCD made by LG. as for 720p not being a high enough quality image for 50", consider what kind of signal you're putting into it. YMMV, but unless I'm watching blu-ray, 720p is the best SIGNAL available in my area. Digital cable in HD is 720p. Why pay for a better processor that you can barely ever use? I wish I was close enough to pick that up.
  23. Cops get away with a lot. Bad34 should remember this from high school. http://www.weathernet5.com/news/3545411/detail.html The victim was a friend of my brother. The cop ran a light (@ 82 and Avery) The victim didn't remember what happened, and I don't believe he got a dime for the accident, despite the fact that the Cop was at fault. The only thing I know the city did about it was install those blue flashing lights in intersections that turn on when an emergency vehicle is approaching.
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