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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I don't blame dealers for trying to sell me on $800 exhaust cans... It's their job to SELL stuff, and the consumer's job to be educated. You don't stay in business by giving people huge discounts ...unless you're CERTAIN it's going to generate a lot of repeat business. there's certainly a delicate balance between one-time profit, and building customer loyalty. Unless you just walk in and plunk down your money at asking price, the dealers don't make a ton on new bike sales anyway. the vast majority of their money is made through financing, and accessories (like that $800 can); probably inflated costs on routine maintenance too. Tire changes (on the bike), and oil changes have to be pure profit for those guys.
  2. too much ego, and not enough self-preservation instinct. even in the parking lot videos, i didn't see much riding gear, nor did i see any kind of protocol for riders to avoid hitting each other... Only a couple of the videos had "staff" to attend to fallen riders, and crashed bikes. I think stunt riding could be a lot more legitimate if they had "corner workers" and some basic rules in place to address the more glaring safety risks.
  3. I know we were using the cheapest ammo available on Saturday, but I was paying around $15/box for 9mm ammo, and only $16 or so for the .45 what caliber IS available and cheap(ish) these days?
  4. no, i understand. I'm extra attentive on flights... my wife calls me paranoid. I actually find it more comforting to have information than be completely ignorant, even if my 'information' is mostly speculation.
  5. looks like a great choice. Enjoy it.
  6. I didn't mean to sound like I was saying anything bad about the ZX6. Quite the opposite. 95hp at the wheel probably makes it every bit as quick as a pretty new Yamaha FZ-6.
  7. it's sad that she chose to end her own life, but at least she didn't take anyone with her. I have to admit, right when we got to the range today, I sized up everyone there ASAP. Luckily it wasn't crowded. I'm not naive enough to think I can spot anyone and everyone who might be problematic, but I certainly try...
  8. the .45 was an older Springfield Armory model. Automatic, but still has the hammer that people don't like, because it gets caught on your shirt when you carry. If i had to guess, I believe it was this model: I believe the 9mm was a glock. I was more concerned with where it was pointing than who made it... I was looking at a Remington 870 copy. 18.5" barrel, as pictured above. handguns are just so much easier to store and handle...
  9. $16/hour for the two of us in one stall. I believe it was $24/hour if we didn't buy ammo there. Ammo prices weren't outrageous. $15-$16 a box. I didn't actually look to see how many that bought though.
  10. firearms are a lot more expensive... this particular range didn't allow shotguns. Is that common? home defense is my primary purpose. fending off the neighbors when the dollar collapses is my secondary purpose. cheap enough ammo that I can stock up for said collapse of the dollar is also something i'm considering
  11. 2 things I like, neither of which go well with drinking. May as well exploit my sober weekend time as much as possible
  12. I know "it's a honda," but I have a hard time believing that Magna is worth $2700. the ZX6,on the other hand, seems to be a decent deal. A friend of mine has a track-only '95 ZX6 that still puts out almost 95hp at the wheel, and with an upgraded suspension corners really well too. the only slam on that generation ZX6 is that it's a bit heavier than the Honda's from the same era (F3), so the extra power doesn't really do it all that much faster.
  13. Finally got to the range today with a friend of mine. This fulfills my wife's requirement that I "know what i'm doing" before I purchase a gun. I owed Ray plenty of money for Browns tickets he's refused to accept cash for, so I told him to bring whatever he wanted, and I'd pay for ammo and range time. I was surprised he only brought the 9mm and the .45 Having never fired a hand gun, i started off with the 9mm, and was aiming way low. I've always heard that the tendency is to aim high with a hand gun, but I guess I was over-compensating, or failing to account for gravity. It's also a lot harder to tell where you're actually hitting than I ever anticipated. Moving to the .45, I was worried about recoil a lot. I think I've watched that "hot chick gets owned by Desert Eagle" video on YouTube one too many times. I actually found the .45 pretty 'civilized,' and not that much harder to control than the 9mm we split a box of ammo thorugh the .45, and then I went back to the 9. I can't tell if it was just because I'd had more practice, or because the 9 was easier to control after the .45, but my grouping was pretty decent The only thing i'm a little disappointed about is that I was sure I wanted a shotgun before going, and now I want a hand gun too... probably multiple hand guns...
  14. I don't tihnk so. it's less weight than normal (no rider) and you're not doing any accelerating with that wheel. I think tire-wear would be negligible. just be sure the rear tire is slightly over-inflated so it doesn't heat-up too much. If i have any objection to such systems, it's that they seem to cost as much or more than a 4x8 trailer...
  15. But the government shouldn't be a charity. For anyone; not its own citizens, and definitely not for the citizens of another country. What do we stand to get in return for our aide? "goodwill" doesn't mean shit in the political arena. Are we going to call upon Haiti to back us up in the UN the next time Korea wants to do some nuclear testing? Are we going to look to Korea and say, "but we gave all that aide to Haiti. clearly we're nice guys - please stop your nuclear testing," and expect that they'll listen? it's not the government's job to make the USA popular - it's their job to protect us when we're not. I agree that aide costs less than a prolonged war, but why would we fight one on their soil? there's no reason.
  16. All such devices suggest removing the chain. I trust the setup above more than something like this:
  17. actually, done properly, it's not the worst idea in the world. Might exceed that 100 lbs tongue weight though
  18. you'll be fine. I've seen smaller cars tow a bike and live to tell the tail (smallest was a 1.6 liter toyota echo or something). the biggest concern would be your transmission. In an extreme situation, you could cook the transmission by pulling a lot of weight for a long time. Getting the weight moving, and pulling up hill are the only times you're really stressing the transmission though. Tongue weight is a guess-timation for most people. 100 lbs isn't a lot. Keep the trunk empty! you do want the trailer to ride SLIGHTLY nose-heavy. If the weight is too far back, the trailer is actually trying to life the rear of the car, and can pull you all over the road if it gets windy, or the trailer hits some grooved pavement. not good. on the flip-side, 100 lbs isn't much at all... the trailer i had in my garage (briefly) probably had a 50 lbs tongue weight EMPTY.
  19. Nice setup. too much nice stuff on it for me to consider it I'd love an off-road rig, but those tires are mucho expensive to replace, and I'd never use the winch. I've always wanted a jeep. Not sure i could get one now though... I leave too much valuable stuff in my car too often.
  20. I think you can be sympathetic and still think we should be spending money on our own country. I look at Haiti, and I see a country that is much older than the US, yet centuries behind us. I hope this is a wake-up call for Haitians. Your corrupt 'government' doesn't give a shit about you. All these other countries are having to come in and help you instead. Start a fucking revolution and DO something. yes, it's easy for me to arm-chair QB their revolution from the comfy old US of A, but I'd like to think my balls are big enough to walk the walk, if it becomes necessary.
  21. our neighbors used to have one or two. My sister would feed it while they were out of town. cute to look at, but in 30 seconds of google research, I'm reading that they're not cuddlers, nor do they play fetch. Not a very 'social' animal from the sound of it. Isn't that what most people want out of a pet?
  22. She can use legal technology as long as she's not using it in a negligent manner. That's what a jury will have to decide. "it's his affliction and therefor his responsibility to see that he protects himself" is NOT true. The law consistently holds that "you take your victim as you find them." Preexisting conditions are NOT the victim's fault. I find that rule irritating, but it's widely enforced.
  23. If i'm the plaintiff's attorney, I would say, "my client doesn't expect anyone to ensure his comfort, but the defendant should be obligated not to take unnecessary measures that increase my client's discomfort." You could even argue that she's harassing the plaintiff. (tenuous, but possible) an iPhone and dimmer switches aren't essential to her existence - it's not like he's asking her to turn off her heat or water. there are viable alternatives to the devices she's using that wouldn't irritate the plaintiff's condition as much. Is it a "right" to be able to use an iPhone in your house if it's hurting your neighbors? How is that different than blaring loud techno music 24/7? It wouldn't surprise me if we see "electromagnetic pollution" legislation in our lifetime.
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