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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. i've done the same over my neighbor's swing-set. My garage rafters aren't exposed.
  2. that show is still on? i stopped watching when Vinnie packed up and left. Is Rick gone yet? Vinnie and Rick were the only two guys on the show that (looked like they) actually worked, and made intelligent design decisions.
  3. Does aging a beer for that long really make it better? I was told (by one of the brew masters for Great Lakes Brewing Company) that most of the better beers don't use the preservatives that mainstream brewers do. He was shocked that a Christmas Ale still tasted good on St. Patrick's day. Unless there's something drastically different in that Dogfishhead, I would assume the same principles apply...
  4. I searched, and found quite a few answers, but still have some questions: - I gather that trailers only need to be registered and plated in OH. No title, or insurance. Hopefully that's a correct conclusion. correct me if i'm wrong though. - do all trailers need lights (brake and turn-signal. I assume plate illumination is required), or only if they're a certain size? (i'm looking at 4x7, so it wouldn't obstruct my truck's lights) - my ranger has the step-bumper, with a hole to accept a ball. Am i cool to just buy a ball for a few bucks, or is it smarter to spent $100 on a class III hitch? (or find one used on CL for $50) i recall reading that the max tongue weight for the bumper is 200 lbs. the Class III should put me at more like 450 lbs tongue weight, adn 4500 lbs. towing thanks.
  5. anyone else notice that CO has two cities in the top 5 for overall fitness, and two in the top 3 for fit men, but none in teh top 10 for women? my take: women move to CO and immediately start thinking, "well, i'm never going to have to wear a bathing suit again. I can eat that!"
  6. hang around smaller state schools. You'll find girls who are smart enough to get into college, but dumb/hot enough that it had to be Cleveland State (but seriously, I started law classes at cleveland state like 2 months after i got married, and immediately started questioning that call... there are some good-looking girls in this town; they just hibernate from November-April.)
  7. They'll both be ticketed. one ran a red light, the other failed to yield the right-of-way (i.e. oncoming traffic, not the person who ran the light). the civil suit will be more interesting. i saw something similar the other day - a guy turned left in front of a woman who was texting. Traffic law says the left turner was at fault. Common sense says the woman texting contributed significantly to the accident; probably to the point that it would not have happened if she hadn't been texting (she definitely would have slowed down in time to avoid the collision).
  8. at close enough range, I believe it. the problem the Myth Busters had was that they couldn't get a contiguous flow of urine from the dummy to the rail. Air breaks up the liquid while it's in-flight. close range eliminates (or is it creates?) that problem.
  9. running in cold isn't so bad unless you stop (sweating is ok, as long as you stay warm). running in the snow is actually a great workout, if you're dressed for it, and confident a car isn't going to maul you... but assuming the streets and/or sidewalks are clear, you should be good to run down to about 20 degrees IF IT'S NOT WINDY. My dad was a hardcore runner, and apparently secure enough in his sexuality to wear 'running tights' under basketball shorts. I preferred to wear tall socks, and stick wtih compression shorts, and tennis shorts. (i can't stand having shorts rubbing my knees, so basketball shorts are too long. i also like that tennis shorts have pockets) under-armor is god-send. long-sleeved under-armor shirt, with lots of layers on top (mostly long-sleeve t-shirts, topped with a wind-breaker). Cheap gloves are all i've ever needed, and a hat you don't mind sweating in.
  10. someone edit the first post and add the following: pages 1, 6, and 7 of the link have pictures. The rest is just idle chatter...
  11. running isn't the best way to lose weight. It will get you in better health as far as your cardio ability, but running isn't a weight-loss magic bullet. If weight-loss is the stated goal, DIET accounts for 50% of what you're doing. the basic principle behind weight loss is burning more calories than you take in, which almost everyone realizes. What most people don't realize is that jogging really doesn't burn a ton of calories; lifting weights can burn a lot more, AND you get the added benefit of building and carrying muscle, which forces your body to burn more calories just by sitting on your ass. Being young and having a quick metabolism certainly helps, but I eat pretty much like crap now, and still maintain a healthy weight without very much cardio at all. and you don't need a gym membership to do basic 'weight' training. I would never tell you not to pursue jogging (my knees can't take more than 5k a day), but add in some strength training as well. "playing-card pushups" will kick your ass. take a deck of cards, and start flipping them over one at a time. do X number of pushups, then roll over and do X number of situps. flip the next card and repeat. you end up doing something like 312 reps, but never more than 14 in a row. do all face cards as 10 reps if you can't make it through the deck. you'll sweat your ass off. lunges. best leg exercise that no one likes. girls should be required to lunge everywhere; they'd have much tighter asses. 10 per leg, and hold onto some weight. I wear a bookbag filled with books if i'm doing lunges at home. 10-20 per leg. same drill for calf raises, and step-ups (just skip a stair or two on your home stair case). and so on. there are lots of "home workouts" online. my friend ray used to book a specific hotel when he traveled for work because they had heavy coffee tables, and he could do "coffee table curls." I wouldn't take it quite that far, but the guy is ripped, and i've never seen him run a mile...
  12. i think it's fantastic that the bike is inside, and on hard-wood flooring no less you'll want to consider tying a rope, wire, or something else pretty strong from the center-stand to the front wheel. Just extra security that the bike can't be pushed off the center-stand accidentally, especially while the rear wheel is off. are you willing to disclose plans? Are the swing-arm and rim making a trip to the powder coater?
  13. very similar to the interceptor as far as performance, but the interceptor sounds and looks better, and will run longer, not that i'm jealous I got the EX up to ~terminal velocity at a couple trackdays, never on public roads. the 500 keeps me out of trouble on the street, and keeps my 600 feeling fast on weekends
  14. i didn't think katanas HAD rev limiters... must have been an upgrade on the 'newest' generation. my 500 isn't quite as old, but it does fine at and above 70mph. Realistically, it maxes out about 115mph in 5th gear. 6th just achieves the same speed at a lower RPM (unless you're going down hill, and have a tail wind). You guys with inline 4's in your street bikes are just spoiled
  15. it appears as though the cars you're looking at fulfill very similar needs as the bike. the RX-8 in particular, will be terrible in snow, and Top Gear said it even sucked in the rain... Great car, just not one I'd have in the garage next to a bike. too similar. I realize opinions vary, but my bikes are my fun vehicles. If i had an RX-8 in the garage, I feel like i'd somehow appreciate the bikes less. What do you really use the car for? how often do you have passengers? how often do you drive just for fun? etc. What i'm getting at is that a cheaper, less performance-oriented car might make more sense than you think, and make you appreciate the bike more. My next car will likely be 4 cylinder, 4 door, 5 speeds and well used, but with as many options as i can find. The fact is most people aren't fortunate enough to use their car's performance potential nearly as often as you can appreciate interior comforts like leather seats or a nicer stereo. buy a car that does things the bike ISN'T good for: snow, long-distance comfort, hauling, and multiple passengers. ford focus wagon. it's not sexy, but that's what the bike is for.
  16. can't wait to see the list and pics. christmas present to myself this year is going to be a firearm.
  17. that student sucked at making any kind of coherent argument. she wants the class to be required for all students? fine. Institute a 'placement exam' and measure each student's height and weight. calculate their BMI, and those under 30 just tested-out of that class. then it's a graduation requirement for everyone. end of discussion.
  18. idealist? just because they all voted for Obama? :-p (only half kidding...) but I agree to some extent on the business decision. there's loyalty and then there's stupidity. Most people can't afford principles. If Stansbury can, good for him, but I think taking a contract and hiring maxwell might have gotten him further. Stansbury, Dalton and Chunk would have been a pretty funny show.
  19. it's true - even my wife likes top gear, and she couldn't care less about cars.
  20. most radio (and tv - look at american idol...) shows rely on some variation of a simple format: "the dork, the dick, and the darling." Rover's morning glory is a perfect example, and Maxwell show wasn't far behind. the point is, there is always someone on the show you're SUPPOSED to hate. Duji is a bleeding-heart liberal for the liberals to love and the conservatives to hate. Deiter is ultra conservative for the liberals to hate and the conservatives to love. Rover is the voice of reason; by design, he sounds smarter by not taking an extreme stance that a large portion of the audience will hate. what i HATE about RMG is the stupid acting. every couple months, Dumb cries, Dieter has goes on a 'roid rage, Duji has listeners call in and hate on her and cries about being unappreciated, and Charlie talks shit that he can't back up. The fact that i can tell they're faking is what pisses me off. That's what i liked best about hte maxwell show, and why i'll miss it. Either they were MUCH better actors than anyone on RMG, or they were honest. I appreciated that honesty, and found their discussions a lot more compelling because of it. without knowing actual numbers as far as what they offered Maxwell for his contract, it's hard to make a judgment on who was the dick here. I don't think Maxwell was getting paid more than $75k/year, and Stansbury was probably making in the mid 30's. Chunk is an hourly employee. no way she makes more than $10/hour. The fact that they offered Stansbury his own show and he turned it down actually increases my respect for him quite a bit. I'm not sure it was a smart financial move, but he's sticking with the guy who gave him his 'break' in radio. There's something to be said for loyalty. I hope they're back on the air in Cleveland in 2010.
  21. are you going to be using hollow-points, or is that just the picture you grabbed online?
  22. yes. rep for you sir. we should have known something was up when he thought a 750 was a good first bike
  23. ^ i also have a tap, if it's needed. worked in May, and will get a thorough evaluation at my 5th annual "Thankskegging" party next Friday. FWIW, you can buy 1/6 barrels from the GLBC gift shop now; at least that is what their newsletter claims.
  24. I would take a hard look at what you're passionate about, and what you think you can realistically make a living doing - then find the compromise. for me, Automotive Journalism was my dream job, but I did it backward and focused on being a journalist who liked cars, rather than an Automotive Engineer who could write. Marines are going to kill me for phrasing it this way, but that is likely the 'easiest' route. Not as far as effort, but in the fact that it sets you on a clear 'career trajectory.' Probably your safest bet financially, but most dangerous in all other respects. A good welder is always in demand. Also an interesting field in that you can qualify for a lot of jobs at high-profile places, without a high-cost degree. A friend of mine has an aeronautical engineering degree, and the welders make more than him (with overtime). Police are getting hammered by the economy right now. poor cities can't afford to staff the cops they need, and wealthy suburbs are always going to be hard to get into. I considered this route, and thought better of it. OTC would be something you love, but you have to ask 2 questions here: "do i want to make something I love into my job?" and "does Ohio have enough demand for MC mechanics?" When gas was at $4 per gallon, and everyone and their brother was talking about getting a bike "for the gas mileage," i would have said the latter wasn't a concern. maybe it won't be in the future... college is only worth it if you know why you're going. I have a degree i barely use, and all it got me was 4 years of frustration (working), and eventually, into law school (holy shit do i wish i'd done this 3 years ago, so i could be FINISHING now, instead of starting) But you can go to college part time, and work throughout. It puts a damper on your social life, and doesn't give you the 'full college experience,' but you'll come out far more employable. good luck.
  25. this is one of those "had to lay 'er down" cases, I guess clearly that helped a lot. for the billionth time, "the problem isn't high-performance motorcycles, it's low-performance riders."
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