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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. get a Miata? I like Mustangs. I want them to be great cars, but they're just not... Not that era anyway.
  2. redkow97

    S&W SD9VE

    How "like new" is it? And when are you going to Vegas? My coworker is looking at buying this exact firearm (used) at a local gun store. The extra mags and holster (and probably fewer rounds through it) put this in his wheelhouse.
  3. trade plus cash or guns for a 2000 GSXF 750??
  4. Did you see the guy on the Facebook group selling his 250 with the turbo kit?
  5. What age kid and what skills are you trying to teach/build? Dirt bike + a field is a pretty solid combination for basics... OMRL will run a kids class if any kids show up. If it's just 1 kid, you may be better off just coming when no one else is there though. If you're talking more advanced stuff, then I think OMRL is better than just a dirt bike and a field. Someone is always available to tow and chase young riders during practice.
  6. Andrea might come out and race with OMRL on the 18th now that she can't claim "I don't want to have a broken arm for my wedding." I have no idea if she has an M endorsement though. She's certainly got access to a bunch of bikes, and is skilled enough to hold her own. Jeff's fiancé also rides, but I usually see her in boots/gloves/helmet without a jacket. I dig her buell. Only seen her ride at parking-lot pace.
  7. Who designs an off-road vehicle without this in mind??? Looks good - just surprised Can Am didn't do it from teh factory... Does it completely kill rearward visibility, or is that not so much an issue?
  8. how fast is the KDX200? I've been pondering trading the katana for one at a dealership.
  9. without pulling spec sheets, I would guess the triumph has a shorter wheelbase and handles better.
  10. how fast are the straights and what is the posted limit? would an XR100 keep up?
  11. who uses their scooter gently? There's a cool XL250 up on the buy/sell/trade Facebook group. The guy is asking too much for it, but I kind of want it. 17" rear wheel is stock, so if you can swap in a CR80 front fork setup, you get 17" wheels on both ends and a disk front brake. ...maybe I should make an offer
  12. I think it's a combination of the other bikes getting better, and Marquez's luck running out. I'm not saying he's won in the past because he's gotten lucky, I'm saying that he had an unbelievable 2-year streak where everything went his way when others weren't so consistently fortunate. That seems to be catching up to him now. It was bound to happen, and now we all can see he's just as human as anyone else on the grid. My favorite part of this season has been seeing Marquez deal with the adversity - not because I dislike Marquez, but because it makes the race a lot more entertaining. I still get chills watching that video of him crashing in qualifying, sprint to his garage, and then take one last desperate flying lap to put it on pole.
  13. I want to do this job myself, but if it's cheap enough, I may as well just send them out... What's a good ballpark figure to expect at a dealership, or someone like Pauly or Ryan?
  14. Rumor has it the 181cc kit makes 80 mph possible for a grom. That's an interesting little package.
  15. redkow97

    Pawn shops

    I had never heard that term until the fat guy behind the counter at the gun shop said it half an hour ago. He ankle-carries because his "fat rolls get in the way for waist-band carry." He was hilarious, knowledgeable, and his prices were good. I'm very tempted to go back...
  16. FWIW, he has a clay thrower, but it's one of those things we try to use every time, and then end up just using the manual thrower...
  17. I have to email my uncle about my bike insurance today anyway. Shall I ask to borrow his over/under? He'll probably just want to hit up A&A with us, and bring an entire arsenal...
  18. redkow97

    Flat track

    PM me or jump on the OMRL facebook page. I am not a flat tracker, but my friend Ben is way into it. He can help you get started or point you toward someone closer to you who can help.
  19. I'm not debating what your ticket said; I'm telling you that if you actually look up the code section that is written next to "reckless op," the offense is called operation in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property.
  20. What we commonly refer to as "reckless operation" in Ohio is actually called "Operation in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property." http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.20 There is no statute called "reckless operation." Part of the reason is that there is a "reckless" mental state for many other offenses (like assault, homicide, etc.), and that definition of reckless doesn't line-up with the standard to prove 'reckless operation.' It confused the hell out of juries, so they changed the law a bit. That said, it's not uncommon for officer to write "reckless opp" on a ticket (you try fitting that long-ass name in the space provided). Nothing is ever "automatically" reckless. I had a case where the vehicle reached 66 mph in a 45 mph zone. That alone probably wouldn't have been reckless, but the vehicle was also attempting a pass in a no-passing zone, and hit another car almost head-on. It was charged as a reckless assault (the true reckless standard) and there was a traffic citation for operation in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of person or property as well.
  21. redkow97

    Pawn shops

    I must admit, while we were looking at the gun case, 90% of the guns I thought looked cool ended up being Kahrs. But they're not cheap. I really need a place that will let me borrow an LC9 and carry it (empty) to see how cumbersome it is compared to an LCP sized firearm. For price and reliability, I honestly think the Taurus TCP is hard to beat. The reviews I've read all rate it as highly reliable.
  22. redkow97

    Pawn shops

    maybe I just need a Ruger LC9...
  23. just go to the BMV and don't act like a moron. Be nice to the people behind the counter and they'll be nice back. I swear I get less hassle there wearing a suit...
  24. redkow97

    Pawn shops

    I need to go rent a bunch of guns and decide what I like. When we were shooting Monday, I really left there thinking "the lever-action 22 was more fun than anything else." Which is great, because I already own a 22 rifle, and I can afford to shoot it pretty much as often as time allows. What I didn't like was the 380 bodyguard. The small frame was uncomfortable, and I was not very accurate with it. The long trigger pull was annoying as well, but I understand the need for that on a carry firearm... That said, I would like to shoot an LCP, a TCP, and some compact revolvers. I also still really like the idea of a concealable 22lr (HP22a) for some reason... I know it's far from an ideal defensive weapon, but I like having the option of sharing ammo at the range, and using it to train.
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