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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Tim McGinty was appointed by the Bill Mason before Bill resigned. (Okay, Bill "recommended" him and then the county commission had to confirm his interim appointment) McGinty was elected as a faux incumbent. He's absolutely campaigning, but that happens with a lot of elected positions...I'm kind of impressed it didn't happen with the verdict.
  2. I don't agree with what they did, but I don't think any of them would have been convicted anyway - not when the judge made a finding that the decision to open fire was reasonable given the information they were told, and that the suspect vehicle was being used as a weapon and ramming into a police car. I agree that they should be disciplined for breaking protocol, if that's actually what happened. If there were no protocols for this situation, or for avoiding this situation, then that is a symptomatic of a larger failure within the leadership. I'm curious as to what would have happened if they had charged Brelo with abuse of a corpse, or criminal damaging of the vehicle. They're misdemeanor offenses, but when all else failed, you can't say "you can't prove they were alive when he shot" and also say "you can't prove they were dead when he shot the bodies." It is beyond a reasonable doubt that they were either alive or dead, and bullets from his firearm struck those people/corpses. One must necessarily be true (or so I would have argued).
  3. how much juice does it take for the fuel pump to 'prime' for starting? I would wager a LOT less than it takes to crank over the engine.
  4. I ordered tires from RD a few years ago and I don't remember if it was Mike or TJ, but whoever it was told me that they weren't the cheapest on that particular tire brand, and advised I purchase elsewhere. it was only a few bucks difference anyway, but how can you not give a company your business when they're going that far out of their way to look out for you? (I did buy the tires from RD)
  5. this guy thinks scraping peg on an entrance ramp means he progressed at the school? Poor body position, or way too much confidence.
  6. I don't know if I'm in love with that philosophy - not because I think it's wrong, but because if i'm going to ride Laguna Seca, i'm doing it 90% for fun, and 10% to improve my riding. There are a TON of things that I could improve upon, but sometimes I just want to go out and turn some laps. It's promoted as a school, so I see their side of things, but I'm not sure I would have been inclined to listen either. I know I fall back into old habits when I start to push the pace, and it's hard to not fall into that trap.
  7. But the GPS timers are awesome when you have points of comparison with other users.
  8. You could just buy your own XT beacon.
  9. I try to be courteous, but if I'm already doing 10 over and actively passing people, I'm not getting stuck in the right lane just so you can do 20 over. It's a passing lane. If I'm passing, stay off my ass. I will move right when it's appropriate.
  10. The only thing good I can say about golf is that you're allowed to get drunk while playing.
  11. redkow97

    Yamaha R3

    I want the same bikes as your girlfriend. I wish the DRZ was lighter. I want something I can ride to the kart track, crash, and it's light enough to not break itself so I can ride it home.
  12. I meant the 6 speed auto versus the old 4 speed mine had.
  13. Altima 2.5 with the 6 speed fits all your requirements.
  14. The kids looked like they weren't buckled up either. Crawling all over the seats.
  15. Congrats. Big sporty twins have a soft spot in my heart despite never owning one. So maybe I meant "I'm sorry."
  16. In my experience, the engine computers are wildly optimistic. Fuelly is a website (and app) that tracks actual mileage and fuel use. My wife's Tucson reported 22 while my actual calculated use was closer to 19.
  17. Add a kid, and welcome to my world.
  18. Dude, no disrespect to your lady or mine, but after childbirth, women have EVERY right to look a little off-point. Yours looks like a proud mom, and I don't see why she should be embarrassed about that in the least. My wife impressed the hell out of me.
  19. And I have Friday off to get there right on time.
  20. What does that run? My baby brother will be in town from Seattle. The tuna isn't ideal for a track, but it's no slouch either.
  21. Like everyone else said, weight won't matter much except when you're moving it around the garage. It only feels heavy when your legs are pushing it. Under power, it's just like riding your bike with an obese passenger.
  22. Probably a band no one else has ever heard of, but...Dallas from "Suburban Legends" died when a Hyundai executive stopped on the highway and he ran into the parked car on his old magna. The other band members claim Hyundai quickly shuffled the driver out of the country to dodge prosecution.
  23. Military surplus: the people who brought you the "slinky."
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