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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. Sounds like the 4th through 13th works the best for everybody else so let's keep it there..np Is this still the itinerary? Looks like I would be able to skip out a few days early and book it back to Columbus in time to catch the USC game....this is assuming it will be a night game (8pm 9/12).
  2. Sounds like a good way for Tony to become single again.. :grin:
  3. Honestly, I would have never even thought about not telling a significant other how much I make or that I got a raise...so this whole thread caught me off-guard. Now, I'm going to have to reevaluate my whole life. Maybe I tell people to much stuff. And scare them away... +1
  4. Okay, I didn't realize she was going to make you pay more! Tell her you only make as much as she does after you spend it on your toys....so it should still be a 50/50 split.
  5. I would tell her because I would feel like I'm keeping a secret from her. It would be different if you hadn't posted on the board that you got a raise (if you kept it to yourself) but I think after you tell your friends something like this you need to tell your woman, too......otherwise it will bite you in the ass.
  6. ^ Agree. Time Warner's DVRs are really shitty compared to say AT&T, frequent outages, customer service is a pain in the ass to reach, the whole Big Ten network fiasco was bullshit, uping their rates, EXPENSIVE, not many HD channels.... ummmm I'm sure there is more. The satellite signal thing isn't that big of deal. Sure if the weather is really shitty it can go out but it really doesn't happen that often.
  7. Nah, they just wanted to leave the slow bike there so I didn't have a chance at catching up to them...
  8. Shit, I just realized this trip is during the first 2 weeks of Ohio State's football season....so there is a strong possibility I might be out for this one.
  9. Just getting the word out... Time Warner blows.
  10. maybe only if you go back in time....to the future I go!
  11. Same here... I want DSL soo bad...oh well. Time Warner blows.
  12. DirectTv=good Hughesnet Internet Cable=bad Time Warner blows.
  13. I've had no luck returning my cable boxes to them. I canceled my service 3.5 months ago and they still haven't mailed me the box to send them back in. I've called them like 5+ times! At least you can get through to their customer service though....Time Warner blows.
  14. Fuck Time Warner. I liked AT&T when I had it. DirecTV is good but their internet blows.
  15. It was parked right next to a Kawi when it was stolen...Kawi untouched! :grin:
  16. Bummer! But we don't want you to have to find a new g/f...that might take a while!
  17. Hell yes! I like where your head's at!
  18. You guys suck...just a bunch of non-believers. I'm telling you, somebody from the future traveled back in time and planted that shit there. Or it was the aliens.
  19. Congrats Tony!!! You coming to the Christmas party?
  20. That is really weird. I'm guessing somebody from the future back traveled and put it there.
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