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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. I use mine quite a bit on rides in the summer. Staying hydrated makes hot days seem much cooler and keeps you from getting fatigued quickly; keeping you focused.
  2. I really like my Kelty backpack, but I don't like wearing a backpack on long rides. I've had my Kelty for probably 6-7yrs and its still in great shape...it has a spot for a camelbak, too!
  3. wolfman

    Spring Ride

    Good idea, morning of is even better if possible. Me, exSRAaron and a few others ran down 180 and 374 (where the first accident was) on the way to meeting the rest of the group for the start of the large Hocking Ride. That seemed to work out pretty well.
  4. I think the blue/white 600rr and red/white/blue HRC 1000rr are UK/Europe colors...could be wrong though.
  5. wolfman

    Spring Ride

    You just got positive rep for that comment.
  6. wolfman

    Spring Ride

    Sounds fun! IDK about camping but I will definitely be up for a Hocking ride... I love that place! Hopefully, there will be fewer accidents this year. :sad:
  7. Anybody with any experience on motorcycles knows that tires stay colder in the winter. I'm not arguing that point. We aren't talking about dragging knees in the winter...we are talking about getting from point A to point B safely. On dry roads, that can be done by airing down your tires and riding very conservatively. I personally would not choose to ride a sport bike year-round, b/c there are other bikes better suited for that. Your racing analogy makes no sense...if they wanted to race year-round they could just do all the 'winter' races in warm climates. You didn't address my comment about riding in the rain? Less grip there, too...but they still race in the rain. As far as riding in the ice and snow, most people probably wouldn't but it can be done safely with some studded tires. With the right equipment, common sense, and riding skills, winter riding can be done safely.
  8. So....there is a woman in the hospital with life threatening head injures and you are asking who got phucked up and lecturing on why motorcycles shouldn't be on the roads in December? I guess I missed the part in the owner's manual where it said motorcycles can only be ridden when its warm out. Is there a part that says we shouldn't ride in the rain, too?
  9. Good times! Sorry I had to bail so early...before the party even got rolling!
  10. :lol: Remind me never to store my bike in Nick's garage and then make fun of him for crashing..
  11. Yeah, IDK how your Ipod broke but mine had the 'sad face' and I couldn't hear the hard drive spinning up.
  12. Did you try dropping it again? Mine quit working and when I finally got it to turn on all my songs were gone....so I bounced it off the floor into my coffee table. After that, it started working again and all my songs and files were back.
  13. :lol: wow, I can't believe that guy didn't wake up sooner..
  14. Wow, sucks to be you two....I'm kind of tired maybe I'll take a nap soon.
  15. How bout first month's payment on a new Honda? :grin:
  16. That was my first thought, too... Nice bike!
  17. :eek::eek::eek:What is more important than a bike?! You need to get your priorities straight!
  18. I'm fine with whatever itinerary we decide on. I was just trying to figure out when I would need to part from the group to make it home a day early without killing myself.
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