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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. I hit a deer going about 80mph in my dad's Tundra one time. No damage at all. (deer was already dead on the road :grin:)
  2. I would say anywhere on the back side of your body is not a good place. I would stick to chest area.
  3. Hmm, I like that idea. I don't think collar bone would be soo bad. I see Yota's point but if you ended up with a scar on it you could just get another one on the other side. But maybe moving it lower on your pec would be better.
  4. Yeah, I guess since the chances that Bill and Hillary actually have sex or even sleep in the same bed are pretty slim....he probably doesn't have a whole lot of influence on her. :grin: I think this could have been a bigger deal had she won the presidential nomination but not so much now. Add: I agree I don't think there are any politicians who don't have a little dirt on their hands. I didn't vote Dem/Rep and I'm fine with Obama winning the election..so I'm not trying to drag the Dems through the mud. I believe most politicians work the same way regardless of party.
  5. P.S. I should also add that along with Dweez, I will also be accepting donations for rebuilding my F4i. Donations can either be in the form of parts or monetary. THX PM for my PayPal info or 'parts needed' list. :grin:
  6. This guy pays for Clinton to fly out and then months later donates millions of dollars. I guess he wasn't 'technically' a donor when he flew Clinton out but this is really just splitting hairs. And I wasn't even referring to a specific example. I guess I should have said: "the foundation and its donors pay Clinton's way." What are the more direct and effective ways to influence politics? I'm not trying to be a dick...I really want to know. I don't know how else the Mid East would do it without hurting the politician's career. Non-profit organizations seem like the only way to me.
  7. I was going to do some BBQ ribs but it sounds like we already have lots of meats... so I might just do some cheese potatoes or something like that. If anybody really wants ribs though I can do them. Bummer!
  8. Right from the bottom of that wiki page under criticisms: I don't really give a shit about these donations from the Middle East... I'm just trying to point out how shit works in the political world. And if you think the Clintons never saw any of this money you are being naive. Do you think Bill paid out of his own pockets to travel around the world promoting his foundation? Hell no, the foundation pays for that..
  9. I'm no expert, but I don't see another way those groups/people could throw money at a politician without raising some big ass red flags. Campaign donations from those donors would have been political suicide.
  10. Maybe I misread (and I don't really care enough to go back and read the article again)...but from what I understood many of these donations were made while Hillary was still in the running for president.
  11. Might be nice for people commuting to work. It would help to expand employment opportunities within the state.
  12. Those fuckers were everywhere tonight! I almost hit 3 deer and a dog tonight!
  13. Hell, post them up! What's one more nutsack on this thread anyways...
  14. wolfman

    Poor Kids

    Are we talking about naming the kids? Bc I don't think thats a big deal....stupid yes but they can go by something else until they are old enough to change it. I think the real problem is fucktards like these people are reproducing and teaching their kids this racist shit. Hopefully, these kids will grow up to be strong, tolerant individuals and see through their parents propoganda...unlikely...but you never know.
  15. Depending on my work situation come June, I'd be up for a trip to New York as well.
  16. wolfman

    Poor Kids

    Those kids are going to end up like American History X. People that ignorant should be sterilized.
  17. Hells yeah Ima get me a bride! I was going to make another attempt but I can't follow up Jarvis.
  18. Ah, I learn something new every day.
  19. mmm....I like the green one, and the tri-color, and the red, and the silver, and the one with them birdies on it. Is the tri-color at HNW ABS? One of the best color years for 600rr IMO...
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