Dude, why don't you get LBJ's cock out of your mouth long enough to look at this objectively? Riley was a great coach, but he's yet to prove himself a genius at being the president of the Heat. If you'd like to compare him to the Owner of the Cavs, be my guess but you're missing the point. First of all, the reason Lebron "landed" in Cleveland had nothing to do with him "growing up here" (although some will say that at 25 he STILL hasn't grown up). He didn't "pick" the Cavs, the Cavs picked him. He wasn't going anywhere else, because there wasn't any more money to be had by going somewhere else. The fact that he was from Akron merely made the story better. Those on the inside (all over the country - not just in Ohio) have been talking about the "pact" made by the three musketeers three years ago for months, and it was common knowledge that whoever signed Bosh and/or Wade had a great chance at getting James. Do you really think it was an accident that all three of them signed three year deals? Do you think it was a coincidence that Wade, James and Bosh all talked to Chicago in the last two weeks? I'm sure as a "new" Miami Heat fan, you'd be ecstatic if the boy wonder scores 50, but seriously with all the other personalities on the floor there he'll be lucky to touch the ball enough to score 50. In all honesty, with that many egos (Riley's included) in the same building, my objective view is that they have the potential to be an unstoppable team, or drown in their own "greatness".