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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Anyone ever thought that if MLK hadn't been "assassinated" that there wouldn't even be talking about him? While I'm on the subject, how important do you have to be for murder to become assassination?
  2. No...I'm not kidding.... I've never really been a Honda fan.....
  3. It is supposed to mean exactly what I said. I think most of the Honda's have looked like ass for the last few year. Just my opinion. And for the record, I don't wonder why the Aztek made it through the design phase.
  4. I suppose that's one way to look at it...
  5. Really, if you feel the need to justify a behavoir there MUST be part of it that bothers you.
  6. Thats some funny stuff right there. Wasn't someone bitchin earlier about getting their pics "stolen" and used on another site?
  7. YAY!!!! They really need to do this here too. Why is it so facking hard to understand that the left lane IS FOR PASSING ONLY????????? 71 N from Columbus to I 76 is the WORST spot in the world for slow ass left lane drivers. I'm not sure about the $200 ticket though. I think they should be drug by their thumbs behind a car doing 30 MPH - in the right lane, of course.
  8. By the looks of the skid marks he wasn't the only one to cook that turn. Someone else had apparently done nearly the same thing before he did it.
  9. Todd#43


    Nothing personal, sooner or later I'll fuck with anyone. Ask Lizard, he knows. THAT will not help your spelling......
  10. Todd#43


    Ummmm, dude, the word is definitely. If you're going to bust balls, YOU should learn how to spell.
  11. I know I wouldn't spend that kind of money on it. Hyosung, UM they're both the same. Guess they figured UM would be a better brand here in the states. For $3,000.00 you can get a nice SV, or for a few $$ more a used late model 600.
  12. You know, that witttom guy was THE expert on those knock off bikes over at that "other" forum. I'm kinda surprised he hasn't chimed in on this....
  13. "Yoshimura" exhaust? Come on...what's with the quotes? Does that mean its "like" a yosh? Ya gotta love people that sign up for a forum to try to pimp their junk and a facebook site....
  14. You mean like this one? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,320588,00.html
  15. First thing you've said that makes any sense
  16. Cool....let me know. I'll be down your way next week - do I need a visa?
  17. I meant the MP3 Player on MY phone. If Dweezle doesnt take the Plantronics headset, let me know.
  18. Thanks! My phone does support stereo BT, but I don't really use the MP3 player enough to justify the $100+ that most of those headsets cost.
  19. I might be interested in one of the BT headsets, but the websites dont say that they'll work with my phone. What do you want for them?
  20. Cash $$ only...no checks, PayPal or credit cards
  21. Well, the other side of the internet says its false http://www.snopes.com/crime/clever/cigarson.asp
  22. Its a funny story, but unfortunately, its false.
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