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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Todd#43

    Job Opening

    Time for a bump....
  2. Todd#43

    Job Opening

    If anyone here is looking for a job, I have a couple of openings: Machinery Builder/Field Service Technician. Immediate opening. 3+ years experience building and servicing automated assembly equipment. Knowledge of pneumatics, hydraulics, electronics. Must be able to read schematics and Blueprints. PLC Experience is a plus Some overnight travel. Must have own tools, and a valid drivers license Machine Assembler Immediate Opening Entry level. Must be a High School graduate. Good problem solving skills and mechanical aptitude required. Will train right person. Jobs are in the Akron area. If you're interested, or know someone who is interested, shoot me a PM and I can give you my email address. Thanks!
  3. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    Hey if you want a silent board, stare at a blank screen pal. You're a fucking tool. Have a good night douchebag. Wow...coming from a person of YOUR caliber, I'll take that as a compliment.
  4. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    You werent post whoring??? Is there a thread on the front page that you HAVEN"T posted in? Telling someone how to sell something or how much to sell it for in a classified thread is bad form....period. If you've got shit like that to say to someone who's selling something, send them a pm. I'm sure you'll try to sell something sooner or later....
  5. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    You said it wasn't an investment. I thanked you for your "friendly advice". Go post whore in someone else's thread - like maybe the one where the dude is selling the 07 600 for $7500.00
  6. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    Thanks for the friendly advice.... I never said it was an investment, and believe me, at that price I'm not making any money on it. If I wanted to give it away, I'd leave it with the keys in it on the east side somewhere....
  7. Todd#43

    Buy my 600!

    Somebody buy this thing....
  8. There aren't any up here.... Go south and east....
  9. Stock spring rate on a Hayabusa is .85 kg/mm at the front, and 13.2 kg/mm on the rear. Accel and decel curves based on force will probably be a little harder to find, and would change based on the the compression and rebound settings, no?
  10. Actually, the suspension and frames on today's sportbikes DONT handle coming down from wheelies that well. I've seen plenty of blown fork seals, broken wheels, and bent frames from a "few wheelies". Maybe he meant the kind that drives the train??
  11. I dunno...after reading some of your posts, you seem to be the most left leaning person on this board. I might have went overboard on the crack pipe comment, but I'm guessing I wasn't too far off on the rest of it. I'd also guess your a union member. I really dont need you to "hold my hand". I don't know what to tell you, but aside from ONE YEAR, this woman hasn't worked a day in her life. You said in an earlier post that some of the requirements for the program was: "Participants must become financially fit" "be employed for at least a year" "earn an annual salary of at least $10,300 [2,000 hours x Min wage of $5.25/hr]" The emphasis was yours... So, is she "financially fit"? NO Has she been currently employed for a year, earning at least $10,300.00? NO. I think maybe you've got your wires crossed. She misses half of the qualifications YOU said she needed for the program. I'm guessing that something doesn't line up here. First of all, none of those are secondary or tertiary consequences of people not getting "welfare". Those are reasons people dont have jobs. There are laws to cover the people that dont get hired because of race, sexual orientation, etc. so give that up. If someone has a shitty work ethic they shouldn't have a job, and I really dont give a rat's ass if they have to live in a refrigerator box under a bridge. I shit canned two guys this week that had a "shitty work ethic", they can take it down the block. If they're too old, they really should have planned better - maybe put some money away for a "rainy day"? IF they "refuse" to get a job (like the broad in question) let 'em starve. Hmmmm....how DO you handle an increase in crime? I dunno...how about we arrest the people that commit them, and put them in jail? Same for the panhandlers - lock them up. Minimum wage is a joke, and should be abolished. I agree that you can't live on it, but those jobs aren't meant to support a family of 12. If you can't make it on the money you're paid what do you do? Live a little less large, or get a better job. That's what people who take responsibility for their lives do. Again, I really don't have to look further than my own nose to know that the "welfare" system in this country has created generation after generation of people who look at it as an entitlement. That they somehow "deserve" this handout. I think its time we ended it.
  12. Woah...take a deep breath of real air, and put down the crack pipe, my liberal, tree hugging, welfare supporting little buddy. YOU need to re-read what YOU posted. This broad has never paid for anything in her life, according to the article. Explain to me how she qualifies for a program that YOU said required you to have a fucking job??? In reality it IS as simple as finding a FUCKING JOB. If you have a job, go to work, and pay for the shit you have, the system works. Thats what I do, my girlfriend does, and many many other people do. What are the the "secondary and tertiary consquences of the decisions being made that directly AND indirectly affect people"? Gimme a break man. The fact that someone can suck of the government tit for nearly 60 years and not be institutionalized is absolute bullshit. Tell you what. Why don't you double up on your "contribution" to this lifestyle choice? That way I can reduce my contribution.
  13. What do we do with these people? FORCE them to get to work by cutting the subsidy after 6 months. I don't care what kind of job she may or may not be qualified for, I'm tired of bustin my dick so that some people can get a free ride. With everything she has, and everything she's gotten, I kinda doubt that it would be cheaper to put them in prison. This woman has been in the "system" virtually ALL HER LIFE. I really don't care who or what she "sabotages" along the way. Bottom line??? WTF? Bottom line is this woman has a place to live and a big fucking television because people who WORK EVERY DAY paid for it. Dude, this lady's been on the dole for 57 years. She doesn't even come CLOSE to qualifying for that program. I'd say you need to do a little more research into what exactly section 8 is. Dude, if you're cool with giving people something for nothing, thats fine with me. I'm not, so why should I be forced to participate? Maybe you could pay my share?
  14. That's what happens when you create a dependency class of people. They've been given EVERYTHING for so many generations that they have now come to EXPECT everything be given to them. Its no longer "assistance" but an entitlement to them. Not to drag up an old thread, but the Somali's that were busted for grub stub fraud took what, $3,000,000? How much to you think this ungreatful bitch has sucked from the government in 57 years? There's really only one way to fix it - STOP GIVING SHIT AWAY!
  15. She should be living in the box the TV came in.
  16. You must have been thinking of something witty to say.... Should have thought a little harder
  17. The dumb cunt in the silver jetta that I almost ran over this morning, thats who. 50 MPH in the left lane (65 MPH Zone), no one next to her in the right lane, plucking her fucking eyebrows. Anyone know how I can safely disconnect the airbags in my Maxima so I can just start punting these dimbulbs off the road?
  18. Todd#43

    My site!

    Seems like those two have a fascination with each other's asses. I'm not sure they'd qualify for moderator status there...
  19. Todd#43

    My site!

    I'm not EVEN going there. Sounds like a website for proctologists, or people hooked on rectal problems.
  20. Hmmm.... I'm dumb and a dumbass, according to Homewrecker, now I can add dipshit to the list This just in from the guy who's avatar is two mexican dudes fucking...
  21. It was the "HAHAH" that got me. Maybe the last line of your recent post, should have been the first line of your original post? "Tone" isn't too easily conveyed when you're typing...
  22. I really can't believe you fuckers.... If someone had stolen YOUR ratty ass piece of shit, I can almost guarantee that the lynch mob mentality that seems to thrive in places like this would be turning on the dumb bastard that stole it. Instead, because its an upscale bike, you think its funny, the guy was a dumbass for riding in Santa Monica, or he's probably committing insurance fraud. Wait till it happens to you...
  23. I don't see anything funny about it. Thieves suck...PERIOD....
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