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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. WIN Your obviously put off by the fact that no one wants to go to your meet on a road with a shit load of construction ( and no its not because we cant drive, its because we like clean cars that our parents didnt buy) and probably isnt sanctioned so it will end worse than this thread. Honestly I dont see the point of logging in each minute you can to a site your not a fan of to argue with a bunch of people that obviously dont like you and you dont like them. So why dont you do everyone a favor including yourself and not log in or come back, show us how much more of a grown up you are.
  2. Had this in one of rental houses we decided to level the place. We bought it brand new in 2007 and it was used for about a year and now it sits in my garage in Ashland. Model is an Armstrong Concorde 80+ Upflow furnace and the model number is CG80UA100D14B. Just want it out of my way and can to the corner finally. $750obo I will have pics later today.
  3. This thread went in the exact direction I thought it would.
  4. Sold the lower to someone and now I have this upp I dont need. Its the R upper which is way larger ports than the Track or street heat. $200 OBO http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/102.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/105.jpg
  5. cream cheese you sugar frosted cock sucker uhhh:no:
  6. U mad bro? Im pissed that you bought that clutch from me and never used it, Im gonna BEAT YOUR ASS
  7. I would say a Ford Flex but the used 09s are right around your price range but on average higher.
  8. agreed, its like Paul left and it spawned 5 more like him.
  9. He was already done pumping and about to leave hence why he was getting in his car. It was a Glock 36 with one in the chamber thanfully as his one arm was holding him in the car while the other eached for the gun.
  10. Any recomendations on which models are more tall ginger friendly?
  11. Comments like this make me LOL! Spend all that time and money on the car and then complain.
  12. Want the blower, not the car haha.
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