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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Dude what makes it even worse is the only real reason he was there was becasue Madcats asked for him to show up. There are barely any photos of any of us.
  2. This sucks waiting for the photographer to get pics up
  3. I would come out of the carousel and turn into the last left hander almost right on the limiter, I would have to shift still leaned over and that little hill made the bike wheelie which was scary at first but I got used to it. Once i get more comfortable in the corners i will probably be able to carry more speed allowing me to be up that next gear and not have to worry.
  4. No man, myth or legend here. Just a tall angry ginger
  5. Shit, I could run a marathon....................... not
  6. I would think put it happens alot. I removed mine and didnt find a crack in it until I applied pressure by hand.
  7. Sardeant FTW, Solo cowl for the rear
  8. Congrats on the purchase but ugh, I am tired of the Repsol hoopla
  9. On the dirver side there are both the high speed relay and the regular relay. Jump the regular relay without starting the truck and see what happens ( located on the actual fender in the fuse box.) The other High speed relay is in its own container over by the brake master cylinder. Also there is a common problem with the factory hoses in tank rotting away and not holding pressure for long. Also Fors used a plastic Y to connect the twin pumps and those were a common problem as well. I know JLP and some others sell a stainless Y which isnt really an upgrade as it is a realiability mod.
  10. Lightnings are return style. Did you reuse the stock rubber lines and plastic Y in the tank? Also swap out the fuel filter for a Navigator unit just to be sure, its an upgrade and never a bad idea.
  11. Dont want the extra payment a month so probably not.
  12. If it tickles your pickle than say no more, cant argue with what a woman wants and/ or likes.
  13. you shush your dirty whore mouth
  14. First off I would probably think that two road cones ridden by a skunk were pacing me and second, I usually have a hot girl on a bike not far behind me and sometime in front of me.
  15. i move my thumbs real fast and sometime i have to snap them to aim correctly
  16. Why so you can win year after year?
  17. You could have made this comment less gay
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