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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. "We are out of rounds, switching to guns.... I mean rockets."
  2. An Internet Cafe.... wonder if he was playing Unreal Tournament.... http://video.ocala.com/video/1737866652001
  3. FFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Now standard on any new applicants for CR
  5. Nice choice Gabe, those are some very loving dogs and MOST of the time good listeners
  6. LOLOL I wil rep you til the cows come home........ that sounded sexual and most likely is
  7. Name calling is not necessary
  8. For sure, there are some costs companies need to eat as a courtesy like Discover card charges and the like. In this case no one would buy AEP because they are buying up companies left and right, trying to branch out into different types of energy business. AEP has majorly declined any sponsorship they used to do and a lot of their internal programs are going away.
  9. Tell me how a company can be guaranteed profit margins but on the same coin is heavily government regulated? Do you work for AEP? Have you not gotten a raise in the last 4 years other than cost of living, maybe. It concerns me that if enough people do not want to pay for something they will moan until they get their way but gladly pay WAY too much at a gas pump or a pack of over priced cigarettes. Running a company isn't cheap regardless of size, and if your costs go up and you don't raise prices, you end up with nothing.
  10. Lol I probably should not offer 600, Chris might kill me in my sleep. Let me see what I can do little dude.
  11. I would race if I could ever get anyone to finish my shit
  12. LOL at you guys complaining about raised pricing. PUCO told AEP to eat shit when AEP said they can lower costs by burning coal, one of the more abundant fuels for power but messy. PUCO also told AEP they cannot raise prices and burn less coal so they basically have to do everything more expensive than before and charge the same for it. Basic business says if your overhead goes up and your pricing stays the same you cannot make money, so AEP said they would lay a bunch of people off and start stealing peoples business hence their big push up north
  13. I went to High School with Nate............. on a side note, never knew there was another Ashlander on here
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