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Everything posted by jeremygsxr

  1. Can you stitch "ball out" in my undies with the hole in em'?
  2. I think you should have told them you were going to mount him in the rear, and it would only cost $250! on that note I have a friend in tire industry, pm me if you have not gotten this taken care of.
  3. I say tell her to lead by example. Let her and her fattest friend jump off a cliff at the same time and we'll see which one lands first.
  4. yota if you check this, I am going to a concert. If you're interested give me a shout.
  5. Yota I may get out and about Friday. I'm in N. College Hill area, but might end up around Cheviot. I'll pm my #.
  6. jeremygsxr


    Agreed. And translated for the impaired... Ibreed ed ed
  7. Have you considered sugargliders? If you want a pet that not everyone has, these are cool. You have to keep them in pairs, or they get depressed. My sister had a couple they are neat. And are easy to get friendly. http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4TSHB_enUS241US241&q=sugargliders&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=1HpSS_3yOZXOlAe8oomvCg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBQQsAQwAA
  8. Why does purple Kool-aid make your poop green?
  9. But he missed a bunch of questions on his english/language tests. Just bustin balls. As you were.
  10. I got it and thanks much. I been killin it!
  11. In the words of Mike Tyson... well I'll let him say it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTkw1-LW7M8 Nice!
  12. http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/cto/1521849736.html There is the link, I saw it and figured I'd share it with all of you lovely drama queers, and anyone else that doesn't cover. I personally owned 2-91 cbr 600's. You can't beat them for a first bike. They are comfortable and run pretty damn good.
  13. Is this code talk for makin whoopey?
  14. I would really appreciate an invite to demonoid, if anyone has one. I am really good at sharing, too.
  15. This video was in the related section..http://bikerpunks.com/mediaviewer/2186/couple-of-hotties-bouncing-it.html
  16. Are you saying "Meow"? Do I look like a cat?
  17. No, they're gone. Which reminds me that I need to address the threads about them.
  18. I watched "August Rush" a few nights ago. It was kind of a chick-flick but was a good movie. One thing I like about the movie is the actors actually perform their own music.
  19. I'm starting to look at pussy a little differently today.
  20. Also, Dumb and Dumber. Better clarify that statement. I am referring to the bathroom scene in the movie, not Sara and max!
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