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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. I was there when they set the record years ago. The problem is that was before cinemark was built and they actually had the entire parking lot to work with, now they couldnt fit that many bikes in the area they have to work with.
  2. A Harley Sportster 883 Iron that is flat black. There are enough stupid people there on a regular basis, attempting to put over 7000 of them there is just asking to get takin out by some dumb ass.
  3. If that was real it would be even funnier.
  4. Hurry up and get back to riding so i can sit around a gas station with you and your dead battery as we watch everyone else leave without us.
  5. Bills just like this have been introduced a bunch of times over the years. The only reason this one is getting any press is because the president is half black and someone decided to call it the slavery bill.
  6. We dont want any Medina County trash. Oh yea and
  7. Why the hell does a kid have a butter knife in a school in the first place? Yes, someone regardless of age selling food and beverage for public consumption is a business.
  8. oh yea and your wife I like her too.
  9. not too far from me at all, hopefully I don't have to work late that night
  10. Stand was being operated illegally, period, end of story. The only reason people have a problem with this is because it was a kid and when it comes to kids logic goes out the door and people think only with emotion. Had this been a 40 year old selling brownies and lemonade and the cops shut him or her down no one would give a shit. The cop did his job, quit bitching.
  11. Cop had absolutely no reason to draw his gun. Motorcycle was backing up before the guy even got out of his car so he was not backing up due to the gun being drawn. Perhaps because he was backing up that is why the officer felt the need to draw his weapon, basically as a deterrent. The cop never did point his gun at the rider or bike he pulled it and had it pointing at the ground the entire time it was out. I do not see where people are claiming he is hiding his gun, after the second car arrives (assuming that is what he looks at) he holsters his weapon, he is not hiding anything, he has the holster on his right side and has his right side toward the other cop so I do not see anything indicating he is trying to hide his gun.
  12. Now I understand why the west siders stay west, thanks to Likwid and Magley I now hate everyone east of Cleveland. (except for Magley's girlfriend, I like her.)
  13. add a punch or 2, a scuffed knee and a kicked toad and its close enough
  14. your just mad because he owned you and made you look like an idiot, its ok though i already thought you were and idiot so my opinion didnt change at all.
  15. Damn it why does everyone have to be so violent! All I did was suggest Likwid calm down a bit and he punched me. He got all worked up because I looked at his bike and said:lbts: you That should be at least 12, right Matt?
  16. I "hope" I never see that again.
  17. I was going to try to be as cool as you and be a pic whore but as close as I can get is this picture and all you can see is the top of my windshield to the left of the telephone pole.
  18. Well things didn't work out quite the way we wanted but oh well dinner and general bullshitting at 5pm works for me.
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