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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. If it's something you disagree with it's automatically a "liberal" policy? Do you even KNOW the history of child support laws? I didn't realize we were turning this into a political debate? The OP didn't put it in that section...
  2. You know how hard it is to drive drunk, let alone walk? pssh.. n00bs. (j/k, gosh!)
  3. It's easier to find when it's your desktop image. He would've had to search for hot babez.
  4. Since this lacks specificity, the 'probable cause' wording is ripe for subjectivity. Anything that's a subjective measure is an open invitation / loophole to violate your 4th Amendment rights. So you're correct, but try and stop them from pulling you over for "weaving" when you weren't. Your word vs. theirs. I agree, but everything has a cost associated with it, and as a society we have to determine if we should bear that cost as an extension of our government branches. Callous as it is, putting the emotions aside, it's a cost-benefit analysis - just not all the costs are tangible.
  5. Too bad they don't include how much it cost to run a checkpoint. I'd like to see if it was worth it. Would you pay $20/drunk to get them off the road? I'd say that's probably effective use of taxpayer money, but if it's $2000/drunk... then it starts getting gray.
  6. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2268404705.html 2001 Honda RC51/RVT, Race Bike! - $1900 (Wickliffe) Not bad, as long as you don't mind having a what looks like a stolen bike and only being able to ride it on the track.
  7. There are consequences to having high debt, yes, but you have to look at it relatively. Debt only becomes an issue when your investors don't think you'll be able to pay your bills. The US bonds and their rates are still the threshold for setting the baseline (I.e. The risk-free rate of return) because 'investors' still haven't lost faith in our gov'ts ability to pay it's bills. We had a surplus prior to Bush, and after chasing Bin Laden for a decade with nothing to show for it, along with bailing out Wall Street so they don't fall on their asses without their golden parachutes, we ARE in a period of financial pain and on a path of an unsustainable financial future. Changes will need to be made, for sure, but this is akin to you getting rocked with unplanned medical expenses one year and having trouble paying your 30yr mortgage. You'll adjust, get your finances back on track, and pay your mortgage company - they know it's just a temporary issue.
  8. Do I need to google it for you? I'm sure you can do your own research on it. But, just one right off the top of my head that I remember from Econ is that there is an unlimited amount of time to pay off debt on a macro scale. You, as a person, have all your debts cleared when you die (if your estate doesn't cover them, they can't go after your family for your debt) -- when does a country die? You think America will die? I think we'll have an indefinite period to pay off this debt. So that's one of the bigger issues that changes things.
  9. Kinda reminds me of this... Very loosely connected. Amish car culture. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135985/
  10. OpEd: Electronic Arts Needs To Get Off of Call of Duty’s Nuts http://www.gamefront.com/electronic-arts-needs-to-get-off-of-call-of-dutys-nuts/
  11. Ninja plz, I'm running a 10yr old rig. Single core 2.0Ghz P4, 512MB RAM, nVidia GeForce3 vid card, Soundblaster 128. I actually had to install a PCI ethernet card, and a TV tuner card.
  12. Pretty much proof that people are short-sighted idiots. This really has nothing to do with Kasich or Strickland, just that people ebb and flow like the wind, typically on one or two issues and when they don't see immediate results, they start switching directions. Educated populace fail. Kasich very unpopular, would lose do-over to Strickland by 15 http://sherrodbrown.com/news/articles/kasich_very_unpopular_would_lose_do_over_to_strickland_by_15/
  13. Who would've thought you actually had to pay for a few wars and bailing out the Wall Street fatcats? You know, those top 2% of Americans who we can't let tax cuts expire for because they create sooo many jobs. I can't even spit without hitting someone grateful for their opportunity to work for AIG.
  14. This has been discussed before. Your personal budget and the economics that go along with that is NOT equivalent to the macroeconomic theories that drive gov't spending and budgeting. You're using the wrong analogy and evaluation tools through the OPs "simple math".
  15. Not game changing, but I give Frostbite 2 rep.
  16. Here's a more realistic article... When's the best time to buy gas? Hint: It has nothing to do with the temperature outside. http://www.mnn.com/green-tech/transportation/stories/whens-the-best-time-to-buy-gas
  17. Beat me to posting it... later dogg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1plPyJdXKIY
  18. ^--- Skeptical guy is much less skeptical now.
  19. Looks like she ran outta Jack and started brushing her teeth with Crisco.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0&feature=player_embedded Compliments of the Alan Cox Show on WMMS. This'll be the next pop sensation hittin' the streets... http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rebecca-black-friday
  21. Is that shopped? Skeptical internet surfer guy is skeptical...
  22. Cool. Thanks for the update. Should've been a non-issue until Kasich's office drew attention to it by issuing the decree in the first place. Glad they reversed their decision. Sunshine laws, ftw.
  23. Kasich forbids broadcast of budget announcement http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20110314/NEWS01/110314017/1002/news01/Kasich-forbids-broadcast-budget-announcement Emphasis mine... hmm, wonder why?
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