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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. You do realize that state employees file a tax return just like the rest of us right? Most people get money back... they don't pay in. I'm still lost... the tax money never does leave the "pot" -- just like YOUR tax money never leaves the pot and you float the gov't a 0% interest loan every year.
  2. I'm not following you... plz be moar clear.
  3. Ok, but they still PAY taxes. It might just be moving from the left pocket to the right pocket in their case, but the individuals don't get to keep that money. Same as us private sector folks...
  4. If you pay more taxes than your entire gross income ... You're doing it wrong.
  5. http://funnycrave.com/news-flash-man-caught-masturbating-in-pile-of-cow-poop%E2%80%A6again/22109/ Full article: http://www.thisisdevon.co.uk/news/Slurry-pervert-court-returning-farm-sexually-gratify/article-3289907-detail/article.html I only have 2 questions: When did Fonzie go to the UK? And, who bailed him out?
  6. Charlie Sheen's Guide to Mental Wellness
  7. Prominent Conservative Radio Hosts Planted Scripted Actors Among Callers
  8. Ohio Republican Cut From Committee Over Union Vote Speaks Out Ed Schultz: The Economic State of the Middle Class is Tied to Union Membership
  9. I don't think someone needs an MBA or a finance degree to realize thats not true when you're looking at optimized and efficient use of money.
  10. Tix were free from a charity raffle. I've been told me and the gf are in section 127, row 18 -- just look for the guy double-fisting those 270 calorie-a-piece dollar dogs (w/ diet soda).
  11. Me too. LE Monsters game tonight, but after that -- all gaming.
  12. Riding has no rational explanation Via: http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2011/03/riding-has-no-rational-explanation/ Personal commentary:This. F*(king this. This video is the closest embodiment of what ORDN and motorcycling means to me and the people I've had the opportunity to ride with - the scenery, the rides, the bikes, the people, the goofiness, the tickets, the karaoke, the stops, and even the occasional accident. Yes, I watched all 52 minutes of it. The only real change for me is that the soundtrack inside my head is a harder... but this compilation called "The Habitat" from Wisconsin Sportbike Riders (WISpR - out of Madison I think) captures it all. I can't wait to get out this summer with all you knuckleheads.
  13. Call the cyberpolice and have them backtrace it. The consequences will never be the same.
  14. The problem with "the people" is they all want something for nothing, and will only support causes they think THEY will benefit from and to hell with the rest of the 'system'. Human nature is not to be concerned about anyone else but their social circle or sphere of influence. I could rant on and troll more, but I want to save something for later.
  15. Whether I'm trolling or not, the points are still valid. The rules are there. There is no rule about not showing up, they're all out on junkets for all you know. This isn't a McDonalds-punch-a-timeclock type job. They travel, they politik, they visit places to learn about how other people do things, etc. GOP can quittheirbitchin'
  16. Because the Republican are whining about the Dems not being there to vote. Them being there is part of the Rules of the Wisconsin Assembly, which is why they can't vote on it. If they didn't have that rule, then they could bulldoze whatever they want through without it mattering who is present or not. So they're whining too. Now it's just a game of oneupsmanship. GOP: No unions! Dems: Bad idea, we don't have the power to vote this down, but we can still play by the rules. Peace out, bitches. GOP: Oh yea? We'll start docking your pay... your move... Everyone loved the Republican obstructionism, but now turnabout isn't fair play?
  17. Kinda hypocritical don't you think? Because the message the GOP is sending is "Waaa, we don't want to follow our own rules, so we're just gonna try to bully people to get what we want! Waaa!"
  18. but it didn't RHYME without making it plural.... *sadface*
  19. Mj will tell you she'll play, but then not show up.
  20. Damn! I was hoping I could post the video for "Custom - Hey Mister" subtly in a few threads hoping to get you bent outta shape if you were having a girl. Congrats on rugrats, again!
  21. I love this idea too... good way to raise revenue. When you run the show, just start fining people that disagree with you. In fact, I think we oughtta take it a step farther and start throwing these liberal dissidents in jail. It works for China and Cuba. Wisconsin Republicans Try To Fine Dem Senators Into Submission
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGODbEjIuf0&feature=player_embedded Rep. Tim Ryan's Passionate speech against Ohio's SB-5
  23. I could see god rockin' a Sabra, but a 911? Too conspicuous.
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