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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. That Raptor is probably the only Ford product I find desirable. I'd own one if I got a smokin' deal on it.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UagQIC3ags
  3. Gov. Chris Christie: The Biggest Sham In American Politics
  4. There's a difference between being cheap, and being value-based consumer. I'd buy a $70 battery if it'll last three times as long as a $40 one. One thing you can't buy -- class. Sorry Porter.
  5. No more tax cuts for those making > $250k year would be a good start. Trickle down economics DOES NOT WORK. If you believe that, I have some 'trickle-down' right here for you... on your face.
  6. I love how they save what most people already probably knew for the end of the article -- "Johnston allegedly was high on methamphetamines at the time of the incident" I just wish he would've gotten some rehab... courtesy of Springfield, Ruger, or Smith and Wesson.
  7. Interesting how some adamant conservatives on here are jumping off the conservo-bandwagon when it affects them. Jussayin'. I'd make a crack about how the only thing that kept fazer1sniper from being a socialist was the fact that he carried an M16 and not an AK47, but I'm too skeerd. Just to this AM http://www.tvnewslies.org/html/day_in_the_life_of_joe_middle-.html
  8. Wera classifieds have their own 'for pay' site now. $10 per ad for 90 days. Http://weraclassifieds.com I think I liked it better in the forums.
  9. We need to change and be more moderate of a system that's been around for decades? Its the system that's all of a sudden too liberal or conservative? We need to re-compromise now because the states can't honor the contracts they've agreed upon?
  10. ZOMFG! Marion, Ohio has the internetz!
  11. Addition to above: Republican Governor Deliberately Spent Wisconsin Surplus To Pick Fight With Unions
  12. Sure you do Everyone that has a sportbike rides it like a Euro-scooter chick.
  13. If, through some miracle, they actually do break the union and this passes... I can't wait to see the kind of 'talent' the prevailing wages and benefits will attract to these positions.
  14. Let's see, I'll nitpick your ad for a free bump. Why do people write "Adult owned" in these ads? Are there a bunch of 16-17 yr olds out there with these bikes? I know a lot of the older guys that ride the piss outta their machines -- I'm not quite sure what the term "adult owned" is supposed to convey to the seller.
  15. Once you're on a sportbike vtwin, you'll never look back. I love my Hayabusa, but nothing puts a smile on my face like firing up the SV and twisting the throttle. As far as the chickenhawk, I'm not really sure of any issues (I know the RC51s were prone to overheating, but I don't think the 996s were -- so I think that was a fairing vs. radiator placement issue on the RCs). I THINK the 996 don't have the over-the-bars fairing stay, which I like better, but that's personal preference. Take cash, give cash, joyride, smile, leave cash with seller, take bike home.
  16. I'd pair the firefighters up and have them supervise each other. Or have a rotating supervisor position. Union busted.
  17. That's funny that the department appoints it. I'm sure there's no bias there. Kinda of like the workers comp doctor they sent my mother to after she was rear-ended, for the second time, in her postal vehicle that said there was nothing wrong with her neck. The three other independent doctors she went to had a differing opinion.
  18. I get it fireman, I'm on your side of this debate (though I'm just stoking the fire for the most part). But, honestly, the part I don't get is WHY are the chiefs so eager to DENY and screw people over? I know they do it and that's why you have a union, but I never figured out how it's in their best interest to do that other than to be a bunch of assholes -- and powertrippin' has never been a good reason for anything.
  19. Gimme your cell, I'll forward you all the ones I get from Fonz. I hope you like bestiality and BBBWs. Not my cup of tea, but I'm not here to judge -- I don't mind passing them along before I delete them.
  20. What's the definition of a "supervisor"? Hell, I'm sure the chief can print out a placard and put "supervisor" after your name - and you're no longer in the collective bargaining process. Simply applying a label to someone to shift power -- done all the time, and then the rules no longer apply.
  21. So how do you respond to the people that say -- "Well, if you don't like your job, then just leave" or "If you don't get promoted or are being treated like crap, then obviously it's your fault that you're not a high performer. You don't get the raises and leave that the other guys do because they're better than you. It's your dept's way of telling you that you need to work harder. Sure, you get shitty hours and shitty pay NOW, but if you work hard, you'll rise to the top... or maybe you just suck?" What do you say?
  22. This seems like a well written, proper intro. I think I'll wait to bust THIS n00bs chops.
  23. I wonder if Russell Livery is the same guy as Mark Schumway. He's the fruitcake that's been using MY cell number.
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