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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. http://jfs.ohio.gov/ohp/bhpp/hcap/ http://jfs.ohio.gov/ohp/bhpp/hcap/hcap2009.stm Your buddy is why Obamacare needed to be passed. My personal comments are in red. Tell your buddy he's welcome, and we hope he gets better.
  2. Crazy you found an op-ed written by an author/member of the CRC funded by them Koch brothers that's anti-union. Shocking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_Research_Center And while I can appreciate disagreement as long as it's based in fact, the entire oped has no links to the claims that Patterson makes. The links that ARE in the article double back upon themselves. Using your quote above, how do unions loathe freedom and love big government? The government doesn't implement unions, they just protect the right of workers to organize and assemble. Your freedom, as a worker, is to walk away from a union shop and go find a non-union job. You don't want to pay your dues to reap the benefits of the group that has organized and assembled, then don't take the job. Also, "unfree markets" really? What's unfree? People always forget these are COLLECTIVELY BARGAINED CONTRACTS with employers. The employers are free to hire scab labor and kick people out. There's nothing that forces GM, Ford, or Chrysler to deal with the UAW. They can fire everyone tomorrow (well, they could if they didn't agree to the UAW contract), but come next contract negotiation time... they can let the UAW workers strike, rehire scabs, and resume production if they want. I don't understand how people equate "unfree markets" with "contract law". Is it unfair that you have to pay your mortgage to the bank? Unfree market. If the employers don't like the contract they agreed to, then DON'T sign it.
  3. Usually the requirement is a deposit or withdrawal... so you could direct deposit your check into one, and direct withdrawal your mortgage out of another, and direct withdrawal an electric or gas bill from another, and withdrawal a car payment from another... just make sure you use paypal and remember to move money back into all the withdrawal accounts. But, unless you're a serious spender (I'm not), your biggest difficulty is going to hit the 10-20 debit transactions PER ACCOUNT each month... 4 accounts and you need to makes 40-80 total transactions across 4 different cards per month. I'm lucky to get all 12 that I'm required. Groceries once a week = 4, cable bill = 1, cell bill = 1, water/trash bill = 1, out to eat once a week = 4 ==> 11, and there's usually 1 or 2 misc expenses that I make to get my last one. If you're really hardcore like some people, they fill up their gas tank each day. It may only be a gallon or less, but it counts as a transaction... it's not dependent on the amount (at least not yet). Granted, I'll chase rates and things, but I value my time more than to try to juggle 4 or 5 high yield accounts for an extra $1000 in taxable interest per year. It adds up, but at that point it's an (opportunity) cost-benefit loss for me.
  4. That BMI deal would be good if you could seed that account with $50k. I typically go this route... http://www.depositaccounts.com/checking/reward-checking-accounts.html I've moved money 3 times chasing rates, but they're getting wise to this game so they started capping balances for the good APY.
  5. I judge all Christians by KKK and Westboro Baptist standards. I'm sure they're all like that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_terrorism#United_States
  6. Sure. Just like Verizon, TimeWarner, or Apple are Communist orgs. They all charge a fee for benefiting from their services.
  7. What happens when you run from the cops and run out of gas http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2012/12/what-happens-when-you-run-from-the-cops-and-run-out-of-gas/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCKyn8_fFC4
  8. This. And we all pay for it. They're desirable BECAUSE of the union fought benefits that everyone enjoys now (Holidays off, personal days, employer sponsored healthcare options, etc.). They're also desirable because it's good money for those that decided not to pursue a college education. But as those workers can no longer afford to buy many of the products they produce, they make less of a living wage and discretionary income to spend, it slowly erodes the local economy. Yes, it beats flipping burgers even at non-union rates, but that's like saying rotten food is better than starving. The latter really isn't an alternative, but the former isn't that great. 20 Reasons To Thank Labor Unions http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/09/02/20-reasons-to-thank-labor-unions/ Why We Need Labor Unions After All http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/why-labor-unions-172114831.html And some say that unions once served a purpose, earned these benefits, and now the common working man, who takes this stuff for granted, can just be complacent and assume these are all standards for "good jobs" now. Companies HAVE to do this because they want to attract employees. No... they'll set up a revolving door of workers, use them up, and discard them for new ones, because it's more economical. As a working man, or freshout of High School or college, the bills are stacking up, most folks aren't going to wait it out to find a company that pays them a living wage if offered guaranteed immediate employment at say... 80% of what they're worth. 80% now, is better than 0%, and better than future potential. So, now that you've taken that job at 80% what your market value is... you've just reduced the market value for those with similar skill sets. Not a problem if the demand > supply, but as employers are quick to remind everyone... you're lucky to have a job and they can find someone to take your place because there are thousands unemployed like you; therefore supply is perceived to be > demand. There is also a perception that all work output is equal. Well, if you'll work for 80% and there is an perceived abundance of supply, employers will continue to drive wages and benefits down for those that are employed under the threat of replacement - earning themselves more and more profit, with no real intention of swapping headcount. Especially now, in this economy, who is benefiting most from the pool of unemployed? Corporations, because as long as that pool is there, they can make demands of employees not previously expected because they fear being replaced. Race to the bottom. /endrant TL;DR?-----v It's like traffic tickets, when it affects you individually, it sucks but most people take it and pay... but if EVERYONE fought traffic tickets, it'd collapse the system.. That's what corporations are doing to wages and benefits. Unions attempt to stop that... NIMBY.
  9. I've heard from a reliable source (who has a certain small woodland creature in it's name) that there is a War on Christmas going on right now. I'm barricading my door with Bibles and Blunderbusses so the Jews and Muslims don't force me to put up Menorahs and blank pictures of Muhammad while they haul away my very Jesus-y tree and presents.
  10. The Chrysler guys already got their jobs back... it's too late. http://jalopnik.com/5967123/chrysler-had-to-rehire-the-workers-caught-getting-stoned-during-lunch Seriously though, it's not stopping people from joining unions... just no longer having to pay for their benefits. It's basically letting free riders get union fought benefits without paying their dues. So, I don't know how conservatives could support a measure like this that equates to worker welfare, where some don't have to pull their fair share to reap the benefits of it. Unless... it puts more wealth in the hands of the already wealthy.... which it does. So, I get THAT part of it. More money is > moochers. I'm not really a supporter of the "Right to work...for less" laws.
  11. Besides, I don't think Muslims would be allowed to touch my car
  12. Not worried about it. Protected.
  13. Since when did they let Muslims start using the internet? All the Muslims I know ILLEGALLY use the internet (since they aren't supposed to, Bible says so) to recruit young men lacking self-esteem in order to perform acts of terrorism against us infidels.
  14. Weird how women do that to a guy...
  15. I think Muslims killed Biggie -- and they've never been brought to justice. Obama hates rap. Proof: http://www.atoast2wealth.com/tag/nation-of-islam-killed-biggie-smalls/ I just made that up (since it is news that Biggie's autopsy report was released (see TMZ) and the fact that we were talking about Islam, but out of fun I plugged it into Google and there was a link. Internet, you crazy!
  16. Read: Random sex, Bi sex, Tri sex, One night sex, More sex.
  17. Disclaimer


    If you have to powerlifter, she's too big. #rimshot I'm more of a stamina guy
  18. Where's the 'Tin Foil Hat Club' smiley? I just can't get over how "fringe" websites are the truth, and mainstream ones are misleading. Or any more misleading than the other sites. Long live the First Amendment theatre where anyone with a computer, an internet connection, and $100 can put together a website of "information" that they can spread like herpes. God Bless America.
  19. There are a lot of oils left off Tom's short list... you really need to read the PDF he linked for them. Mobil 1 is on there as is Valvoline... but you may not recognize them depending on how they registered them with JASO vs. how they package/market them here.
  20. Could run vintage class... but that's a very heavy 600cc machine.
  21. I see nothing wrong. Whenever I hit someone with my vehicle, the first thing I do is pin them to the ground and hold them there in proper citizen's arrest form. This gets especially difficult if they're still conscious and full of adrenaline... plus legs that haven't been compound fractured on impact. Sometimes its easier to just use my vehicle to pin them for an extended period of time - since it seems to take officers an extended period of time to arrive in order to cite the jaywalking perp.
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